House of the Dragon (Game of Thrones prequel series) Spoiler thread !post evening airing!
  • Club foot man has foot fetish. Eyepatch man probably really likes eyes.
  • And who was the woman? Did she kidnap boyking or just ... know he was hiding under a table?
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    monkey wrote:
    And who was the woman? Did she kidnap boyking or just ... know he was hiding under a table?

    She was Daemon's ex from early doors.

    And the dragon thing is because dramatic entrances trump logic and reason. Presumably she's away to join the other lot who are about to go to war with this lot? Could have won it then and there
  • Kow
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    I was wondering why I didn't remember anything about a dragon in this episode, but now I remember I fell asleep in the middle of the episode. As I was really only paying attention to Viserys, now I don't have much idea what everybody is doing.
  • monkey wrote:
    1. Death by forcibly sitting someone down too hard was stupid. 
    2. Didn't understand why boyking was hiding under a table. 
    3. Didn't understand why the two pairs of prats were trying to be first to find him. So because Otto lost the contest now he can't suggest to the King to kill the other Princess? Stupid. 
    4. The guard who rescued the old Princess said they can't go to the Dragon pit because they'll be looking for her there. So they need to go somewhere else before they realise she's gone? Are they looking for her yet or not?
    5. Dragon through stone floor in just the right spot with a human rider on its back. Ridic. And then why did she do it? Just to look at them and give them a bit of a scare?

    1. It was his skull getting caved by those weird spheres they have in front of members of the council. I've tried to figure out what they represent but have been unsuccessful. They're not speaker spheres, they don't indicate the council is in session, they don't indicate that this particular member is present. Maybe they're just fidget toys.

    2. He's a drunken rapist. He got drunk, got himself kidnapped and stored under a table. Because no other restraint was required.

    3. I got very confused by the twins (are they seriously called Erryk and Arryk?). No idea who they are or why there were lingering shots like they were important. Confused by the fight to retrieve the king. They're all on the same side, no? They're both working for Hightowers?

    4. I took that to mean the dragons would be guarded. The annointing of the new king was announced after Rhaenys' imprisonment.

    5. I thought she burst through the roof. What I was highly impressed by was she had enough time to change into armour and then burst into the chamber from wherever.

    Overall, another very flawed but watchable episode. I like the quieter politicking. These grand entrances and constant nods GoT can go away. Also really eyerolled at the foot fetish moment. Really cheap.
  • And yes, I think she could have Darcarys-ed the whole royal family then and there, but I guess she didn't want to deal with that shitstorm so just shouted at them and flew away back home.
  • To be fair, Old Dragon Lady isn't necessarily expecting a war. So it would be a tad dramatic to fry the entire family there and then. And, as far as she knows, the Queen doesn't want to kill off Dr Who & Co but negotiate with them. And Dr Who & Co, from her understanding, killed her son. So maybe thought better of it but wanted to show them that she could if she felt like it.

    The Queen even said to her that, without her dragon, Dr Who might be forced to negotiate. So maybe she's just taking herself out of the mix. 

    Or maybe I'm crediting it with too much intelligence and next ep she's going to show up on Dr Who island and start scheming about how to kill everyone in King's Landing.
  • Also really eyerolled at the foot fetish moment. Really cheap.

    Think it's a reaction to people complaining that all the timeskips make the story feel sole-less.
  • Pretty much. Would have been satisfying to watch them tremble.

    This would all have been avoidable if they just gave their kids unique names. How many Aegons does a family need?
  • I got very confused by the twins (are they seriously called Erryk and Arryk?). No idea who they are or why there were lingering shots like they were important. Confused by the fight to retrieve the king. They're all on the same side, no? They're both working for Hightowers?
    I think that if the Hand spoke to the boyking first, then he could get him to send people to kill Dr Who & his wife before they find out the King is dead. The Queen getting to him first, and telling him not to, has prevented that. So, I think what the writers had in mind was a race against time with the future of the realm hanging in the balance. But it was badly botched.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Absolute lol at whoever speaks to him first wins. What a show
  • The premise of the whole thing is a bit ropey. Firstly, there's the far-fetched situation with the Strong bastards. But the reason Queen Hightower is going along with installing her son is that the realm wouldn't accept Dragon Princess as Dragon Queen, so Dragon Princess would need to kill boyking and eyepatch. But Queen Feet didn't care about her sons inheriting the throne, and if those factions were united, they would own all the dragons. Who's on the other side that would be fighting that war?
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    What happened to the Sea Snake? Still at death's door?
  • Yes. Gone away for 6 years so presumably Lady Driftmark has been consolidating her power over the Driftmark. Which Rhaenyra should have been doing while she was popping out Strongs.

