  • Finished octavia quest. That last bit was awesome.
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  • That seems to have unlocked at least 2 new quests. Yay.

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  • Also, Yay for being proper prepped for shopping from bano this weekend. New mod and new sword bought. Reckon I might sneak another mod before weekend is through. Maybe 2 depending on credit price.

    Rhino, then frost and Mag will unlock tomorrow, with valkyr on Tuesday. Woot.
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  • Shit, I forgot about Baro. Will pop over and take a peek, cheers!
  • Got dread bow! Whatshisname picked a relic run to attack me. 4 op dudes in squad. Everything spawned and died. Saw his mug and text then just received the blueprint in 3 seconds later. Lololol.

    Been using rhino. Seems good. Not sure what's happening. But there's buffs and shields of some sort.

    So close to mr10, now I'm not just rerolling.
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  • Aww yeah! Even with average mods Dread's an orange-crit monster. I've got a 90% multi-shot mod on it as well and the damage it does is crazy. 

    As far as I know the big difference between your Cernos and Dread is that Cernos is mainly Impact damage which is good for shields, whereas Dread is mainly Slash damage, the strongest of the physical damage types and procs the Bleed status effect for added damage over time. 

    I've also put reload and fire-rate mods on my Dread as I found it very slow to shoot, but as I don't use that many bows I'm not sure if that's normal.
  • Due to always keeping one levelled-up primary or secondary equipped, and my current obsession with Kitguns and Zaws, which need to be levelled to 30 and then Gilded before you can begin to get MR from them - I've completely stalled in MR progression again. 

    At MR 14 all of the weapons available in the store are unlocked, and Rivens only go up to MR 16, so that's where I need to be. From that point MR is mostly vanity and I can start messing around with modular weapons and Forma to my heart's content. But I just can't help myself.

  • I've also put reload and fire-rate mods on my Dread as I found it very slow to shoot, but as I don't use that many bows I'm not sure if that's normal.

    I'd guess it's like all of the bows. I do the x2 fire rate every time with bows. I'm not sure how the maths works exactly, but I think there's damage drop off if you fire early, without x2, they're peashooters, with it, you can one shot real quick or if you have to let it go early it still does good damage.

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  • Ah, so most bows are just naturally slow to fire. Cool.

    I did some looking into the mods when I wanted to increase the RoF of my Dread and as far as I know, the "2x for bows" means the mod gives twice whatever the current stat increase is, rather than a flat 2x increase to the bow's base fire-rate. 

    So, if your mod is giving you +25% RoF for your rifle, it'll be +50% RoF (charge rate) for your bow. 

    Reload mods increase the actual arrow draw time, and projectile speed mods do their usual thing.
  • Got rhino maxed. Goso utility, but not a very exciting frame.

    Working on frost now.

    Lucked out with the resource booster today. Did orokin runs on ceres and was able to nab a bunch. Meant I could start building reaper prime.

    Figured I'd hit the void to see how I'd go with argon crystals. Got 10 from two teshub runs! Woot.

    Figured I should check for blueprints I could by. Turns out I had materials already to instantly start building 3 new weapons!

    The nunchucks. A funky looking crossbow. And nami solo.

    With all the frames I have hopefully this'll all take me pretty close to mr11.

    Mr10 test got aced with Titania. Just flew for 95% of it with her 4.

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  • Also, I have a kuva lich thing going on. Ceres is taxed for me. Can't seem to do fuck all damage to the stuff in the kuva missions solo.

    Looks like a long process to sort it all.

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  • Yup, the Kuva Lich thing is a long and hard process, but it's kinda fun. I have seen a few YT vids from iFlynn and the likes dismissing the whole system as easy and saying it'll only take 60 to 90 minutes to complete... 

    Horse shit. 

    IF you're a 10,000+ hour Founder with all the best weapons multi-rolled, and have all the best mods in the game maxed out, and you just happen to have a huge stock of Requiem relics lying around then yeah, maybe you can get it done in that time. But for ordinary players and those just encountering the system for the first time - it can take days, weeks, or even months to resolve. 

    This is my Lich, Limitor Odukk. She's set up on Neptune with occupied nodes at levels 55-75, and I'm nowhere close to defeating her. 

  • Good times. So they stay on one planet?

    That's mildly annoying, but she doesn't appear to have taxed orokin cells yet. Hoping that they decided that's too annoying to do.

    It seems a cool mechanic. I'll probably look for a squad and try a few runs.
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  • Yeah, or mine have never left their birth planets at any rate. Besides cleansing the regular occupied nodes you'll need to run special Kuva Syphon or Kuva Flood missions to get Requiem relics, and to unlock them you'll need to run special high-level missions on the Kuva Fortress. All good fun but also pretty damn tough.
  • Last nightwave thing has dropped.
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  • Spectacular finale for nightwave. Bit frustrating as a boss battle, but it looks the part.

