  • Culturally though, yourself and Tempy keep pushing this 'bigger picture' idea, completely neglecting the fact that a mixed race Royal family is one of the greatest symbolic gestures we've seen in our time

    How generous of them!

    By the way can I be in the royal family?
    Can I just be rich apropos of fuck all?
  • I didn’t realise I was glossing over the royal stuff, I was engaging with Davy in a different topic entirely.
  • dynamiteReady
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    ^^ You can't be President of the United States either. But at least now we can see that race is not an absolute barrier. The current Irish Taoiseach is of Indian descent too, right?

    It's not all just 'alt-right'.
    "I didn't get it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, you fucking do your thing." - Roujin
    Ninty Code: SW-7904-0771-0996
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    It'll be alt-right on the night.
  • Yeah, but can the Queen uppercut her head off now?
  • It'll be alt-right on the night.

    That's it, thread peaked.
    SFV - reddave360
  • dynamiteReady
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    LivDiv wrote:
    Yeah, but can the Queen uppercut her head off now?

    She'd make a great Mortal Kombat character. Like Goro. Only she's older, has more arms, and they're all in our pockets...
    "I didn't get it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, you fucking do your thing." - Roujin
    Ninty Code: SW-7904-0771-0996
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I feel like it’s basically an unwinnable trap at this point in the situation of making a mistake? In which case the trick is always to never make a mistake or do anything which could be construed as a mistake?!

    I don’t think it’s a trap and I don’t think it’s unwinnable, I think it’s an unfortunate situation that he got himself into and one that he didn’t help himself once he was in.

    Moot_Geeza wrote:
    He was probably in a bit of a flap when he made initial apologies/responses. I took it that he meant his mind isn't diseased (regarding any intent), and then the barell thing was just shots fired on the way down, which is probably more of a natural thing to do than totally nailing an apology for something this sensitive at the first pass.

    This all may well be true, there may have been no intentional offence at any stage in this, he might just have not been thinking things through and so fucked up and kept fucking up, and the truth is that people do lose their jobs over fuckups, and while I’m not arguing that he should have lost his job, I just don’t think that the situation is quite as clear cut as him making an honest mistake and then being hounded out of his job because of it. He fell into a hole and kept digging.
  • I'm not sure if he should've lost his job or not really, I'm glad I don't have to make these decisions. I do feel sorry for him and I do consider it to be 'just' a humongous error of judgement, but if you'd showed me the caption and photo a week ago and asked me if whoever had posted it would be handed their hat and coat my answer would've been an absolute cast iron yes.

    Edit: pretty sure this has been said by others, thread is BUSY though so I can't find to quote.
  • LivDiv wrote:
    Yeah, but can the Queen uppercut her head off now?

    She'd make a great Mortal Kombat character. Like Goro. Only she's older, has more arms, and they're all in our pockets...

  • Say if a colleague at work has cancer, for example, and as a 'joke', on Slack, on the general chat channel, or on your company wide email group you raise: "Don't show that bald headed cunt any sympathy. Haha." Even in a stream of other well wishing messages, and even if you know the guy well, there's a good chance you'll get fired. That's the 'common sense' side of it.
    I'm not sure how that fits into any argument about this at all. You may get fired for verbally abusing colleagues at work, yes.
    Culturally though, yourself and Tempy keep pushing this 'bigger picture' idea, completely neglecting the fact that a mixed race Royal family is one of the greatest anti racism gestures we've seen in our time. Possibly the clearest symbol of a change in culture, at least since Obama. So perhaps zealously guarding that is more valuable than you think.
    Well I've only written one post of any substance, but OK. But I don't see the connection you've made there at all. Danny Baker hasn't undermined whatever symbolic value there is in a mixed race royal marriage.
    No one's even taken the security issue into account. Can you imagine the number of death threats the family have received from domestic enemies, since Meghan has married into the family?
    You've lost me there.
    And, interestingly, no one has bought up Alan Sugar yet. His comments can possibly be seen as less harmful than Danny's (overlooking intent). But they were no less stupid, and he pretty much got away with that... Why do you think that is?
    Because the BBC are massive hypocrites?
  • Getting fired as punishment has issues, however, if we're talking glossing over, one of the reasons folks are ambivalent (myself included) about celebs being fired is the loooooong history of them getting away with any old shit, and not only not getting fired, but continuing with massive pay days and no sanctions at all.

