  • Facewon wrote:
    I'm in a position to build multiples of certain frames too, I assume I can "trade" with folks I know and basically give stuff away?

    Definitely 2-3 frames I could just shout you if you dive in on pc ayns.

    (I wonder how MR locked weapons work? I have a spare dread. Can I just give that to someone if they don't have the MR to build it?)

    You can't trade built weapons or frames, or even regular weapon or warframe blueprints for that matter. So no Dread trading, and no getting rid of that spare Oberon/Nyx/whatever blueprint set for example.

    You're limited to trading with prime weapon parts, prime warframe blueprints, faction weapon blueprints, mods, keys, relics, and a few other special items.

    Regarding duplicate Warframes, the best thing you can do with them is feed them to your Helminth. They introduced a whole new system with Deimos where you get to absorb an ability from a sacrificed warframe and then use it on different frame. I've not gone too deeply into it, and the whole process is probably grindy as hell, but it looks like it's something worth experimenting with for endgame players.
  • Well, that's yer ember prime building. Woot.

    Picked up a number of great weapons recently. Probably need to ditch a few too, just to get some slots back.

    Well and truly on the way to enough orokin cells to build the second I hit mr14.

    Just off mr13 now, and still plenty of new stuff to hunt through clan. Plus I've only just started actually chasing the parts from invasions. Built the dera vandal, got bits of another 2 things.

    Need to look up where I get khora materials from, as I have all 3 parts. Just need blueprint and a bunch of items that appear to be open world stuff.
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  • Atlas prime building now. Woot.
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  • Got my mr13.

    Also got tekko prime, just in time to be rocking altas prime. Punchy punchy times.

    Got to grips pretty well with ember prime. Pretty cool frame. Felt sluggish after rocking nezha for a good while though. Her speed boosts are nice.

    Haven't landed quite the right mods to really get ember prime rocking though. Unless I'm in a squad doing relic runs, there aren't enough enemies to keep the fire shield in its sweet spots for long. Gotta do a lot of management with the 1 and 3 to keep it going.

    Some mods to drop energy balls would help, or lucking out with another frame who boosts energy for team mates.

    Just started with altas prime now.

    He's fun. Feels on point and hefty with his melee hits too.

    This dude on point again with spots to farm, btw.


    As far as non relic or special mission things go, Ophelia is pretty nuts.

    Stock survival mission, but it really drops a lot of good stuff.

    His suggestion of the defense mission Helene on saturn was on point too.

    Outside of resource boosters and survival/extraction relic missions on the right planets, they net a heck of a lot.

    With the ceres credit one and teshub (until I can access mot) in the void, I have pretty much everything covered.
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  • Nice going, Face! I'm a big fan of Ember, once everything clicks into place that AoE and shield let you just walk through the craziest of situations.

    I'm fine taking a bit of a break from Warframe 'til I can get a PS5, but I'll be very happy to jump back in again. 

    I just managed to get the blueprints I needed for Vauban from Nightwave before I stopped playing, and I really, really wanna get in on that crazy Bastille death-ball action.
  • Lol, forgot to add the link. It's in there now.

    Also, I think it's because something was updating in the background on my laptop, but went to Plains last night and framerate dropped to 17. Oops. Hoping that was just a glitch that goes.
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  • Oh dear. Don't know if I have the Khora grind in me.

    In better news, Paris prime grip, which I've been waiting on prior to just about everything I've mentioned in the last, I dunno, 5 pages, just dropped. So have that building. Add another cool bow to the party! Fuck yeah.

    Pyranna handgun/shotty is a fucking monster. And I'll be doing 100% yellow crits and 50% orange soon enough, thanks to a primed mod.

    After a few more goes with Atlas, time to start the grind on Limbo. I've watched a vid, but need to rewatch, because it's all about the switching between dimensions, and you can totally be in the wrong one and not be doing damage etc. and vice versa. Absolute craziness, but that's why we love the frame.

    T'was a lith relic excavation, so pretty easy going anyway. good for 12 ranks in 20 minutes. lel.
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  • faaark. Limbo is a headfuck. Also, lol, a frame that really needs fashion frame to get it's abilities colour coded.
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  • Stick with the Khora grind if you can, Face, she's one of the elite tier end-game DPS frames. Of course playing her at that level requires certain hard to get mods levelled up a crazy amount and a total commitment to a specialist build. She's also a solid pick in mid-game spec though and one of my go-to's.

    After levelling him up I never really used Limbo beyond cheesing Lua spy missions. Must fix that once I start up again. But yeah, absolutely requires fashion frame action.
  • Limbo's one of those frames that makes the game play so differently as well. Love that shit.
  • Oooh. Good point re those spy missions. Handy.
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  • Limbo continues to mess with my head. Also, finding the switching between dimensions a bit hit and miss because it's left bumper tap while moving. Seems easy, but when you can use left bumper to slide by holding and you can also tap without moving for different effects, it can actually feel a bit weird. Got the black energy colour going, so at least I can see wtf I'm doing now. levels look pretty cool "cell shaded."

    Paris Prime has some awesome sound design.

    I've set to private for the moment so randoms don't have to deal with my limbo fuckery.
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  • Lel. Affinity bonuses ahoy for Xmas and daily. Just 0-30ed chroma prime in 45 minutes.

    Not a particularly exciting frame at first glance. Looks pretty cool and the 4 is... Something, but meh.

