Star Trek
  • I've no issue with the crew accepting the parallel universe. They are running a ship that runs on mushrooms and can travel instantly to any point in the galaxy after all.
    Regarding the latest episode:
    Spoiler: My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • I watched the first couple of Discoveries on Netflix last night. They're very shiny.
  • They are shiny, yes.  But as others have said, I too would like more one-off episodes, as opposed to long story arcs.  I am enjoying this Parallel Universe stuff and did not see that brilliant twist thing coming at all, but I do long for more wacked-out one-offs.

    Watching TNG recently (which hasn't aged well at all)  I wish Discovery would ape these kind of demented space encounters:

    Remember this guy...

    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • b0r1s
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    He was a cunt.
  • Killed Natasha Yah. I hate him.
  • Yeah well she wanted out of her contract so deserved all she got.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Birdorf
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    Martin Bird
    U: Birdorf, 3DS: 4382 3173 0928

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    Yeah, the first couple of seasons are a bit dodgy these days.
  • legaldinho wrote:
    Tell you what, this is probably the best sci fi show since, I dunno, Farscape. Lacks humour is all, but who knows. We might even get a skit about

    Strong since Farscape?

    If you make me watch this and it’s shit I will hunt you down and find a way to hurt you.
  • I think you will Actually wanna kill me until episode 9/10.

    Tbh I barely paid attention until then. But I rewatched all the episodes so far because I realised it was worth it.

    It's not as good as Farscape, and never will be - for the simple reason that it's not goofy enough.
  • Also no Claudia Black.
  • Ignore Gonzo, here is where it ranks - 

    Top 10 Sci-fi TV series evar, in order...

    1. Farscape
    1# Star Trek: TOS
    2. Voyager
    3. Firefly
    4. TNG
    5. Discovery 
    5  Space 1999
    6. Lost in Space 
    7  Deep Space 9
    8  That weird one with the giant fly spaceship, 'Lexx' or something?
    9. Bag of Shite
    10.Babylon 5
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Jesus, I can't even count to 10.  Ho hum. Back to work...
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Blocks100 wrote:
    Ignore Gonzo, here is where it ranks - 

    Top 10 Sci-fi TV series evar, in order...

    1. Farscape
    1# Star Trek: TOS
    2. Voyager
    3. Firefly
    4. TNG
    5. Discovery 
    5  Space 1999
    6. Lost in Space 
    7  Deep Space 9
    8  That weird one with the giant fly spaceship, 'Lexx' or something?
    9. Bag of Shite
    10.Babylon 5

    Except that I don't like star trek except for DS9, and I think Babylon 5 is better than DS9, I basically don't disagree with that top 5 - I'd say Firefly is more comedy / generic whedon genre than sci fi, and since all that other trek stuff came after Farscape, that means Discovery is second only to Farscape. (Subject to discovery actually continuing to deliver on what it has done so far).

  • Sci fi TV shows top 5 then (those that have completed their runs).

    1. Farscape.
    2. Babylon V
    3. Battlestar Galactica
    4. Dune: the miniseries.
    5. Deep Space 9

    Farscape so far above the rest, it's embarrassing.
  • You guys forgot about Stargate SG1. It has it all, McGyver,silly camp baddies and even Claudia Black. My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • Gonzo knows.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Blocks100 wrote:
    Ignore Gonzo, here is where it ranks - 

    Top 10 Sci-fi TV series evar, in order...

    1. Farscape
    1# Star Trek: TOS
    2. Voyager
    3. Firefly
    4. TNG
    5. Discovery 
    5  Space 1999
    6. Lost in Space 
    7  Deep Space 9
    8  That weird one with the giant fly spaceship, 'Lexx' or something?
    9. Bag of Shite
    10.Babylon 5
    This list has some huge issues. Voyager ahead of TNG. Firefly had about 7 episodes and most of those were toss. Lost In Space is terrible and you’ve put DS9 behind it. Bag of Shite should be higher.
  • I’ve never seen Farscape. It used to be on after the fresh prince or something and looked like a load of muppets pissing about.
  • Get watching! It has some tat episodes / TNG style single plot ones that fail, but the overall arc is good and the characters' chemistry is great. It was obviously a labour of love. Even my gf loved it and I'm pretty sure she was maybe not even born when the show premiered

    Edit actually she was 4
  • b0r1s
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    Pretty close with that list Gonz. For me it has to be

    1. Firefly (just enjoy every episode and I know it’s more about the characters, but the characters are so good).

    2. Babylon V (waxed enough about it but big big influence in modern arc stuff and did it way better than DS9. Only negatives are a shonky first series and a bit too sincere for its own good).

    3. Farscape (loved every minute of it when I first watched it. So weird and didn’t know where it was going. Tried to rewatch twice now and I can’t get past the first season for some reason)

    4. BSG (quality, for the most part great actors and characters, really excels with the sets and SFX, with a great overall arc. I even didn’t mind the ending.)

    5. Stargate SG1 (had to think hard about this last one and, again for me, the actors and characters win out. The chemistry of the main four is great and it even hangs together in later episodes when half of Farscape join the show.)

    Trek while I enjoy some of it, doesn’t get a look in, in comparison.
  • No red dwarf or futurama? That's bad form guys but no Fringe? SHAME!
    SFV - reddave360
  • b0r1s wrote:

    3. Farscape (loved every minute of it when I first watched it. So weird and didn’t know where it was going. Tried to rewatch twice now and I can’t get past the first season for some reason)

    Not that surprising - the first season had a lot of chuff episodes and really took some time to find its feet. The last third of S1 picks up, but I’d always recommend that people who watch Farscape push through Season 1 to get to the all-time great sci-fi that it becomes.
  • b0r1s
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    May give it another go then Cinty.

    Fringe was a great first watch, but last series let it down as I recall.
  • Need to watch babylon 5. DS9 is my favourite trek due to the dark nature of it as the series progressed. If babylon 5 is better as many people say then it's a must watch.
  • mannaboy
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    Shoutout for The Expanse. Definitely in my top ten sci-fi tv shows, Discovery is in there too provisionally.
    Things can only get better.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    I watched the first two episodes of the Expanse, it looked good but I was in the middle of doing work shit so it didn't have my full attention. I might start it again.
  • b0r1s
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    It’s alright. Needs better actors.
  • I watched the first two episodes of the Expanse, it looked good but I was in the middle of doing work shit so it didn't have my full attention. I might start it again.

    No spoilers but season one is different to season two and by the end of season two you really want season three. Never read the books it's based on, but they are supposed to be good.

  • EvilRedEye
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    oh my goddddddd
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • Birdorf
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    Martin Bird
    U: Birdorf, 3DS: 4382 3173 0928

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    I'm taking that as a positive.

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