Climate change apathy Ragnarok thread
  • Well August is generally hotter. All depends on the gulf stream, which is doing us a massive favour right now by being south of the uk. We'd be roasting otherwise.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • I do hope this trend of naming major heat domes/anticyclones catches on. Named tropical typhoons, hurricanes, cyclones get taken seriously, but that is probably because they are far more dramatic and destructive.

    Some of the worst tropical systems have led to 100,000+ fatalities (eg Nargis in Burma/Myanmar in 2005), but sooon enough heat domes will be able to exceed that.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • It's been above 43 in Phoenix for 17 straight days and the current heatdomes look set to get worse. There was a piece on the radio yesterday about Brits booking last minute holidays into the heatwave in Europe to go get their Sun, seemingly unaware of just how punishing it is. 

    Heatdomes don't offer much relief at night and after a few days your body starts to suffer. It's madness to wilfully fly into it, even if you're young. An estimated 60,000 died in Southern Europe last year and this one is worse. Can't be too long before large parts are uninhabitable in summer and that's here in Europe.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • The schadenfreude is rich.
    Shame everyone suffers.

    I still think there is little an individual can do in their daily lives but not jumping on flights on a whim is certainly a big one. Flying really needs to be considered a once every few years thing, max.
  • There was a season in the mid 2000s 05 or 07 maybe, where Russia had 40+ at the same time Pakistan had deadly rainfall and flooding from a stalled jet stream and blocked monsoon. I recall estimates of 30-40,000 dead from the heat alone that season.

    We won't be seeing years cooler than that any time soon, barring a major volcanic event.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • With no pragmatic poiltical support, individual contributions is all we have. It's powerful if enough do it and doing it voluntarily seems the only way forward. 

    The sad thing is I think the race to stop it becoming runaway is going to be quite tight - AI can help but it's not there yet. Countries are depopulating very quickly and the ones that aren't don't contribute nearly as much per person. The US is getting more populous but that's due to immigration. The US and Europe can do more per person than anywhere on Earth, but of course we don't because we've forgotten what sacrifice is because we've never had to experience it. We need to stop thinking about economic growth and concentrate on staying alive.

    You could have both if everyone went Green New Deal and fundamentally restructured the economy, but it's too risky politically, would hurt for a while and therefore it wouldn't be long before the right called bullshit on the whole thing and blamed immigrants.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • GooberTheHat
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    Maybe making everyone poorer is the government's way to reduce consumption?
  • Unfortunately they are funneling that money into the worst individual polluters. Jet set Rishi clearly gives no fucks.
  • Maybe making everyone poorer is the government's way to reduce consumption?
    It literally is. Just not for climate change reasons.
  • Maybe making everyone poorer is the government's way to reduce consumption?

    That's invariably what's going to happen anyway. Ukraine and Brexit are going to look like a birthday present compared to what climate change is going to do to food prices.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • It would be nice if, for once, USA, China, Russia and any other nuclear armed state could for a moment stop fighting over the world and actually start fighting for it.

    If enough energy was put into making next gen reactors to hold over until coal and gas can be replaced completely then it might make the battle against AGW winnable.

    Mutually assured destruction saved the world from a nuclear exchange, but if we are staring down the barrel of MAD thanks to the industrial revolution onwards, surely the calculus has to change immediately.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • That was back in the day when people understood facts. Now we're also dealing with the internet. It's getting better in the American South because it's fucking melting in front of their eyes, but a third of the people living in the hotspots still don't think it's due to climate change.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Hilariously but also not, religion seems to be a factor. The religious right don't think we have god-like powers to destroy the Earth and think it's sheer arrogance to believe we can. Lol not lol.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Its alright for them, they are going to a better place innit.
  • Gotta love the selfish religions, which is most of them. They know where they're at.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • I still think it'll have to get to the point of a major catastrophe in some rich countries before there'll be a panic response of mass cloud seeding or putting dust into the atmosphere to induce a cooling effect. It'll be like COVID where no one took the threat of a pandemic that seriously then had to react like crazy to it after it had already spread.
  • Some of the really batshit American Christians probably welcome it all as punishment for our sins Noah style.
  • WVnMvLv.gif
    What if Mr Burns is the saviour?
  • I've had it up to here with these damn rickets.
  • I still think it'll have to get to the point of a major catastrophe in some rich countries before there'll be a panic response of mass cloud seeding or putting dust into the atmosphere to induce a cooling effect. It'll be like COVID where no one took the threat of a pandemic that seriously then had to react like crazy to it after it had already spread.
    Yeah there'll be a tipping point and then emissions will fall like crazy. Then a swing back when the climate is still getting worse and it hasn't had an immediate impact.
  • I still think it'll have to get to the point of a major catastrophe in some rich countries before there'll be a panic response of mass cloud seeding or putting dust into the atmosphere to induce a cooling effect. It'll be like COVID where no one took the threat of a pandemic that seriously then had to react like crazy to it after it had already spread.

    Most think this, I think. Would be nice but the exponential nature of climate change is always faster than the most pessimistic models. Now there's just shock. We don't understand the tipping points well enough so we don't know when too late is too late. Chances are when the shit really hits the fan we're past some of them and won't know it. Everything about this is scary af.

    The only thing we know, for sure, is that this is getting way worse way faster and nobody is doing anything to reverse it. Throwing some dust about isn't going to cut it.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Vote green, that's the best thing one individual can do
  • Of course, the simplest and most effective thing to do is just to reduce your personal emissions, today. People generally won't, because why must their little Timothy suffer when all the other kids are having fun? But poor Timothy is going to suffer. Poor little Timothy is going to get it up the arse with both barrels.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • We are still in the phase where 'climate extremists' are a thing. This would be fine if the term was reserved exclusively for those refusing to act, but the interests of capital have successfully doublethunked peeps upside-down and back-to-front on this one. that's how fucked we are.
  • Of course, the simplest and most effective thing to do is just to reduce your personal emissions, today. People generally won't, because why must their little Timothy suffer when all the other kids are having fun? But poor Timothy is going to suffer. Poor little Timothy is going to get it up the arse with both barrels.

    I suspect the most constructive strategy is probably just to break stuff at this point. And if that doesn't work break it more and do it louder?
  • exponential fuck shit uppery, and keep doubling down too
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    You start us off
  • check the news. other people have first gear covered already.
  • You start us off

    hoping thst was just a flippant remark and not some attempt at making a point, because it'd be a damning indictment of the pervasive, muddled inactivism that has been holding us back. like really this logic doesn't even go anywehre, no matter how you unpack it

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