The clumsy thread for clumsy people
  • About 8 years ago I'd been to a bar with a couple of mates, me and one girl were chaperoning my mate and her mate who were being all coy about getting together . The bus stop was by a 7-8 foot wall which you could walk round one side and up some stairs and sit dangling your legs over the drop, me and the one girl were sat on the wall having a chat while my mate was over the way trying to get a snog. When the bus came I dropped my bum off the wall spinning round to grab the top of the wall and let myself down, as I did this the copping stones came off in my hand. I fell to the floor and a large piece of masonry landed on my ankle, after rolling on the floor being laughed at I tried to get up and shrug it off but got searing pains shooting up my leg. My mate called me a taxi and fucked off on the bus with the girl he wanted to snog leaving me and her mate behind. It turned out I'd split both the bones in my ankle from the bottom to a couple of inches up. 8 hours in A&E the girl ended up staying the night at mine and we've been together ever since and now have two boys 7 and 3. While having the cast on I managed to slip in the kitchen and pour hot bacon fat on my other leg and a week later while rushing to get the door I broke my toe on my good leg by kicking my crutch.
  • Nice story that noface, worth the pain in the end.
  • Amazing thread. Great story noface.

    Never broken a bone, me. Or had anything quite like what I've read in here, IIRC. Mum always says I went through enough when I was born, but I'm sure I've told that story on Oldrum at some point.
  • regmcfly
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    Never broken a bone either. But I do have titanium bones in me ears.

    As Gav has, I've told that story on Oldrum too.
  • metagonzo
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    n0face wrote:
    ...8 hours in A&E the girl ended up staying the night at mine and we've been together ever since and now have two boys 7 and 3. While having the cast on I managed to slip in the kitchen and pour hot bacon fat on my other leg and a week later while rushing to get the door I broke my toe on my good leg by kicking my crutch.

    Fan-bloody-tastic. (Not the fat and toe things of course; they're just fucking funny)
    XBL, iOS, Steam: metagonzo
  • Never broken a bone yet, fortunately.

    I used do a natty line in cracked ribs, bruises, dislocated kneecaps and so forth but now I'm so bloody cautious I rarely hurt myself.  Although, my leg is still sore from falling into some roadworks when drunk last month (no Frantic, it's not time to post that photo again).

    Worst injuries have been slicing open my wrist (yet managing to avoid all major arteries) when aged about 9 and sliding down some steep cobbles in a bread tray - I vividly remember looking inside my hand (well, it felt like it at least); dislocating my knee the night before I was due to move in with my girlfriend by jumping onto (and then rapidly off of) a table at a drum n bass night at The Art School in Glasgow (everyone else did all the heavy lifting for me!) and cracking 3 ribs whilst trying to turn off a smoke alarm in my mates house - he punted me up and succeeded only in launched me across his hall where I landed on the wooden arm of a chair.

    I also almost knocked myself out with my own office door at work.  Needed 3 steri-strips across a nasty gash on my eyebrow, but it was worth it for the reactions of my workmates at seeing me stagger into the corridor with blood running down my face.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • My worst injury, with reflection, was dislocating my shoulder because it's become progressively more debilitating over the 10+ years since the original injury, and a year after corrective surgery it's still fucked, frankly.

    In terms of clumsy near-misses, though, I have a good one.  Aged very young (I can't remember; I was toddling, so maybe 18 months - 2.5 years?), I decided that I wanted some milk.  My mother was sterilising the bottles, so told me to wait.  I successfully broke my way through 2 stair gates as my mum answered the phone, and broke into the kitchen (I still have no idea how, but I presume late 70s/early 80s baby gates weren't as bombproof as the ones we have now).

    I saw my bottle, and thought "oooh, I'll have that," stretched up, and picked it up.  Of course, as it was full of boiling water to sterilise it, I dropped it, all over myself.

    Now I was pretty lucky that I jumped backwards a bit, and that I was wearing a v-necked sweater thing.  So to this day, I have an enormous scar covering virtually my entire chest and a bit of my neck from the scalding water, but I avoided my head, my face, and anything else important.

    Docs thought I'd need progressive skin grafts as I aged, but by luck, the first one worked very well and I didn't need more.  Plus, I have no memory of it at all.  There's a photo of me in the bath just after coming out of hospital with the most unpleasant red angry scarring on my chest, but I can't remember any part of it.
  • regmcfly
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    Oh yeah, I also tried to get a bottle of irn bru open on a door hinge once, and the thing shattered and sliced my little finger on my left hand open - still got the scar.

