Just given up on...
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
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    hylian_elf wrote:
    I lasted about half an hour on Not a Hero before getting a bit bored.

  • Cos
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    Jacks Joystick

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    Moot_Geeza wrote:
    Broforce is a tough act to follow though.  Maybe try Not a Hero, if you've got that?

    It is indeed. I'll give NAH a look though, cheers.

    I did also pick up Baba is You, Steamworld Dig 2 and FutureGrind in sales recently so no shortage of stuff to get on with.
  • Half an hour is probably long enough to know if you'll get on with Broforce, but maybe not quite long enough to declare nah with NaH.  It's an excellent game, imo.
  • Cosby wrote:
    Broforce is a tough act to follow though.  Maybe try Not a Hero, if you've got that?
    It is indeed. I'll give NAH a look though, cheers.

    Be prepared to restart levels multiple times, but if you're okay with dying, learning and route planning for stages that may only take two minutes to eventually beat it's great.

    Edit: Actually, you did the optional missions in Broforce didn't you?  I gave up on the Time Bro one.  It's similar to those, broadly speaking.
  • Cos
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    Jacks Joystick

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    Yeah, a couple of those missions got a bit frustrating but enjoyed them overall so hopefully bodes well for NaH.
  • Sekiro not played it for ages, dont have the time to dedicate to it at present. Same position I was at a out a month or two ago when I last played it I.e. gorilla boss.
    Anyway it's available on the lend thread if anyone wants to play it.
  • Super One More Jump

    I don't often give up on games after the initial 'do I like it?' stage, but SOMJ finally finished me off at the weekend.  I've been playing it on and off for over a year and reached the final stages of the penultimate set of levels, but fuck it all in the bin, it's unpossible for me.  It reached the point where each <2min stage was taking me over an hour to learn, so by my calculations I'd need to devote a minimum of 12hrs to the last segment in order to complete it.  So no, I've come to my senses and I'm not doing that, even for the sweet satisfaction of knowing it didn't beat me.  I am dead.  

    It's a one button auto-runner that often bobs around the £2 mark in sales, and believe it or not it's an excellent game for a good while.  Look at that video though - click anywhere, you'll see what I mean.  One imperceptible delay on that button stab and you're booted back to the start.  I like games that you gradually learn the patterns/layouts to succeed at, I have no problems with the format itself, but this one gets so hard you're basically learning the rhythm of the taps rather than responding to obstacles on screen.  I still love it, but I hate it so much.  Possibly the hardest game I've played since the days when it was fine to release unwinnable games.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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  • That looks like no fun at all.
  • I might give up on this one too:

    Another game that's fundamentally good at what it does but gets too hard too quickly to enjoy.
  • Steamworld Dig

    Got to the end where there is a boss fight. Tried it twice and gave up. Unnecessary boss fight which the game didnt need.
  • Wilmot's Warehouse
    This is alright until it isn't. You're a 2D block in a warehouse. Blocks with pictures are delivered at the bottom. You drag them around and arrange them into meaningful categories and layouts that you design so you can retrieve them under a time limit later when the customers show up. Repeat forever. There isn't much game at all there but it's still decent for a while. 

    As you go, you unlock more and more items. It's fun while the categories and stock levels are manageable. But as the warehouse fills up with more and more stock, each delivery can completely upset your inventory system. Suddenly you've got 20 dogs to store and the animal section can't handle that so you need to start reconfiguring the whole thing. So now you're redesigning a whole section, making space, shifting 100 odd blocks around, 8 at a time, wiggling them through gaps, dropping them, moving a couple of blocks out of the way, picking them back up again. This gets old very quickly. It's not giving you the tools you need to play the game in a non-tedious way. 

    90% of the game seems to be sorting out your inventory. There's a manic minute and a half delivering customer orders, 3 minutes for a new delivery, another customer bit, another delivery and then inventory sorting (it gives you unlimited time but it's probably about 10-20 minutes each go). There's 200 items to unlock and when you do, it's game over. I gave up about 4 hours in with 90 odd unlocked. There's another 6 hours or so maybe, lugging stuff about. Fuck it.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Art imitating life
  • acemuzzy wrote:
    Art irritating life

    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • It's not without it's charm. There's a nice minimalism about it, intentionally riffing off the old 80s bedroom coder games. It's completely sparse mechanics and open nature could launch a thousand 'what am games?' think pieces.
  • The Eurogamer review was fairly gushing about the lack of prescriptive solution.

