Halo, is it me you're looking for?
  • Because I'm bored, here's a list of what I've gleaned so far from my interweb rummagings. 

    Amour Abilities: 

    Autosentry - self explanatory and for some reason the one that upsets me the most.

    Prom Vision - talked about already by 343. Local Xray vision, essentially.

    Regeneration Field - A version of the blue bubble thing from Reach, apparently.

    Hologram - Always liked the idea of this in Reach, but it got lost a bit in the other AAs.

    Hardlight Shield - somewhere between a bubble shield and riot shield? Apparently it can be broken.

    Active Camo - Shotty starts anyone?

    Thruster Pack - someone referred to it as acting more like evade than jetpack, so who knows?   

    Tactical Packages (support perks)

    Firepower - allows you to start with 2 primary weapons e.g. BR and DMR

    Resupply - Dunno. Carry more ammo? 

    Grenadier - Dunno. Carry more grenades?

    Awareness - allows you to see your radar when using a scope. This is stoopid.

    Shielding - increases regain speed. Has been said to be the 'new AL' in terms of game-breakingness.

    Anybody got anything else?
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • Hardlight sounds like a Jackal shield. Combo with a pistol might be nasty!
  • Even MOAR pics:


    Loving the very MGS4/Crysis armour plating on the gloves. Kill Cam screen which pretty much confirms that,which I really don't mind, and Splaser confirmed too, so not replaced by the Railgun/Storm rifle as had been rumoured.
  • Dan_Dare wrote:
    Hardlight sounds like a Jackal shield. Combo with a pistol might be nasty!

    I'd guess/hope you couldn't fire when using it.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • Vastik
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    JRPC wrote:
    Prom Vision - talked about already by 343. Local Xray vision, essentially.
    After playing Ghost Recon FS online, I'm not liking the sound of this.
  • Without actually having seen much footage or played the thing, and so being unable to judge if they can balance the vast amount of stuff they are shoving in.  I will just say until then that 343s biggest mistake is not doing the usual public beta.  From a balancing point of view a public beta provides more and better feedback than any amount of paid testing.  From a netcode point of view again, it provides real world data, far more valuable than any amount of paid testing.  Same for bugs.

    So I'm not expecting it to be as well balanced as previous Halos (of which none has been perfectly balanced), I'm also expecting it to be buggy and laggy as well.

    I just wish they would do the public beta more than anything.
    Today is the shadow of tomorrow.
  • Apparently we can name our personal loadouts.

    Already forming some of my potential ones in my head...

    Good Luck = Hardlight + Shielding

    A Very Camp Man = Shotty + AC

    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • Vastik wrote:
    JRPC wrote:
    Prom Vision - talked about already by 343. Local Xray vision, essentially.
    After playing Ghost Recon FS online, I'm not liking the sound of this.
    I suppose the flaw with it in Ghost Recon is that in theory, you're supposed to try and be stealthy. All the gadgets completely undermine that. Not such a big problem in something like Halo, although not certain to work either.
  • From what they've said, the xray is useful for avoiding ambushes etc at short range but overall the effect is going to be disorientating if you try and use it more generally. Bit like how the audio muffle and radar loss on active camo in Reach is an arse ache.
  • Vastik
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    I_R wrote:
    Vastik wrote:
    JRPC wrote:
    Prom Vision - talked about already by 343. Local Xray vision, essentially.
    After playing Ghost Recon FS online, I'm not liking the sound of this.
    I suppose the flaw with it in Ghost Recon is that in theory, you're supposed to try and be stealthy. All the gadgets completely undermine that. Not such a big problem in something like Halo, although not certain to work either.
    True, and radar gives your location away anyway. I just found that on ghost recon, I died many times thanks to someone seeing me through a wall and watching as my head pops out of cover into their waiting sniper scope.
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    So it's an anti-camping tool? Sounds good.

    One of the problems I often had with Halo is running round the map trying to find someone to shoot. 3D spotting in BF3 combats this, sounds like a quick blast of X-Ray vision might as well.

    As an aside, Gotham City Imposters has an X-Ray perk and whilst it's very good for finding enemies to shoot the fact it also spots them for your team is a bit OP. The downside of using it is that your normal vision is extremely limited, entering and exiting it is very slow, and movement isn't easy as it almost completely desaturates your environment.
  • Vastik
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    Mod74 wrote:
    So it's an anti-camping tool? Sounds good.
    Unfortunately it was actually what the campers were using...

    Edit: but yeah, it can route them out too.
  • Vastik wrote:
    Mod74 wrote:
    So it's an anti-camping tool? Sounds good.
    Unfortunately it was actually what the campers were using... Edit: but yeah, it can route them out too.

    Yeah, exactly. You wouldn't really use it just generally knocking around. It'll encourage camping like nobody's business.

    Presumably it will show up AC user too.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • So many defensive perks. Defensive perks = slower gameplay.
    GT: Knight640
  • Knight wrote:
    So many defensive perks. Defensive perks = slower gameplay.

    Compensated by generally faster gameplay? And I just don't mean movement. The DMR has been said to be a 2 hot (headshots) and BR I'm guessing will be 4 in the end. Maybe kill times will be generally upped a bit?