    Also, forgot I had Corinth bought too. Just needed nitain extract. Thankfully had nightwave coin.

    Also, when I find an enemy that my cernos can't one shot I'll get scared.
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  • Maxed mitter. Either I didn't mod it right or it's a bit shit. Really painful to Max. Will delete with prejudice. Started on dread. Oh my. Instant orange crits. Lololol. And that firing sound effect is chefs kiss.

    Also started on the nunchucks. Fucking a.

    That's gonna be part of the go to line ups. Bow, kunai, nunchucks.
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  • Dread's magnificent. Still not tried any of the nunchucks, they do look super cool but I can't see them replacing the high crit/high status DPS of Broken War, Lesion, or Zaws as my go-to's.

    I'm super invested in the bonkers flamethrower, Ignis Wraith, right now. Not getting any MR again as I'm just rerolling. It has zero single target DPS, but truly absurd wave clear potential. I've just gotta make sure I'm running a strong secondary alongside it for when the Stalker jumps me, 'cause that fucker has a habit of pouncing when I'm using the most inappropriate loadouts.
  • Lol. Haven't used any flamethrowers, but been in squads with guys rocking them. Good fun.

    Meanwhile, still haven't got wukong because plastids, but in the mean time equinox prime is building right now. Winning.
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  • After days of knocking off a couple of uranus missions each day I have wukong building.

    Maxed Mag and am now doing valkyr. Defo a frame I had to look up what was happening with.

    Need to do at least 2 more rerolls of dread before it beats my cernos.

    Checked stats and did side by side test. Got cernos doing 2k base with 90% crit chance.

    Dread only about 500 with 50%.

    Also maxed out that crossbow. Nagatata or something. Very fun. Great alt fire too. Full auto to empty the clip. With trigger mod it absolutely belts out. With a reroll or two and some recoil adjustments I'll have it taking down heavy gunners in one press soon enough.

    Working through cornith shotty now too. A little underwhelming to begin with, but I haven't upgraded a lot of my shotty specific mods yet, so will fix that soon enough.

    Over halfway to mr11. Unless a few other things drop, I'll be hunting for some new stuff to grind to get to mr12 in a week or so.

    I have unlocked up to sedna now. Just need to squad up for the koth style missions.
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  • Is there a thread for this? 

    How's the D2 menu going?
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  • It's gonna have to play like a dream to take playtime from D2 and Warframe, and unfortunately nothing I've seen yet has made me think it will. 

    But hey, I'm open to the possibility. Will keep an eye on it.
  • My Dread's at 125% crit chance and a 4x crit multiplier with no forma. Don't remember how I got it that high though. Will have a look at it tomorrow.

    And remember, Dread can proc the Bleed status effect for damage over time, which really helps against certain high-level enemies.
  • Okay, this is my 0-Forma mid-game friendly Dread. 125% crit chance, 4x crit damage, 2290 base damage (a good balance of heat and slash), and can proc bleed and burn DoT status effects.


    The 125% crit chance comes from a level 5 Point Strike mod. That's a guaranteed crit with every shot, and an extra 25% chance at triggering orange crits. 

    I've been experimenting with the inherent slash/bleed effects so I've been switching Hellfire in and out, as in Warframe only one status effect can proc per shot, so the Bleed effect from slash and the Burn effect from Hellfire compete against each other, the one with the highest number gaining priority. 

    My next step is to forma up, which would let me add a couple of levels to Serration for more base damage, and max out Vital Sense and Hellfire for more crit and heat damage. I just need more endo.
  • Nice. Have most of those mods and a fair few upgraded.

    Hefty patch this morning, btw. Not sure what it's added, but my quick jump on to get my built stuff has taken a detour.
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  • Lololol. Absolutely lucked out with a cephalon onslaught.

    Some dude was rocking an uber maxed frame. I didn't recogise the abilities. But he could spam one that was basically an electro version of nidus's vortex thing. He could basically suck in nearly every enemy on map to the middle and then we just wailed on the blob.

    Took vid with my phone. It was quite a thing.

    Ranked up a bunch of stuff, in one hit.

    Also, joined arbiters too. So I have 3 factions that jive with each other. Stocking up on relics hard
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  • That sounds like it could be Vauban's Bastille ability - it suspends enemies and strips their armour, hold the ability to collapse all enemies into a vortex. It's amazing with the right build and really makes me wanna get Vauban myself. 

  • That's probably it. It was insane.
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  • Just realised, all of Vauban's blueprints have been available to buy via Nightwave this season. And I spent my credits on other stuff. Dammit.
  • Just watched that vid. Yep. That's the one. It was exactly as nuts as it looks here
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