    Mind you, I’m pretty sure it was the same guy who turned himself inside out to write that pretentious, positive review of Virginia.
  • Andy wrote:
    Mind you, I’m pretty sure it was the same guy who turned himself inside out to write that pretentious, positive review of Virginia.

    Never 4get!
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    Steamworld Dig Got to the end where there is a boss fight. Tried it twice and gave up. Unnecessary boss fight which the game didnt need.

    My view on all boss encounters.  I don’t understand them.
  • WOW! Maybe that’s actually their problem?  Just misunderstood bosses. They want to give you that pay rise, and Mary in accounts hasn’t had a day off sick for 12 years so it’d be nice to do something for her wouldn’t it but urrghh, all this red tape and all i want to do is something nice for the staff but urrgghhh it’s just not possible, my hands are tied, nngggg .....

    ***becomes super boss with power and strength greatly increased and massive red weak point where years of systematic knock back from his own bosses have show his size and strength to be nothing next to his broken heart.****
  • Shenmue and Shenmue II on gamepass, 15 mins on the first, 5 mins on the second. Loved both games to bits but they won't be getting revisited again.
  • Aye, never go back. I'll stick with the memories.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    No you won't. You'll see them evolve into III before fully regretting it
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    Shenmue and Shenmue II on gamepass, 15 mins on the first, 5 mins on the second. Loved both games to bits but they won't be getting revisited again.

    Can you elaborate? I've never played a Shenmue and I was eyeing these up on GP for a future bash, morbid curiosity perhaps. Clunky? Aged badly? Or if I've never played them before will it not be so bad?
    GT: WEBBIN5 - A life in formats: Sinclair ZX81>Amstrad CPC 6128>Amiga 500>Sega Megadrive>PC>PlayStation 2>Xbox>DS Lite>Xbox 360>Xbox One>Xbox One X>Xbox Series X>Oculus Quest 2
  • The intro sequence to the first game is still a thing of beauty and the music is good enough to impress without nostalgia.  Once you're in control of Ryo though....clunky is a good description.  Just moving around the house feels like a bit of an effort in 2019, so much so that I didn't bother leaving it before switching off.  QTEs will still be fun I'd imagine, especially the choreographed fightmans bits.  If you stripped it down it was never really a good game in terms of the way it played but the Shenmue feeling was one of a kind.  I'd imagine the ship has sailed, but it could be worth jumping on board at the start of Shenmue II, which contained a lot more action and a very memorable final third.  Good luck.
  • I have heard of the Jim Sterling but never actually heard him until now. I hadn’t realised that he’s basically just that Yahtzee bloke, what’s the point in having both?
  • Cheers. Doesn't sound too bad, I've played my fair share of clunky this gen so it doesn't deter. Worth it if there is a 'Shenmue feeling'.

    I'll give the vid a whirl later, Liv, ta.
    GT: WEBBIN5 - A life in formats: Sinclair ZX81>Amstrad CPC 6128>Amiga 500>Sega Megadrive>PC>PlayStation 2>Xbox>DS Lite>Xbox 360>Xbox One>Xbox One X>Xbox Series X>Oculus Quest 2
  • JMW wrote:
    I have heard of the Jim Sterling but never actually heard him until now. I hadn’t realised that he’s basically just that Yahtzee bloke, what’s the point in having both?
    I dont think they are all that similar.
  • They’re definitely from the same school (as is that guy in that video g.man posted recently) of twattery. (I like Zero Punctuation, but any other time I listen to Yahtzee he’s insufferable.) They flirt with that voice, they’ve got goatee beards (remember, only paedos and arseholes still have them) and probably still dress like they think they’re in the Matrix. There’s little doubt that they do that walk (the overlong strides so that their body bobs up and down) and most of their conversations are like that IT guy who pops in to the IT Crowd. I’m willing to bet that they only rate food on how spicy it is, as if that’s cool.
  • Sterling doesnt have a beard and doubt he has a walk, more a waddle.

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