The AI generator museum of uncanny amusement
  • I always liked this, Stephen Hawking talking about AI from 10yrs ago.

    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • LivDiv wrote:
    In terms of income I think the powers that he will have to dish out some kind of universal basic income, some way of allowing us to maintain ourselves. The alternative really would be heads on spikes. My concern is people struggling with finding a sense of purpose. Addiction will go through the roof.

    Will a UBI be enough to save the capitalist world order?

    I highly doubt it but we'll see. As AI development continues to accelerate exponentially, expect the next big societal crisis in 3, 2, 1....
    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
    Fightcade2: mrofunlocking
  • The economy and those profits gotta always go up, up, up and away!
    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
    Fightcade2: mrofunlocking
  • You can't stop it unless you ban computers. You can do this tech on a raspberry Pi, it'd just take longer. If you're good at differentiation and know some linear algebra you could theoretically do it with a pen and paper. You could stop it I guess if you banned maths but the point is that the tech is available to all, so you have to keep up as it's too powerful for any government to dare fall behind.
    You can't stop it. You can make it illegal to use. Which then slows down it's adoption.
  • It's a hard thing to imagine because our social structures are built off having a job. Money and capitalism came from having more complex jobs in larger populations.

    You have to go back to maybe the early stages of agriculture to downgrade job to tasks done for the tribe or individual but if AI and automation can overcome even those what even are we?
    Pets? We aren't that cute.

    I don't really think it will be socialism or capitalism, it'll be something else. This is getting much more into the human condition over AI I suppose.
    What do we want? And is that any good for us?
  • Just extrapolating the data. 
    How would our economy of capital/consumerism still work?

    Would Big Business (the1%) just walk away and give up all their wealth and power? Or will they just become ever more authoratharian conservative rightwing as we are already seing now? It's all up in the air for now.

    Unless, in the near future AI decides to wipe us out because some score improves for the better.
    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
    Fightcade2: mrofunlocking
  • The Haves would certainly want to remain the Haves.
    At that point I suppose it can be like any discussion on such a topic really.

    Do they risk their head on a spike with total oppression or do they go for mid-century style middle class appeasement that means they have slightly less but it's less risky. Depends who 'they' are I guess.
  • Aye, they'll probably come up with some bonker's scheme where ai does all the production and consumers can still 'consume' with a basic ubi. Everybody's on welfare except the 1%. Because, exceptionalism.

    Can't see them giving up their economic and political lobby power.
    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
    Fightcade2: mrofunlocking
  • Something that would be interesting is that if AI is doing all the work it completely kills this notion that the wealthy are so because they work harder than us lazy plebs.

    They will have to come up with something new or lean back into old nonsense like bloodlines and religion.
  • This one's good. If you look really closely you can see flaws but that'll get ironed out soon enough.

    The physics is impressive in that it's not actually doing any. It finds patterns without having to bother with equations much like AlphaZero can play chess without calculating any moves.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • They'll just reinvent themselves as the 'creators' of AI, the shepherds of mankind.
    Because people do not have to work anymore, education is not needed. UBI for basic living will suffice and is cheaper.

    No education means a more docile populace thus easier to control. Only a lucky few will be allowed education for maintenace and control over ai.
    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
    Fightcade2: mrofunlocking
  • Fuck, I think we just described fucking Blade Runner.
    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
    Fightcade2: mrofunlocking
  • @SG
    In the creative space your stock libraries and copy writers will definitely be the first victims. Copy writing is already dead as a single task job imo.
    There is a 3D model tool called which is good as well.

    These things all work best the less and less specific you want the output, which is why stock stuff is easier because the consumer is already limited.
  • hunk wrote:
    Fuck, I think we just described fucking Blade Runner.

    "Make attack ships on fire on the shoulders of Orion"

    "Make Orion the constellation"

    "Add more c beams"
  • LivDiv wrote:
    In the creative space your stock libraries and copy writers will definitely be the first victims. Copy writing is already dead as a single task job imo.
    There is a 3D model tool called which is good as well.

    These things all work best the less and less specific you want the output, which is why stock stuff is easier because the consumer is already limited.

    Yep. Although the scary stuff is reinforcement learning and we haven't seen so much of that yet. LLMs and video generation are quite cool party tricks while we're waiting.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • GooberTheHat
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    Why do you think they will bother keeping us around?
  • It's all super impressive, but i suspect- as with images- we'll grow accustomed to how it aggregates. I'm not convinced we are anywhere near the point where it can replicate the character, imperfections or originality of a human touch.
  • How long before we see games that are just AI video generation but with live input? Maybe simple 2D type stuff would be possible to do in realtime now, not sure about 3D.
  • I imagine considerably sooner than said games being any good.
  • What the fuck is all this nonsense. Why would people suddenly stop being educated, or educating themselves?

    How is some nonce in a room giving prompts to an incredibly impressive bit of tech - which literally creates a lifelike video from the prompt - the equivalent of even the most banal creative endeavour, such as early evening television, never mind actually interesting work from auteurs?