    See Eddie Maguire out here.

    President of massive football club, ubiquitous TV personality. Host of a show where his off sider makes clarkson look like contra points.

    Suggests Adam Goodes would be great as promo guy for King Kong.

    The week after a fan of his club called Goodes a monkey and goodes had to point her out and had her removed.

    Big apologies from all. So sincere.

    Goodes, of course, is aboriginal. He's an absolute champion of the game. And was all but forced to retire because of copping it from fans AFTER that incident.

    Maguire has gone on to say dumb shit about disabled folk and some other howlers.

    Meanwhile, monkey comments, blackface Nd other such fuckery continue.

    In tandem with massive racist structure.

    Won't someone think of the boomer age white blokes and their oblivious comments!

    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Here's an interesting firing for different reasons that makes for some comparison games I can't unpack yet.

    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • I think Yoss is reading a different story to the one I’m reading. The one I’m reading, as soon as Baker has his error pointed out he corrected it and apologised. You don’t handle it much better than that. That’s literally exactly what people say is the best way to handle an error.

    As for the bald-headed-cancer-cunt analogy, I’m unclear if that’s meant to be a story where you’re close enough to the bald cunt to make cancer jokes or not, but applying a blanket ‘common sense’ approach of dismissal is lunacy. It depends on the relationship between the commenter and the audience. In some relationships, a lack of ‘good riddance’ would be almost hurtful.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    He corrected it and apologised while implying that seeing racism in the joke was the product of a diseased mind. If he’d left that bit out, it would have been a good way to handle the error, unfortunately he did not.
  • I think you’ve read that wrong.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Frankly it doesn’t matter, if it’s open to interpretation, you’ve fucked up the apology.
  • It's not really open to interpretation. It's quite clear what he meant.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I mean, people have clearly interpreted it differently, so what? Everyone who has done so has done so in bad faith just to be outraged?
  • Yossarian wrote:
    Frankly it doesn’t matter, if it’s open to interpretation, you’ve fucked up the apology.

    Well, I take it all back. A man definitely deserves to lose his job over this.
  • On the flip side: have those people taken it on good faith that he may not have wanted to insult everyone with his apology?
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Andy wrote:
    Yossarian wrote:
    Frankly it doesn’t matter, if it’s open to interpretation, you’ve fucked up the apology.

    Well, I take it all back. A man definitely deserves to lose his job over this.

    I’ve said repeatedly that I’m not saying he deserved to lose his job, I just don’t think that the situation is as clear cut as some are suggesting. It wasn’t one mistake which was immediately rectified, it was several which all contributed to the situation.
  • Several? I’m counting one which you don’t have to try hard to see the lack of malice, and one where you have to try hard to see malice. What are the others?
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Previous page:

    Yossarian wrote:
    Baker’s initial apology was poor and could certainly be taken as suggesting that seeing racism in his joke was the product of a diseased mind. His second apology dismissed the situation as being his turn in the barrel rather than reflecting on his own actions and how that might seem to others. He then went on to start joking about the situation.

  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    His major problem I think was not understanding the severity of the situation which meant not dealing with it appropriately. It was an oversight which led to a number of fuckups.
  • I think I’d feel less sympathy for Baker had he not been documented as being pretty poor after his cancer and chemo. A guy has lost his main source of income, late in his working life and shortly after a life threatening illness and, though I can’t understand how he got to a point of posting such a pic, I still feel for him.

    Not wanting to interrupt your arguments though so carry on in circles.

    Edit: he also has a clear history of being a pretty decent and defo not racist guy so...
  • You don’t think he understood the severity of losing his job? You’re also working hard to ignore most of the ‘second’ apology to write it off as dismissal.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    No, the severity of the initial post.

    And I’m not working hard at any of this. I’m reading his words and considering how they could be interpreted. It’s not hard at all.
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Looks to me Baker, while apologetic was actually digging the people who twisted his jocular image and creating another big top. If Russell Howard had made the same gag in his news round up? Hmmm, but he’s not an old fool.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • You think there would be no one objecting to this is we just swap out Danny Baker for Russell Howard?

    Are you high?

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