The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wild West
  • Dark Soldier
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    Yossarian wrote:
    Constantly picking up, discarding and switching weapons was tedious as fuck.

    I just pick up whatevers available, and to discard one takes around a second. The effort omg
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    It’s not the effort so much as the repetition which bored the fuck out of me. It was just a constant annoyance which failed to add anything to the game.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Added a load for me. Not preparing properly and my main weapons breaking so I'm left with scrub tier efforts and having to use the powers in battle due to it, using a red Chu Chu to create fire so I can use the updraft to use the bow in slow mo and headshot a few goons, stasing enemies as they swing then dropping a bomb near them just as it's about to run out etc.

    Don't blame a lack of imagination on the game lad, it can't all be halo where it's just headshot:, headshot, headshot, headshot, grenade, headshot, get behind cover.
  • The weapon degradation is fine provided you get the naked tree to dance and increase your weapon slots. It's good the way it forces you to think about having a variety of weapons. The combat isn't great but you rarely need to engage in combat for long except for lynels.
  • Dark Soldier
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    It's a better system than 'here you are here's the best sword you need never use anything else ta da'.

    Heading into the castle early doors with three hearts to stock up on top tier weapons, shitting myself as one hit means dead, hunting all over the shop for new, stronger stuff. Saving those for higher end enemies, picking and choosing, changing strategy. It's a wonderful thing.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    There wasn’t enough variety in the weapons for that to appeal.

    Edit: that was at Djorn.

    I’m also amazed that anyone could have run out considering how plentiful they were.
  • Dark Soldier
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    If none of them broke, there'd literally be zero reason to use any of them at all once you get a 70 damage weapon. Would've made it completely dull as fuck.

    There's plenty of variety throughout, a lot of it cosmetic as, well, they're swords. Cue dark souls movesets comparisons which, once you see the 6/7 of them you realise that's it.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Essentially I'm saying it's fine not to like it, as it's fine not to like any aspect of any game, but to say it ruins a game experience I find to be completely lol.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    If none of them broke, there'd literally be zero reason to use any of them at all once you get a 70 damage weapon. Would've made it completely dull as fuck.

    It was. IMO etc.
  • Dark Soldier
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    And that's fine. It's not the game for you.
  • Yossarian wrote:
    There wasn’t enough variety in the weapons for that to appeal.

    By variety i mean guardian weapons for guardians, spears for horseback fights, big weapons for stunlocking, swords for when you need to be parrying, non metal weapons for when the lightning comes.

    None of them were particularly fun to use.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Zelda's combat has never been fun tbf
  • DS there's no agreeing with you on this one. Sorry lad.

    Weapons breaking constantly is shit. It's never a good thing in games like these. It adds fuck all to the experience. Maybe once or twice as a novelty, but in this, it's just stupid. Having to think on the fly and see another way to tackle an encounter is good if you're playing a game like Halo - where the combat works and is exciting and worth bothering with and it flows and you're constantly playing. In this game, the combat is just shit. You're better off not fighting anything. The dodge mechanic is broken, the healing system is broken. Getting into a close up fight with a Lynel is the most pointless thing you could do in the game. They may as well not exist. There's nothing to be gained from fighting one, besides learning how to dodge an attack from the next one you fight. You can upgrade armour from them but you don't need to because you'll never need it.

    The biggest problem I have with the combat and weapon breakage is the pretty much constant need to pause the action and select another weapon because your shitty twig/claymore busted in the middle of a scrap. Watching any YouTube video of someone fighting a high level enemy is painful because of this. Stop/start is a shit way of doing things. This goes for the weapons, the healing, changing shields, bows, selecting different arrows, your stasis, magnesis and bombs. The whole thing stinks. You're constantly pausing to switch stuff out. How is that fun combat?

    I went back to it recently and confirmed it. You spend so much time cycling through shit to get to other shit that it takes over any kind of immersion or peril that you might feel in an encounter, and just spoils the combat completely. I don't know how anyone could argue that having to pause the game constantly to switch weapons out is a better solution than just having weapons that don't fucking break every ten seconds. It's ridiculous.

    The fact that you can have a near infinite amount of healing items on you at any point in the game also undermines the enjoyment of any combat - you can just heal yourself up to full health in the menu whilst the game is paused. That just turns all encounters in to a war of attrition. Really challenging eh?

    It's mind numbing. I'm amazed nobody picked up on the amount of time you end up spending in menus in this game. It doesn't matter how good you are, there's no avoiding it. The DLC just cemented how bad it is for me.

  • Dark Soldier
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    Different strokes and shit, a second long pause in a menu a few times doesn't break the immersion for me in the slightest. This game shouldn't be challenging, it follows the same vein as all previous Zeldas, they're all fucking easy bar the odd puzzle in a dungeon.

    Its about the world and the immersion, as it should be. I find the combat quite fun, I'm not looking for layers of depth and loadouts and sick ass fuck yeah movement and all that silly bollocks, there's copious games out there that scratch that itch. I'm not expecting you to agree mate, you generally compare almost every third person game to Dark Souls. I want almost every other game to not be Dark Souls. Souls, to me, is quite dull a lot of the time as bar a few challenging enemies its fairly easy itself and I have no interest in role-playing in the slightest (dex/magic builds zzzz you're still rolling but hitting for less damage) so I end up getting the best scaling STR weapon and just using it for the game. This makes me switch things up. The locations in Souls, at times, are second to none though.