    If I have time tomorrow need to do a couple of endless missions with inaros. Again not the most fun frame. May as well level him quick.

    Mr14 coming!
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  • Woah. Never mind 45 minutes. 1 mission for a secondary just then. Lol
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  • What the hell!?! I know I said I was gonna take a break 'til I could get a PS5 (or if they dropped a surprise cross-save and I could switch to PC) but that seems too good to miss out on.

    Might try and get a couple of weapons I don't like levelled up quickly, and save the good ones for my return proper.
  • Won't be as quick if you don't have the double, but also, do the gift of lotus missions. They are really boosted.
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  • Ah, okay. Will have a look, cheers.
  • Well, even the 3 day booster is handy. 2-3 levels per regular mission. If there's an endless relic up when I get on again today then inaros prime will be sorted today real quick.

    Got another prime melee just then. A meso level one, so surprised I hadn't already gotten it. Still, good timing. Need a few more things to get to mr14. I'm 80% there.

    Will need to hit dojo for a few more random things. (and/or level again in nightwave. Have 1 more frame piece to buy for ouban or whatever he's called.

    Still trying to work out how that jesus christ pose teleport thing works. I do it absolutely randomly quite a bit.
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  • Last of my frames maxed. Might reroll some while I have affinity boosters.

    Gonna be chasing very specific relics for a while post mr14.

    Trying to finish nezha prime in particular.
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  • Mr14. Woot.

    3 prime weapons straight to being built in foundry another 3 a piece away.

    Time to chase some higher level stuff and finish planets.
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  • Well done, Face! That's some epic grind and time commitment.
  • Meh, it's comfort gaming. And I did work nearly every optimised method for levelling. 

    Thankfully, stuff with a squad of randoms and lots of enemies/endless gametypes are both effective for levelling and lots of fun.

    Baro rocked up at the right time with affinity and credit boosters to continue on from the xmas bonuses.
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  • Lol, out and about doing missions that I can fail, strange feeling.

    Also, all those asho tenno vids where he talks about shields being a bit meh are now making sense.

    Stuff does damage at level 40+. Real quick.
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  • Yup. Late game Corpus missions are especially rough, their shield depleting units can leave you in a very bad state very quickly. It was at this point that I began to see the true value of Nidus.

    40+ is where I'd been living for my last few months of playtime. My Kuva Lich missions are all 55 to 75 and can be brutal to solo. 

    I know it all gets easier again once you have the top mods all levelled up and your frames multi-forma'd, but getting to that point is another few hundred hours worth of grind. For where I am right now, the level 40 - 80 missions of the early-endgame content are a constant challenge and deaths or failures are not uncommon.
  • Tell you what, I have some tasty things now.

    Zhuge Prime with multishot and upped firerate, particularly with nezha discs doubling damage, means I can rinse some fucking tough enemies.

    Just started levelling Panthera Prime. It does some things as well. 

    Beat the Sedna Boss and got my first Saryn piece. It can get fucked with needing those "judgement points" to access the assassination mission though. Arena is easy but not that exciting. The level 60 version was kinda ok. 

    Love that all post level 30 Nightwave rewards are currency, so I'll finally get vauban and maybe some nitian extract. think I need to be quick though, because Nightwave goes this month if I recall.
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  • Woot.

    Vauban building.

    Genius level with ceph suda. Got nezha special mod for my troubles.

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  • More hotness. Ivara prime building now.

    Saryn grind is actually quite enjoyable. Arena is boring, but not taxing. And the ass mission on sedna is pretty well done.

    Hadn't bothered to look at my deathcube mods for ages. Realised I had a bunch of upgrades to be done in there.

    Slowly working through.

    I could literally not equip any weapons and get through a low level mission with abilities especially with nezha and firewalk and throwing discs.

    Once I have Saryn, reckon I'll try and get protea. Even though I've been fucking clueless every time doing those hand runs.
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  • Vauban is might be fun, but I cannot for the life of me, work out how to actually deploy his 2.

    He's one of those frames where one ability is basically changing between damage types, like ivara, or Titania, but I can't work out how to throw the mines. It's not right analogue click.

    I'm so confused.

    Rerolled my flamethrower with the exilus mod that puts folks to sleep if you're gliding while shooting. Lololol, range and aoe is nuts so it's fly and spray and then return to finish. Great for muting incoming damage.

    Got a pretty cool hammer from suda. Auto scans heavy attack victims and a chance to turn one into a friendly.

    Vauban is at 29, so it'll be on to ivara p next, then saryn will be ready tomorrow. Spending a lot of time grinding points for suda so I can buy the other 2 weapons she sells.

    Lappy is running a touch shitty at the Mo though, and I've cleaned out all I can think of, something is up with ram I reckon.
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  • Warframe youtubers really struggle to realise they've played this game way too much when they explain frames. Iflynn's saryn vid is all like, I dunno she's obvious to me, and it's like no dude, when you attack stuff with your 1, and a random set of new numbers appear, it's not obvious whatd happening. And as you're levelling her up, her 3 isn't obvious as to what it does either. And the order in which he advises to use them is also not obvious, 3, 4, 1. And if you haven't modded for duration and some other stuff trying to work out what's happening is hard as the stacking is hard to keep going.

    Anyhoo, have her up to 23 or something now and starting to see some minimal buffs.

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