    It's getting very Jaws in here.
  • Being a Da, Elm's story is the most frightening one here rather than some of the more amusing, klutzy ones.

  • Being a Da, Elm's story is the most frightening one here rather than some of the more amusing, klutzy ones.

    Oh yeah, especially now I live in an open-plan US-style house.  It genuinely terrifies me that I have to cook with Nim around at all; the poor lass does occasionally get squealed at to move away from the over more than is strictly necessary.
  • I have a scar on my knuckle from smashing it against the rim of a snare drum whilst being rather flamboyant as I was RAWKING OUT in an old band. Blood everywhere.
  • For some reason (prob being the youngest child) I always get warned about doing stuff and used to get nagged as a kid like I was a walking wrecking ball. As it is my Dad and my brother are far worse.

    When I was 16 and working part time I asked my dad for a lift to work. "ok 5 minutes Ive just got a quick job to do" he said, famous last words.
    My dad proceeded to pick up a fuck of big masonry chisel and a lump hammer, walked over to where the old washing line was and bent down to chisel out the old bit of concrete base.
    As he swung the hammer back he got distracted by the cat, swung the hammer back down trapping his lower thumb knuckle between chisel and hammer.
    He drove me to work with me doing the gears, by this point his hand was already purple. By the time I finished work his knuckle was the size of a cricket ball.

    Cue days of arguments between him and my Mum about going to the hospital and him manning through it.
  • I have a scar on my knuckle from smashing it against the rim of a snare drum whilst being rather flamboyant as I was RAWKING OUT in an old band. Blood everywhere.

    Pah! Cool band related injury. Moar falling down manholes please.

    I seem to have made it through life without serious clutz so far (I've done it now haven't I?), however, I do have a habit of quite regularly walking into lamp posts whilst not lookig where I'm going to the amusement of those watching. As yet, the only thing hurt has been my pride...
  • regmcfly
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    This has been one of my favourite threads to read. Schadenfreude for the win.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    @Live I've done that plenty of times. Like you say it's normally someone distracting you mid swing. It makes an awful soft thud sound that isn't anywhere near noisy enough to cause that much pain.
  • Cue days of arguments between him and my Mum about going to the hospital and him manning through it.

    I've genuinely never understood why people won't see doctors/take medicine etc.  Bewilders me.
  • Elmlea wrote:
    Cue days of arguments between him and my Mum about going to the hospital and him manning through it.

    I've genuinely never understood why people won't see doctors/take medicine etc.  Bewilders me.

    He is ex-RAF too so should have it drilled into him.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    I've done that too as a nipper. Again some fool was talking to me as I was running home for my tea. Those lampposts don't give a fucking millimetre do they? Full on egg on my bonce.
  • regmcfly
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    Stubborn Britishness, feel they're wasting doctor's time. Baffles me though too. THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR.
  • I think it's the feeling of "ah its bot that bad". I never go to the docors and only been to the hospital twice, once after a car crash and once to have my tonsils out.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    I think it's more embarrassment. 

    Doc: 'What are you in for?'

    Dad: 'I hit myself with a hammer.'

    Doc: 'There there, do you want a cuddle?'
  • I'm one of the clumsiest idiots in the world, having broken my arm twice, foot twice, toes too many times to count, and gotten a needle stuck in my other foot (which resulted in some fun surgery shenanigans).  The two injuries most related to my own stupidity though ocurred within a couple of weeks of each other, during my first year at uni (predictably).

    So the first one was at the very start of what was meant to be a fun night on the sauce. In halls my friends and flatmates all used to sit round our flat with a cheap carry out, before heading down to the halls bar for plenty of cheap beer. After one too many bottles of Irn Bru VK (ugh) we headed out the door, but for some reason decided to hit the bar via the back entrance, which was down a steep grassy slope.
    Naturally since it was Aberdeen, it had been pissing with rain, and one of the girls we were with wasn't too keen on drunkenly stumbling down a wet hill. Trying to impress the lass, I grabbed her in a firemans lift and barrelled down a top speed. After an audible snap crackle and pop, my right knee went out from under me at a nasty angle, and we both went flying down to land face-first on the concrete.
    I woke up with everyone crowded round me either laughing or asking me if I needed help, and the girl bawling about how I'd ruined her dress. Even though I couldn't actually move my leg, in my drunken state I couldn't feel a thing, so stupidly thought "No pain = No problem!". By then a porter had run down to ask if I wanted to go to the hospital, to which I loudly replied "No, just get me inside and get me a pint!", which illicited a cheer from my pals. One on either side, they carried me in, sat me down, and went to get me a few beers. By the time they got back I was in tears of agony, and sheepishly asked to be taken back up to the porter so he could drive me to the hospital. Cue a fun night spent in A&E, where I found out I'd torn a ligament in my knee, and that I'd be walking on crutches for at least the next few weeks. When I rocked back up to my flat in the morning my assembled flatmates just burst into laughter and slagging, and rightfully so. They're still pricks though.