    Its a world I love to explore, I love the shrines (done around 80 or 90 by now and enjoyed them all), the discovery (even if it is the same five or six things on repeat), the atmosphere, the fact its seriously fucking beautiful in parts. Its my complete game.

    If I feel like slick movement and combat I can load up Destiny 2 and be invariably bored of headshotting some alien things within an hour.
  • For what it’s worth - when I complained about the weapon degradation I didn’t mean to imply I disliked it - thematically it suits, given the whole survival in the wild vibe, and it forces experimentation which is cool. There was too much menu hopping, sure, but that wasn’t a major deal for me.

    The problem is that you shouldn’t have weapon degregation AND enemies like Lynels, IMO. First time I fought one I died, but I tried again and after a few goes I had the dodge down perfect. Except all my weapons broke, and the game left me with me with no recourse to deal with the situation.

    Lynels are the game saying “are you good enough?” and nailing the dodge time after time is you saying “yes!”. Weapon degradation in this situation is the game saying “lol, fuck you anyway”.
  • Dark Soldier
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    I go through about four/five high damage weapons on most Lynels, its really not that bad. I don't face them until I have around 15 slots, of which 8-10 have some slick weapons in there. Then I just wander about and find four or five more in a few hours.

    Weapon breaks, I hold right on d-pad, pick another within a second or two and its on. I don't see that as immersion breaking really, if I had to pause, cycle through, ummm and ahhh then pick one after 20-30 seconds, I'd get it.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    The Lynel health bar is definitely an issue, I'd have much preferred them to go down easier if you're proficient at dodging and ballsy enough to take them head on. But still, you can avoid every single one of them, so as far as issues go it's a minor gripe in what is without question an incredible game.

    As far as combat and weapon breaking goes, I loved it. Save your good shit for the tough guys and mix it up with the little 'uns with what's at hand, even taking their own weapon off them and skewering them with it.

    The inventory was handled really well too, a slight pause while you select a weapon or arrow you need, allows you pick the right tools for the job with minimal fuss. We've been through all this before though, and the alternative ideas for inventory management offered up in this thread were laughably shite, so I'm preparing my lol face should they resurface.
  • The Switch should pause your perception of time so you can rotate through a holographic inventory at your leisure before being flung back in, unaware of any break in immersion
  • Escape
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    Degrading our weapons is obviously a matter of preference.

    there'd literally be zero reason to use any of them at all once you get a 70 damage weapon.

    Aye, but flip it and there was me with all of my special weapons in cabinets, like tungsten-tipped screws, never to be used. Tools for the job, m8; give everything a much longer life (or better, reduce enemy health and increase their number), make almost everything repairable by a blacksmith, and ensure that different weapons own at various ranges and tasks. Most weapons are differentiated by their numbers alone; sword or axe, same job. Spears are the exception.

    The only factor that I remember was ‘spinlock’, where Guardian axes were the best for holding most enemies in hitstun during Link's spin attack. I know what you're saying about being able to do this, that and the other, but I was never compelled to. It invariably took longer and was prone to unfairly biting. I'm the sort of player who has to be encouraged into that, whereas you see it as baked-in fun that us boring sods are too uninspired to try.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Fuck a blacksmith in the ass, every variant of every weapon (bar one) can be found multiple times and in multiple areas throughout the game and they respawn. It encourages exploration which is what the game is essentially about. Heavy swords have a further out hitbox compared to lighter weapons due to length, they do own in a different scenario at different times.
  • Escape
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    I used to like playing my own game in Icicle Works.

    Because Santa can push snowballs into the tunnels he's created to block them, I used to play my own game of freeing and then retrapping the polar bears. It takes a bit of forethought to avoid leaving exits open, turning a fairly simple game into a self-made puzzler, and then you can try and drown the bears with the water. But I think that's the only example I can think of.

    And yes, I was an odd child.
  • Along that line I think. I had it on the Commodore Plus 4. Crashed all the time.
  • Escape
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    I don't remember it crashing on me, but I can imagine it happening when there's lots of action.
  • Decided it's time to go
    it's a bit pants to be honest. i don't really want the game to be over, might just explore forever.

    Killed 2 lynel's in there. Full barbarian armour with a weapon that increases attack rating and ate some food which increases attack rating, only broke one weapon
  • Completed. Kind of sad, in a way i want the exploring part to last forever. The combat was boring especially the boss fight but the rest of the game was so damn fucking awesome it's still a 10/10 for me, one of my favourite games ever.
  • It's brilliant aye. That end boss is really the pits though. Proper shit.
  • Ok what the fuck is the electric fish you need for the Riddles of Hyrule side quest and more importantly where the fuck is it.

    I've been fishing for the last half hour and have found plenty of fish but none that are electric.

    Still no luck with this bastard. I'm at a complete loss.

    It's the last side quest on my list, I'm sure there's plenty left to find but my plan is to take down Ganon whilst having nothing else on the go.

    I finished The Weapon Connoisseur and Homeowner side quests this evening, they were the most time consuming yet.

    So its just unlocking the last Great Fairy with the money farming tips from here. Then searching for this electric fucking fish and whatever else that side quest throws at me, before finishing this up and getting onto another game.

    So, where's this fucking fish? Is it down to a chance or do they always appear in certain places?
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