  • Facewon wrote:
    Went in blind to the new stuff. Amazing. Just unexpected on so many levels.

    I know right!
  • I've done The New War, a brilliant hours long cinematic story quest with some nice perspective shifts, and a great way to tie up the main narrative. For now. Needed a Railjack and a Necromech for that quest, the Railjack wasn't too much of a problem but I bought a Necromech, fuck that grind. 

    Angels of the Zariman and a proper go at The Duviri Paradox next!

    Been bouncing between frames and weapons for mastery but I did manage to farm Mesa Prime and I'm quite taken with her. Looks awesome as well. Fashion Frame is the true end-game.

  • Mesa is the sniper? Hard to use from memory
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  • Gunslinger. She buffs gun damage, shields you from incoming projectiles, and with her 4 she whips out dual exalted revolvers and aim-bots everything around her. 

    Can't think of a specific sniper frame 'cept perhaps Ivara because of her 3? Definitely hard to use.
  • Ah, yeah, you right. I was thinking of Ivara. So many frames. I have both, at least one of them a prime, iirc. Absolutely only grabbed for the lols and because the game is collect and grind.

    Life was easier yesterday when I realised I have all my gear I just had to re-assign. So archwing and skateboard are back.
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  • Good stuff. I think I got Ivara Prime from one of the Warframe stream Twitch drops, definitely didn't farm her. Would love the new Gauss Prime but we'll see, only managed to grind out one part so far. Dude looks seriously complex but also crazy good.
  • Just rinsed the jackal. I recall that being a pain first time. Everything Max makes intro stuff so lol.
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  • Yeah I think that's the first real difficulty spike when you're working your way through the star chart, unless you choose public and high-level randoms nuke him before you even get there that is. 

    Farming that guy for Rhino was also my fist real moment of satisfaction with the crafting system. I crafted a Warframe!
  • https://youtu.be/UwRuLTp3EN4?si=fok8DrB_GvRcMdUz

    Watched this last night. Good little overview of the lore. Dude's voice isn't that annoying. Which is high praise for what I expect of these sorts of vids.
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  • Yeah that's a nice little breakdown, up to 11 mins for the scene-setting up to the game's start, and spoilers ahoy after that.

    Warframe lore has some good stuff in there when you dig into it (and some genuinely confusing stuff). I was over a hundred hours in before I played The Second Dream and discovered the reality of the Tenno and the Warframes, and what a mind fuck that was. Seriously one of my all-time favourite story moments.

    Destiny lore dude, Byf, has been dipping into Warframe lore over the years and has a playlist on his channel. The few I've watched were pretty good.
  • Did my fist playthrough of The Duviri Paradox last night and holy shit I was not prepared, fantastic stuff and a total mind-fuck in the best possible way. The sheer amount and variety of content in this game is something else, it really is a perfect tonic to Destiny burnout/disillusionment. 

    Looking forward to jumping back in for runs of the expanded Duviri experience (looks like side quests open once you've done a basic story run) and a first attempt at The Circuit, whatever that is. I should probably watch a guide vid 'cause I've no doubt there's an absurd amount of depth to all this that I'm only beginning to scratch the surface of.

    Love that this particular expansion is made available to everyone so early on in the game as well. For all the praise I can heap on The Second Dream, The War Within, and The New War quests, they're so far in that they'll only ever be played by people who are already committed.

    Edit: This is a good Duviri breakdown, mostly applies to the meat of the game after finishing your initial story run. 

  • Awesome. Will watch for sure. Not that there's a way for folks to do it, but second play through of early quests where I can just rinse everything is good. The rhythm of the story works much better. Just banging through them and opening map. Good times.
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  • Need to get some more weapons to randomly upgrade.
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  • I've been blasting through the missions as well atm. 'Cept these are all ones I haven't done, obvs. Focussing on those that unlock new tilesets and mechanics. Angels of the Zariman and Whispers in the Walls done this weekend, like Duviri though - you're not done when you've finished the story quest. There's a whole load more to get on with. 

    For newer weapons, the bow you get from completing The New War has become my go-to for tougher content. It's stupidly strong. Managed to get a couple of prime melee weapons as well that are kinda brilliant. Just need to deep-dive on modding, there are so many synergies at play in this game I just know every weapon I have is sub-optimally upgraded.
  • Is that bow cernos? Pretty sure it is, nasty one. I have 2 bows that I've double and triple maxed. Until I get closer to content at my level I can't tell which is more of a beast.

    They're one shot everything at the moment regardless.
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  • Cernos is great, especially some of the variants, but the one from The New War is called Naratuk. The charge shot causes an explosion and it's good for both crit and status. I'm getting anything from 16k to 200k+ on a single shot depending on what effects proc and I don't have the best mod setup.
  • Dread from the Shadow Stalker is another awesome bow, first weapon I saw orange and red crits from. I think I remember you having that.
  • Yeah, I have dread. I have a bunch of bows. Don't have that one above though. Sounds great. one to keep an eye on next run through.
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  • The New War's great. It carries on that cinematic quest arc from The Second Dream and The War Within - the Lotus, our backstory, and system wide war with the returning Sentients. You'll need a Railjack multicrew ship and a Necramech to start it though. The Railjack isn't an issue if you just follow the quest, but the Nercamech grind is one of the worst in the game. 

