The Dark Knight Rises for the last time... (Spoilers as well if you like)
  • I saw it again in Imax, quite pretty, but yes severely flawed. Seems to be Nolan's MO these days with Inception being extremely flawed once the spectacle wears off. It's a shame too because his earlier stuff like the Prestige and Memento etc is solid even on repeat viewings and breaking down the logic of it all.

    Watching it again I just wondered why Oldman and his crew waited until the last 18 hours or so to track the trucks as they made the decision to do so before Batman had come back. The whole premise of shutting down the island and "hope" and all that didn't really make sense and wasn't fleshed out enough. The twist is still stupidly cheap and doesn't fit (in my mind a good twist should make more sense when you watch the movie a second time). And I still find the first Bane/Batman fight to be incredible underwhelming, just a lot of slow haymakers that makes for a stupid looking fight.

    Ah well, makes you wonder what it would have been with Ledger still around.

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