    Right, so because Crusten (not correcting, Cole is the worst character. Got cocked once and has been bitter ever since) got there first, Allicent was able to impress her plan on Aegon. There's not really anything stopping the Hand from just sending people to kill Rhaenyra and her family without Allicent knowing. They've had a plot to install Aegon on the go without her knowing already.

    Good question about who would war ...

    Thinking about it, Princess did nothing to strengthen her claim or control over the court. She has no allies on the council now her dad has died. There are some that will stand by their oath but maybe more out of integrity than belief in Rhaenyra. But she'd have to want to press that claim, and I'm not sure she wants it.

    She has dragons. That's the main advantage. Aegon does not and Allicent cannot rely on the Valaryons for their support and dragons. Aemond has the largest dragon. They're outdragoned.

    There's also this trifecta or trimark or whatever that's causing trouble. I'm sure they could find advantage stirring this shit up and finding people to support either claim.

    So it could be whipped up into a devastating civil war where no one knows why they're fighting or who they're fighting for.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    no one knows why they're fighting or who they're fighting for.

    Now we're playing the game of thrones!
  • Kow
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    Sounds like Spinal Tap lyrics.
  • The build-up to war in GoT Season 1 was one spark setting off an uncontrollable sequence of events, some people acting the cunt and stoking it, misunderstandings, some people trapped by circumstance, Ned Stark's naivety, Joffrey's cuntishness and immaturity.  

    This is just "There's going to be a war one day." Twenty years pass, then "Alright it's war time."
    I still quite like it, but last night's episode was an absolute howler. The biggest worry is that it's at its worst when it's doing big, dumb, nonsensical, action stuff and I imagine there's going to be a lot of that now.
  • There was some subtlety there - Otto not appearing to know Myseria(?), despite that message from her about Daemon and the princess in the whorehouse getting him the sack. That accent feels deliberately bad as well. Child fighting pit wasn't good either though, it doesn't feel like a fit with this society.

    Helena prophesising the beast under the boards was interesting, but it feels like planting that seed might have pushed the showrunners into that bad showpiece.
  • Watched the leaked finale. Lots to like, but an odd place to end and another very odd decision that's in line with their other odd decisions.
  • Gonzo’s right (dammit). This show has rewarded the drudge of sticking with it. The last two episodes (not the leaked finale, haven’t seen that yet) have been top tier.

    Except the foot fetish scene. That was shit.
  • Here, the finale was ace. This show was worth watching.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Just got round to it tonight. What's ace about it? Would love to see what you've seen.

    I just laughed at the Sea Snake coming out of his convenient holding pattern to get his 'enders surprise entrance. And at the accidental dragon killing, very silly. That's if the lad is dead like, I'd not put an off screen and between series surprise rescue dive past a show with writing as bad as this.

    I also got confused by how many children the queen is supposed to have (the midwife said she's been through it five times before? I thought she only has the two kids? Am I tripping?). Curious about who has a dragon, how they got them and why some important Valeryons like old lazy bum Sea Snake don't have them if there are a few known to be pottering about unclaimed. Has Dr Who got two dragons now? Greedy cunt
  • GooberTheHat
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    She's had a few with her uncle too.

    Worst bit for me was the decision to send the sons away alone in the first place. At the very least have them go together!
  • I think I fell into the habit of being too harsh on this, to the point where the crowd scene where Aegon was being kinged felt like something from Monty Python and the sky battle close-ups looked like Neverending Story (and everything else was a bit Knightmare). Maybe the cooling off period will help me to stop shaking my head at season 2, because despite all the flaws it was kind of enjoyable on the whole and I expect I'll carry on watching. So many shit bits though, and hardly any of the strong personality characters Thrones was so good at.
  • I enjoyed the last episode in particular and the series as a whole, but it's hard to deny that it's a bit of a mess.

    Lots of the deaths being possible accidents is just strange, they've probably done it because the book is supposed to be full of unreliable sources, but it's in no way the same thing and almost adds a comical element to things. 

    @sparky: Basically the Targaryens are supposed to be the only dragon riders.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Ah right, fair enough. I was forgetting about the gay Valyrian and Dr Who's wife being half Targ
  • Haven't even watched the finale yet. Might not even bother.
    Definitely not in for season 2.

    Wigs in the dark just isn't enough for me.
  • Don't give a flying fuck about any of the characters but thought it was alright in the end.
  • Gamermike wrote:
    Don't give a flying fuck about any of the characters but thought it was alright in the end.

    Put that on the back of the DVD box!
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map

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