    Just trying to be optimistic here.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
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    There's four offensive perks and one defensive one.
  • I'd say Awareness and Shielding are defensive, but I think he was referring to AA's as well.
  • Mod74 wrote:
    There's four offensive perks and one defensive one.

    Sorry, I was talking about armour abilties. sentry, vision, regen, hard shield.

    From that leaked video the kill times are sloooooow, plus sprint as default (which counter intuitively slows down gameplay as it makes getting away much easier and thus killing people slower) means that at the moment I'm terrified by how slow kill times are going to end up. Frankly, nothing else matters in comparison, if kill times are slow the game will be rubbish. If kill times are fast the game will be good, even with mountains of mud thrown at the Halo wall.
    GT: Knight640
  • Where is the balance for you Knight?  In terms of kill speeds I was quite happy with Halo 3, if I landed all my BR shots right and I was within a reasonable distance so the spread wasn't so great, then it felt good.  I felt Reach was too long.

    COD kills speeds would be way too fast.
    Today is the shadow of tomorrow.
  • Yeah COD is way too fast for Halo, but Halo 3 and Reach's kill times aren't anywhere near COD, talk of making kill times faster doesn't even need to get close to COD kill times. Halo 3 was too slow for me, mainly as the spread meant the BR rarely killed in 4 even with perfect aim. I can't give you my perfect balance because it depends on strafe speed and aiming difficulty. The harder it is to aim and the quicker the strafe speed the faster the kill times can be. You couldn't have H1 kill times with H3 movement speed and aiming difficulty for example. It's not so much COD's kill times that are the problem, but how easy it is to kill that quickly. CS has very fast kill times but it's very hard to kill that quickly. That means the very act of aiming and shooting is inherently rewarding. You can't say that about COD or certain Halo weapons *cough* AR *cough*.

    If I were making a Halo game I'd make fastest possible kill times lower than 1.5 seconds. But I'd also make the average kill time a lot longer than that. So yes if you're good enough you can destroy somebody cross map with your BR equivalent in less than a second and a half BUT you've got to be damned good to do it. People like me would almost never be able to pull it off unless the opposing player was being a numpty and running straight at me or something like that.

    Bear in mind that 1.5 seconds feels like a really short amount of time but in reality you can do an awful lot in that amount of time in Halo.
    GT: Knight640
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    COD/Unreal is at one end, Halo is at the other.

    Personally I'd like something in-between, somewhere between 1.5 and 2 seconds of every hit landing in the body mass. Roughly what Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 are.
  • Sorry I didn't mean to just direct that at Knight, it was for everyone too, although it was him that prompted the question, I'd agree about 1.5 seconds at fastest and then the more rubbish you are the longer it gets.  So many factors it's crazy, I remember Bungie being very open about actual specs for the Halo 3 weapons e.g. spread of bullets over distance, rate of fire etc, speed of travel.  It was not just superficial twaddle but very in depth and unusual for a developer to share that kind of information.
    Today is the shadow of tomorrow.
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
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    Halo 3 was fine for me, it usually felt (lag aside) that the better guy won each battle. (I'm not going over, yet again, how the BR spread was fine.) Heck, Reach with 85% bloom was pretty good. Guys would go down pretty consistently if you timed your shots with 85%, rather than the DMR feeling like it was shooting blanks on 100% bloom. I'm not sure about zero bloom, it just seems like it's about who can pull the trigger fastest, rather than who's most accurate (though this has a lot to do with Reach's enormous hit boxes, too.)

    I don't want something as fast as CoD (which, if the DMR really is two shots, Halo 4 will be CoD-fast) but I don't want another Reach where I feel that kills are being stolen from me by annoying abilities.

    I guess (as people have mentioned) that if the guns are more powerful, it might balance out with the new defensive stuff. Could make for some really interesting tactical choices, and some really rich and dynamic fights. Then again, we thought that about Reach, and that just descended into Armour Lock cluster fucks, interspersed with Active Camo twunts with the sniper sitting in corners.

    Fingers crossed, but I'm not feeling the excitement about Halo 4 yet.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • 100% chance that there'll be:

    a. One of the abilities/armor things removed from MM because it's OP.
    b. At least one of them nerfed because it's OP.

    No way, even with a beta - but billy's right, a beta would have meant beta times (sup NMD) - that they'll get everything balanced right on first attempt. We can only hope it's not so borked that it turns people away (sup vanila reach).
    I'm still great and you still love it.
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    Have they said no Beta? Because it's nowhere near too late to run one.
  • Yeah, they have. Hopefully they change their mind.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Surely it worth doing one even just as a marketing tool? I don't quite get why not to do it, surely the data they'd get would be invaluable?
  • My only guess is they are on too tight a schedule to do a public beta and are forced to go the 'buyer is tester' route...
    Today is the shadow of tomorrow.
  • Personally I'd like something in-between, somewhere between 1.5 and 2 seconds of every hit landing in the body mass. Roughly what Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 are.
    I've played very little of BC2 or B3 but are you sure kill times are between 1.5 and 2 seconds? 2 seconds is a really, really long time.
    GT: Knight640
  • So here's a new one.

    Check out the AR kill at the beginning. That's quick, right? Seems faster than the AR's of old I'd say. 

    Also the grenade-pistol thing looks like the launcher from Reach. Face will be pleased.

    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95

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