    So a few weeks later I was off my crutches and we decided to head out and celebrate. After a night on the town we're taking the long walk back to halls in the middle of the night. En route we pass a graveyard, which you can hop into over a short wall. Feeling adventurous we decided to go exploring inside, still following the direction of the road, until we reached the end. My pals decided we should head back the way we came, but that's not the way young Kaz liked to do things. I decide it's much quicker to just hop over the wall we've been following, thinking I'll land happily on the street we came in on. Sadly I'd forgotten that by now the wall is 12 feet above street level, so my friends get the amusing image of me jumping over a wall, hearing another loud crunch, then looking over to see me splayed face first on the pavement like a fucking Looney Tunes cartoon. They laughed (again) and shouted that they'd take the long route back to me. Cue another fun night spent in A&E, a badly sprained ankle (my opposite leg, brilliantly), and another couple of weeks on the crutches. Fuck alcohol, basically.
  • He is ex-RAF too so should have it drilled into him.

    Actually, military people tend to be some of the worst for this.  The collective psyche states that doctors are only there to ground you and remove your flying qualification.  Of course, they don't really do that, and if you have such a serious issue that you shouldn't fly, then you probably shouldn't fly regardless of what the doctor said.

    I still started to argue when, post-shoulder-op, they said I obviously couldn't fly for a while, mind you.

  • Once at Scout camp I accidently pressed my arm against a gas canister being used as a lamp. I had a burn about 5 inches along the bone on the outside of my right arm. It was really bad actually, it didnt just blister a bit it looked more like I had ran my arm down a lathe, it was a pure open wound instantly quarterized.

    I decided to pick the scab off during one assembly, the wound was deep enough i could lay my finger flat inside it. I left assembly looking like something from a horror film.
  • regmcfly
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    Jesus Kaz.

    I do like the "get me inside" bit. ULTIMATE LAD

    Also you played the drunk wall game too. Well done.
  • I was about a week out of plaster for a broken wrist and I was having a cheeky pint. Not planning to get wrecked, just some socialising now I was sans-plaster. I ended up falling down anyway due to general clumsiness. I knew I was going to fall down; I sort of stumbled first and realized "Oh shit, I'm going to fall." I knew I absolutely could not put my hand out or I would re-break my wrist, and my other hand had a pint in it.

    So I turned 180 degrees to land on my back, and held my neck up as to not whack the back of head on the floor.

    Landed with a dull thud and didn't spill a drop of my pint.
  • @Mostly I've done that too as a nipper. Again some fool was talking to me as I was running home for my tea. Those lampposts don't give a fucking millimetre do they? Full on egg on my bonce.

    No they don't! At least you had an excuse though, I'm pushing 40! Latest one actually was in Glasgow last week, walking back to the hotel in the centre, walke straight into one that had been bent at a 45 degree angle by a van or something (so was hanging over the pavement at about my head level). Cue a few feet of staggering and sniggering from the pub smokers across the road. 

    Actually, I fitted in quite nicely with the locals ;)
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Quality Fenton.

    On my last ever family holiday abroad, only me and my cousin were old enough to go out on the lash (16). We were having a good night, cheap vodka was go so we were a little bit tipsy. We went into a bar and as it was my turn for the pops I made straight for the counter. Returning triumphantly with a double vodka and fresh orange in each hand, I head over to where she's standing only to have my feet fly out from under me the second I got there. The stupid bint was only standing on a slope, one foot at the top one at the bottom, and someone must have spilled a pint just to complete the death trap. 

    She couldn't move for laughing, so two Spanish guys had to pick me up off my arse, drinks still in my mits. Can't say I didn't spill any unfortunately. My family had my life for the rest of the holiday and she still cracks up to this day if someone mentions it. Utter bitch.
  • Escape
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    My dad nearly lost a finger to a saw, drilled into his leg through a piece of wood (back out on reverse), took a falling brick to the head, and fell off a scaffold onto his back.

    I've had numerous injuries and surgeries, but nothing good.
  • I have sliced a finger open while opening a tin of spam. It was one of those tins you had to open by sort of twisting a key round the outside. I just wanted my delicious spam when I pulled the key too hard and the metal sliced me good and propper.

    Had to through much of the (literally) bloody spam away.

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