Witness The Fitness
  • That's 600 pressups done so far and I'm starting to feel it this evening. Chest and shoulders feel quite tight already
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Funnily enough I’m more in the groove now. Lots to come though
  • How you getting on Funk?
    I had a failed day yesterday due to illness, barely had the energy to stand up let alone pressups.
    Back on it though, 60 done this morning and once recovered I'll knock out another set. Goal is to do 200 today to make up for yesterday.

    Feeling great though, shoulders, traps, back, chest and arms all feeling noticeably stronger and firmer, core feels good and energy levels are getting back up.

    Very happy with this
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Definitely easier now to get through them - dropping and pumping out 15-20 in a quick set is no longer too challenging!

    Some days harder than others for sure, yesterday only managed to finish the last 20 just before midnight! good to be past the 1,000 mark.

    Am switching up the press-ups types too, did some soidermans this morning, as well as some planks to press-ups

    Gonna get through this together!
  • *predator handshake gif*
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • In awe of you guys! I've started to casually train pull ups to help my bouldering. I've gone from hanging noodle to eeeeever so slightly bent arms. Even that has given me way more stability on the wall.

    Maybe one day I'll be in 100 push up territory! You guys gonna keep it up past the month?
  • I think I will. I really rather enjoy it now
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • In awe of you guys! I've started to casually train pull ups to help my bouldering. I've gone from hanging noodle to eeeeever so slightly bent arms. Even that has given me way more stability on the wall.

    Maybe one day I'll be in 100 push up territory! You guys gonna keep it up past the month?

    I'm just about to start a 12 week bouldering training program. I'm trying to shake off a bit of climbers elbow but a weeks decorating has made it worse.

    Have you tried doing shoulder shrugs on the bar? I found them a great way to develop stability.
  • Good job, Wooks. You'll be superhench in no time.

    @n0f, started out with just the shoulder shrugs! Before I got resistance bands it was the only thing I could do other than hang. Showed me exactly how much of my back I never used before.

    Ooh, sounds good, what's the programme made of?
  • If anyone's looking for a high protein, low fat cheese, I recommend eatlean, you can get it on their website, there are plenty of 10% off coupons floating around, I'm eating around 100g a day for the broteinnn


    It's lactose free as well.

    No I don't work for them.
  • Good job, Wooks. You'll be superhench in no time.

    @n0f, started out with just the shoulder shrugs! Before I got resistance bands it was the only thing I could do other than hang. Showed me exactly how much of my back I never used before.

    Ooh, sounds good, what's the programme made of?

    I treated myself to a lattice programme I've done the metrics but haven't got the plan back yet. I was using the crimpd all for a while but I think I overtrained and that's what caused my elbow pain so I'm hoping I can work around that and make it better.
  • Oooh, I find their metrics fascinating. Take it you did the home testing? Can't wait til it's actually worth some Lattice testing for me lol toddlers have better relative finger strength than me. What's crimpd like to use? Heard of it but never really looked into apps to assist my progression.
  • It's pretty good, I'm rubbish at putting a plan together and sticking at it so I found the pre made plans on the paid version really useful. There's loads of great bouldering sessions and exercises on there.

    Yeah I did the home testing I'm about body weight + 30% on finger board and pull ups.
  • Noice! If you didn't take your top off for power, you should retest.
  • Up to 2 sets of 40 and a final set of 20 every day now. Getting much more comfortable
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Yes, I’m still breaking it up a lot into smaller sets, but with lots of variations: narrow, wide, elevated feet,
  • Wow, Wookie. You’re well fit, phwoar!

    Can we get some pics of your pecs please??! :)
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • I'll get the tassels out...
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Edit: rong Fred
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • Argh, thought I was good for a sub-20 or close today, but only managed 20:22. Still pleased with general fitness progress, but this push to get under 20 is tough.
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • Started reading the post, forgot which thread I was in for a second, and thought this was about a Slay the Spire run!
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    The Daddy wrote:
    Argh, thought I was good for a sub-20 or close today, but only managed 20:22. Still pleased with general fitness progress, but this push to get under 20 is tough.

    Still a very solid time mate!

    I had a crush country race today. Pretty not very fast, but very happy to get through a hilly/muddy 7.5k without my ankle going! Need to start managing more than one run a week tho...
  • Nice. I’ve opted out of cross country this year. Not risking my Achilles again.
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • Still on 100 pressups a day. Only missed 2 days so far but made up for it on the next day.
    Today was 160 pressups total, most sets averaging at 40 a go. Feeling great now.
    Chest feels solid, arms feel tight, shoulders are more defined and getting some nice shape.
    Plus my core is getting a workout that its rather noticeable that I've been neglecting my body for a while.

    Feel fantastic
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Interesting! I feel no different, don’t look different as far as can tell, still suffering through 100 a day (much less effort now, and can easily power through 25+ in a single set, which is great).

    Super glad you’re getting through yours too Wooks. Less than a week left!

    I’ve been using these press up handles to make things a little deeper (phwoar), when reverting to palms on floor they’re definitely easier now too.

    Tried lots of variations, can now (without the handles) do ten or so with a clap

    Maybe need to eat more protein!
  • When this is over am considering a daily ‘simple routine’ of 30 press-ups, 10 pull ups, and 20 walking lunges (maybe weighted) as a sort of everyday do fucking something thing
  • I am going to start a martial art again, for my mental health and my fitness. I don't fancy revisiting anything i've done before. Did 3 years jujitsu and a year of Krav. All years ago, jujitsu was 20 plus years ago now, and Krav must be 9, so zero retained skill.

    Not sure what to go for. Maybe taekwondo?
    PSN - minkymu
  • Depends on what you're into and what you're after.
    Sport or practical use?
    And if sport then contact or points based?
    Or is it for the art?
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Depends on what you're into and what you're after.
    Sport or practical use?
    And if sport then contact or points based?
    Or is it for the art?

    Oh practical use definitely, maybe sport if i get into it. I'd want contact too.

    I'm open to suggestions

    Possibly something i can take kids too in a few years. My son is very possibly autistic (waiting on the final verdict, he's 4) so something to focus him on would be nice too

    PSN - minkymu
  • Because there's plenty of systems and styles out there and all have variations in how they are taught and implemented.
    But the biggest factor in this is also "what's closest" and "what fits into my life" because there's no point finding the perfect martial arts system for you if you have to drive an hour each way and it's only at a time that is so unsuitable for you
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.

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