    I genuinely don't remember how I got a Necramech (a livestream drop maybe?), but I definitely didn't grind for it. Forum and Reddit advice is to just buy the parts on the market.
  • Yeah, rail jack was a thing when I was playing. I think I've done some of it, but it'll ask me to redo. That's fine. Necramexh I defo haven't done. It's gonna be weeks at least before I'm close anyway.
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  • There really is a staggering amount of content in the game and even the older stuff is still relevant and rewarding, with a couple of exceptions. 

    I've finally caught up with the new quests and unlocked the new locations and nodes, so for the first time in all the hundreds of hours I've sunk I'm hitting that old end-game point and can play Arbitrations and whatnot. 

    'Course, they added a new end-game with Steel Path, then steel path difficulty to other events, then Archon Hunts, etc, and I'm finally at that point where level 30 gear and mid-levelled regular mods won't cut it going forward. I need to go hard on buildcrafting - getting the elite set mods, arcanes, incarnons, levelling them all, and adding forma to everything I plan on committing to - before I step up to that next level of difficulty.
  • Deadlock protocol final fight against protea is some of the worst signposted gaming ever.
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  • Yup, unfortunately stuff like this, the UI/UX, and a host of barely explained systems can frustrate the he'll out of you. Sometimes I can't quite believe anyone stuck with the game long enough for it to be successful.

    Then I'll do a different mission and it all just feels so good to play and those complicated systems have such depth to them that the annoyances become, not forgiven, but tolerated.
  • After finishing the main story of Duviri we jumped back in for the Circuit mode last night. Really cool stuff with heavy rogue-like leanings and super rewarding.

    Every week there's a choice of three Warframes and you pick one to unlock. As you play runs of the Circuit you'll progress through ten reward tiers for that Warframe - full blueprints, an augment mod, etc.

    It's a really nice way for new players to get their hands on some Warframes that might normally be unavailable 'til much later in the game, and/or be a pain to farm.
  • That sounds great. As you say, the annoying bits don't sting as much when the next mission will be so fun.

    Cracked through a bunch of other stuff just now. Gonna switch between opening map and new stuff I reckon.
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  • Have they done clean up of some of the open plan/world quests to make them a little smoother, or is my memory just hazy?

    Cracking through the heart of diemos quest and it feels much more polished now.

    Maybe I haven't hit the grind yet, but the steps through the basics are just cracking along nicely.
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  • They are on a bit of a grind reduction mission atm, so maybe? I know they definitely nerfed the Necramech grind a little, but it's still the worst grind in the game. 

    I only really started to put time into the Deimos open world stuff recently after doing the main story mission when it came out. It's great, and the bounties definitely flow better than those on the Plains or Orb Valis, although I do love those locations as well. 

    Duviri is something else entirely. Bonkers and wonderful.
  • After a few weeks of being in that weird place between the end of the regular difficulty content and the beginning of the true endgame stuff, I've finally got most of the mods I wanted and a choice few high-tier weapons and levelled them all to the point that I can advance beyond Arbitrations, Sorties, Zariman bounties and the like. I mean, I'm still doing all that stuff as well 'cause like most of the content in this game it's both fun and rewarding.

    Steel Path is the big one - a replay of the entire star chart but the enemies are 100 levels above their normal power, with increased armour, shields, resistances, and damage output. Then there's Steel Path difficulty for other activities like the open worlds and the Duviri Circuit. Then you've got Archon Hunts which reward more new items to ramp your power to crazy levels.

    Was playing the Duviri Circuit on Steel Path difficulty last night, we bailed after 8 rounds with enemies at level 700 or so. Insane stuff. Unless you're modded right your weapons don't do shit, and at that level the enemies can hit for tens of thousands of damage at a time, making the use of advanced survival techniques like shield gating as well as mods like Rolling Guard essential. 

    All these new mechanics and additions have added so much more depth to an already incredibly deep game that after hundreds of hours of playtime I'm feeling like a noob all over again and I kinda love it. I've got a grip on Arcanes although I don't have many of them, and right now I'm working on Archon Shards and Incarnon (evolving) weapons. And there's still so much more to see and do. 

    What a crazy game.
  • Nice. I am so far from that. Im just opening map first time and still enjoying it.

    Gonna last me a while too. Given I'm getting in about an hour every 2 days at the moment.
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  • Had to get a mate round the other night who's been playing it a lot but recently moved on to other things.
    He explained that I can't do any of the story missions till I get a mech thingie, it's confusing.

    Before all this though i Did do a story where I play as a drifter and got to choose a new frame from the beginner classes (volt, excalibur and mag) but I already had all these so weren't sure what to do so just rolled with excalibur and finished all that up.

    So I have a choice between grinding for mech parts.

    Increasing my standing with vent kids by doing skateboard tricks on a k-drive.

    Or a railjack mission thats way too hard for me and I don't even remember how to get more repair gel (omni-gel) for repairs and I'm sure it requires more upgrades and a full team.

    I really like this game but there's so much that's unexplained or just a pain to Google and find out.

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