Climate change apathy Ragnarok thread
  • Anyone else seen the trailer for Extrapolations on AppleTV? It’s a sci-fi anthology series, coming up later this month. Stories around climate change and how humanity handles it.

    Anyway, I know this isn’t the telly thread, but it seems like at least some of the episodes run along exactly these lines: We’ve already lost. The planet’s fucked. How do we build ways to live, for as long as we can, within this new reality?
  • acemuzzy
    Show networks
    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Sounds interesting.

    And also depressing.

    Which is large a winning combo.
  • Yep I'll watch that.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • acemuzzy
    Show networks
    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Mm yeah. Big name cast too.
  • The frequent flying bastards.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Our kids are fucked.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Fucking depressing.
  • Film makes me welcome the apocalypse.

    A bunch of celebs whose lifestyle uses a hundred times more carbon than that of the average person in a film from a company that actively encourages tech waste.

    Get fucked.
  • Fucking depressing.

    We've ran out of time. They're not saying it because people will give up completely but the seas have reached heatsink capacity and CO2 emissions are still increasing.

    Might as well keep partying on like nothing is happening at this stage.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • It'll probably take a billion deaths and catastrophic GDP damage before humanity goes "oops" and does some last ditch mass cloud seeding effort or something like that to try and unfuck the situation.
  • The tipping points will have been breached by then. The Greenland ice sheet is one, and that's fucked around 1.5, and once Siberia goes it's over.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Just nuke the Sun.
  • Things getting bad enough to kick people up the arse but not bad enough to destroy everything. That’s the only shot. And it seems like a long one.
  • It's ok, Coke have attached the lids to their bottles.
  • We need actual movie-like catastrophe before people do anything.
  • Well that's a post apocalyptic nightmare, for sure, but I was thinking actually apocalyptic. The Day After Tomorrow type stuff. I think the western world will need to see actual, undeniable climate-related damage done before changing habits and reprioritising. Other than massive loss of life and/or permanent coastal damage, I'm not sure what else can convince people. Food supply, perhaps.
  • It's fucked. No amount of wishing is going to solve this. Again, we've run out of time. It's over. Time to party and join the "it won't happen crew".
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • monkey wrote:
    Things getting bad enough to kick people up the arse but not bad enough to destroy everything. That’s the only shot. And it seems like a long one.

    Venus says hello.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • I'm not sure how tennis players can help, jetting around the world to all these tournaments seems like it's not helping.
  • Nothing will help. It's genuinely fucked so let's just accept it and party. We'll just tell our kids we loved partying and fuck them. Better to be honest when you look them in the eye and let the world burn.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Mmmmm no. I have hope.
  • You have hope that carbon emissions are going to stop accelerating in the next 10 years? I'd love to hear it because I'm struggling to see a way out of this.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Climate scientists are not telling you what they think will happen because that's not scientific. They're telling us what is the least estimate of climate models because they adhere to error bars, being scientists. If you ask them their hunch it gets real grim, real quick.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Alarmingly, their worst case scenario at any particular time always happens faster than they predicted in their worst case scenario. Feedback loops are awful.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • The worst bit is that it is still a solvable problem, only no cunt in any sort of power is willing to do anything beyond lip service at best, and actively make it worse in many cases.
  • Any elected government is going to do fuck all because we don't understand or want the sacrifice that'll involve. We're a bunch of spoiled children that think it's someone else's problem to solve, as long as we can keep being spoiled shits in the meantime. There's no sense of personal sacrifice anymore because I dunno, the population of India is growing or some shit. Always the excuse to do fuck all, contribute to the problem and hope it sorts itself out.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Climate scientists are not telling you what they think will happen because that's not scientific. They're telling us what is the least estimate of climate models because they adhere to error bars, being scientists. If you ask them their hunch it gets real grim, real quick.

    Permian style
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • Feeding your kids meat is some Hannibal Lecter irony mentalness, like that bit when he doesn't understand he's eating his own brain. Da yoof anger hasn't properly happened yet because the shit hasn't properly hit the fan. When it does I recommend we all get our excuses sorted because the rage to going to be off the scale.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob

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