Pro Wrestling
  • They should have just called it “Another meaningless title” and been done with it.
  • It seems the point is just a vehicle for skits.
  • They should have just called it “Another meaningless title” and been done with it.

    Well there is that. But it really is hideous. Even if it is just for skits.

    I only saw the bit where foley introduced the belt. All things considered, the man looks in good shape.
    SFV - reddave360
  • I'm not opposed to the idea of the title, but the name and belt are shit.

    Also having Mick Foley unveil it made it so much worse. Everyone wanted the Hardcore title. Then when he unveiled that monstrosity, crickets.

    And what was with the stupid essentially reverse battle royal? Just make it a ladder match if you want someone to have to grab the belt.
  • Anyone watch Double or Nothing? Was spectacular.
  • Dogfingers wrote:
    Anyone watch Double or Nothing? Was spectacular.

    Just starting the Pre-show. 

    Starting your company off by trying to out TNA TNA is not a good look.
  • Wow, that was fucking awful.
  • I think I know which bits your talking about, it improves massively.
  • Second match is much better.

    Fucking hell, they made this hard for me to give them money. First match proper is MUCH better, and we're only 2 mins in.
  • I fucking loved it, wasn't a bad mach in the main card, Cody vs. Dustin surprised me by just how good it was by the end, the Joshi match was great, and the payoff of the show was excellent, helped by a decent crowd that added to the atmosphere rather than detracting from it, I was still wide awake after being up for 36 hours, well worth the money.
  • God the difference Jim Ross on commentary makes is unreal.
  • Womens match is good. Bit uneven at times but enjoyable. Dr Britt Baker DMD is a fucking awful name though. I dont care that you're actually a dentist. Just drop it.

    Tag match now, I found Trent!
  • God the Fite network is shit. I hope it wasn't this bad live, its like a League Cup draw.
  • How did people watch this then? Direct on Fite TV it cant cope on 226.91mb, and thats just the 720p one.

    Ive just dropped it to 360p, if its still buffering by the time this pirated copy downloads Ill be switching to that.
  • We've entered the "random Japanese women with no explanation" portion of the evening I see.
  • Legit fuck up or part of the show?
  • I watched it via Virgin media, didn't experience any issues with the feed.
  • Well, the Rhodes brothers match certainly was something.

    I think its just Fite TV being shit. The test stream is fine, but unless I have it on the lowest quality its buffer city.
  • Currently watching a doc about that lot called Before The Bell, leading up to that event. It's dipping in and out of kayfabe but here, after utterly despising what WWE became years ago(mid-00's), yknow what? This stuff looks alright. Do they have any free content up?
  • That is one fucking ugly belt.
  • That is one fucking ugly belt.

    Weirdly enough I thought the belt looked like shit, seeing it again on BTE it looks a hell of a lot better, it's not a classic belt by any means, but I found it odd how much better it seemed.
  • Currently watching a doc about that lot called Before The Bell, leading up to that event. It's dipping in and out of kayfabe but here, after utterly despising what WWE became years ago(mid-00's), yknow what? This stuff looks alright. Do they have any free content up?

    This is only the second show. You can borrow my login for Fite if you want, I have All In, their first show on there. I dont think this new one is able to be replayed, but if it is you should be able to watch that too.
  • Pre-show sucked, everything on the main show was great. 100% Invested in this.
  • MJF is probably the funniest person to hold a mic in a ring in years.
  • All In was a better show for me.

    The first half of this was like a different show to the second. Far too much "who are these people, and why are they fighting? The match that had the most explanation was Cody and Dustin, which is the one that needed it least.

    Those last 3 matches were genuinely excellent though.
  • With All In they had the benefit of NJPW talent and ROH helping with talent and production.

    This was the first AEW show and was built with no television exposure off the back of a cult YouTube show.

    Given that, it’s amazing some people were as over as they were.

    I think we have also been conditioned somewhat over the years to expect matches to be given storylines, back in the day in U.K. wrestling it was common to have exhibition matches, that existed to show off a new style, or present new people in the hope that the match itself would get them over, as back in those days storylines were usually only for the longer running main event feuds.

    Not saying it’s right, but the only one I thought they screwed up with was the introduction of the Super Smash Bros, it’s one thing having people wrestle and getting themselves over, but having a post match beat down by a team 90% of the viewers didn’t know was a bit of a misstep.

    I guess they overestimated how many people follow PWG and Chikara.
  • Oh is that who the Masked Nobodies were?
  • Also, Jericho's new finisher is absolute toss. He did a Codebreaker that looked like it killed Omega, which he kicked out of, then what looked like a transition move to pin him.
  • Yeah, I gotta say, the part in that doc when he was doing spinning elbows in slo-mo, talking in character about how devastating it was.... Yeah I laughed my ass off a bit.

    Still, thanks for that offer Dante, I'm as casual as they come so I'll just sub to their YouTube and try to keep up going forward. I like that Omega guy and that other blonde guy, something Page.
  • If you watch the monthly 'Being the Elite' youtube show it's been used to set up stories and to build characters over the last 2 years. They've already set up Moxley's next opponent by the looks of it on the latest episode.

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