    Copy writing and shit graphic design is dead but we knew that already. Developers are dead soon enough but I’d say again only the mass lower mid level ones who write shit code twice a day - top developers are creative. but to say this shit, as impressive a tech tool as it is, is anywhere close to taking over human creativity and agency is weird. I see no evidence of progress towards this, other than the occasional artist using the tools in interesting ways (another canvas / paint brush / medium)

    Cars are gonna self drive. Basic shit jobs are going to go away, and tbf that is a LOT of them because almost anyone working in an office has a non job working at 25% productivity helping small to large companies make more money. Loads of shit lawyers, accountants, project managers, coders, graphic designers, copy writers, testers. Can’t help but feel as one of those people that it’s about time: bullshit jobs are bullshit and massively overpriced compared to real shit like teaching or healing or building or creating or leading / directing or inspiring and it’s probably about time we actually got better at this shit rather than clogging roads on a commute to slow meaningless deaths

    But sales, marketing, real design, tech solutions (at least for a long while), architects, creators, musicians, artists (as long as they’re creating something real, not just something to be mass produced / consumed), directors, product managers, all trades, I could go on

    Yes eventually there’s a future where a robot plumber comes around to fix your smart connected water heating thing which called out said robot plumber in first place. And then at some more future point there’s a phalanx of trade robots building new houses including installation of said smart water heating but who are we kidding we’re not alive to see that sci fi shit mainly because for the next few decades it’s gonna be way way way cheaper to get a bunch of humans to do that

    So by all means retrain (I’m genuinely considering a trades school, always wanted to know how to do basic but skilled shit like tiling and bricklaying) and find purpose but no way AI is coming to ruin your cinema experience unless you choose to consume derivative dross. Ah.

  • Haha. Yeah that last sentence lol.

    Palworld. That's what I think of when I think of AI media.
    Not because it used AI in it's production but that's what AI would shit out at the stage it can do a game end to end. People are lapping it up.

    Edit: Couldn't be worse than the Sony Spiderman universe movies though right?
  • I imagine considerably sooner than said games being any good.

    I disagree. AI is good at finding patterns in complexity and can tease out all kinds of crazy stuff that are hidden to us, including human behaviour. If atoms can do it, AI can do it. There really are few constraints and it'll happen way faster than you think. If beauty is found in complexity, AI is gonna produce some stunning stuff.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • It's just a question of time. Eventually we'll see AI's that are grounded in realtime reality and have a continuous identity that builds up with feedback from the things they create. Ultimately the state of the art in almost all domains probably will be done by AIs.
  • People will want human stuff just because it's human. The value of something is the value we place on it.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • b0r1s
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    You’re assuming everyone will act in good faith and that humans will know what is human made.
  • I think that would loop back to what I was saying last night around news media. It would require reputation and some level of secondary proof.
    People faking would rapidly get Milli Vanilli-ed.

    Or people wouldn't care. People like fake shit too. The McDonalds of media.
  • Funkstain wrote:
    How is some nonce in a room giving prompts to an incredibly impressive bit of tech - which literally creates a lifelike video from the prompt - the equivalent of even the most banal creative endeavour, such as early evening television, never mind actually interesting work from auteurs?
    You can go even lower down the scale of human creativity than that. Adverts for instance. Most adverts just need stuff. Content. Young family entering new house for first time. Old woman looking happy after talking to a bank. Attractive woman enjoying branded soft drink. Sora can do that now. It needs a human versed in After Effects to polish the rough edges and splice the footage together. But it doesn't need cameramen, lighting technicians, directors, actors, lunch van and so on. 

    That's a lot of your entry level production jobs. Gone. Now. On existing technology. 

    But it's going to struggle with Homes Under the Hammer. Which is perhaps one level up the creativity ziggurat. That has a real person meeting real people talking about things they've actually done. Even its barely-coherent, care home audience won't want a simulated version of that. BUT Homes Under the Hammer only exists because it's dirt cheap to make. What are Dion Dublin's future career prospects when that becomes the expensive option for producing daytime tv?

    All the way up the top of the ziggurat you've got [insert favourite film here - the Godfather for arguments sake]. Which has top-tier actors in career-defining roles, one of the most esteemed directors ever etc. But that couldn't be made without the rest of the levels existing beneath it. Which, brick by brick, have been eaten away. 

    I don't know if a director typing in prompts can replace that. Novels don't need actors. Films probably do. But maybe making the next Godfather would be impossible (it arguably already is as no one would spend the money to make it). The skills won't be there. The alternatives too easy. McDonalds won't spend money tooling up a production crew for their advert so Paramount pictures can make a masterpiece ten years later.
  • b0r1s
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    Don’t you dare bad mouth Homes Under The Hammer!!
  • Like tears in the rain.
    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
    Fightcade2: mrofunlocking
  • b0r1s wrote:
    Don’t you dare bad mouth Homes Under The Hammer!!
    Back to bed Grandad.

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