The Next Next Gen Thread o/\o
  • Yossarian wrote:
    Bob wrote:
    Yossarian wrote:

    Truth is, I think Sony might be a little shook by all of the momentum MS shave been building in the lead up to the next gen.

    I know I’m going to regret asking but go on... what momentum??

    Game Pass, crossplay, Xbox One X, adaptive controller, buying studios. MS have made a lot of strong moves over the past two or three years, and are getting the positive coverage that comes with that.

    All the right moves except the games!
    Everyone says the same things on every you tube channel, news feed, forum whatever.
    It's like there one big HUGE stumbling block.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    “buying studios”
  • Raiziel
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    I can’t imagine Sony are shaking.  Too many actually good exclusives for them to be genuinely worried about Microsoft.
    Get schwifty.
  • EvilRedEye
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    Danger with Microsoft's approach is they do a cheapo box and an expensive box and people just go "I'll have the best of both" and get a PS5. I reckon they'll do better than this gen but I don't see them pulling ahead.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Raiziel wrote:
    I can’t imagine Sony are shaking.  Too many actually good exclusives for them to be genuinely worried about Microsoft.

    Pretty much every time a new generation rolls around, positions flip. What once seemed unassailable suddenly looks arrogant and complacent and starts on the back foot. Sony can’t be unaware of this dynamic, and Microsoft have been grabbing a lot of headlines recently.
  • Phew for a minute i thought there might be something to worry about
    The Forum Herald™
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    EvilRedEye wrote:
    Danger with Microsoft's approach is they do a cheapo box and an expensive box and people just go "I'll have the best of both" and get a PS5. I reckon they'll do better than this gen but I don't see them pulling ahead.

    I’m interested to know what pulling ahead might look like. I can see, for instance, Microsoft shifting fewer consoles but selling more games and services under the Xbox banner.
  • And yet this gen PS4 regularly trounces bone sales but for sure that could be different next gen when game pass kicks in and bone owners get used to not buying games..
    The Forum Herald™
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    If you’re watching console sales, you’re watching the wrong metric.
  • He's talking about game sales on each format.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Fair enough. I’m talking about the next gen.
  • I’m no particular fan of most Sony IP but they’ve got a lot of strong sellers. As the old saying goes, a few mega franchises in the hand are worth a dozen studio purchases in your bush.
  • Yossarian wrote:
    Fair enough. I’m talking about the next gen.
    I’m not sure you even know what points your trying to make .. it doesn’t really make any sense but I’m glad your exited
    The Forum Herald™
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    monkey wrote:
    I’m no particular fan of most Sony IP but they’ve got a lot of strong sellers. As the old saying goes, a few mega franchises in the hand are worth a dozen studio purchases in your bush.

    I’m not convinced that the argument that it’s all about the games actually holds true. I reckon in the first year or so of this gen, it’s hard to argue that PlayStation had a better lineup of exclusives than Bone, that didn’t shift things. The Bone X didn’t come with new games, but analysts seem to think that’s shifted the sales.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Bob wrote:
    Yossarian wrote:
    Fair enough. I’m talking about the next gen.
    I’m not sure you even know what points your trying to make .. it doesn’t really make any sense but I’m glad your exited

    It makes sense.
  • So Microsoft are generating momentum with game pass which as I understand it is as subscription service with access to
    Games with out buying them but at the same time next gen they’re gone sell more games?

    Makes perfect sense
    The Forum Herald™
  • yoss can see the future
  • As much as I like ms and will in all likelihood get the next xbox, overall Sony has bossed the last 4 generations. I don't see that shifting.

    For me the one big reason is , with maybe the initial botch of the ps3 launch aside, Sony is consistent and reliable as a gaming brand. If they're not number one, whoever's is ahead of them is and usually only by a small margin. Their brand value at this point is a huge selling point.

    For there to be a radical shift to Microsoft, the next xbox would need to vastly exceed the next ps on a number of fronts and I don't think that is very likely. Not because Microsoft don't do great stuff, but because Sony consistently hit very good to great.
    SFV - reddave360
  • Yossarian wrote:
    monkey wrote:
    I’m no particular fan of most Sony IP but they’ve got a lot of strong sellers. As the old saying goes, a few mega franchises in the hand are worth a dozen studio purchases in your bush.

    I’m not convinced that the argument that it’s all about the games actually holds true. I reckon in the first year or so of this gen, it’s hard to argue that PlayStation had a better lineup of exclusives than Bone, that didn’t shift things. The Bone X didn’t come with new games, but analysts seem to think that’s shifted the sales.

    First year neither had many games and was all PR and bumf. When I bought one I went for the PS4 that had some games I wanted to play on it.
  • I'm not sure where this idea has come from that the PS3 dominated its gen, seen it a few times now.
    The 360 and Wii were considerably more successful, with one of the two winning out by any realistic metric.
    PS3 just about catching up unit sales toward the end.
  • I’m open minded about which will be my main console next gen.  A real shocker, I know.

    The soup will win out though.
  • I’m pretty sure ps3 exceeded 360
    By the end and of course I owned 4 360s as they kept breaking so I’d take its sales figures with a pinch of salt
    The Forum Herald™
  • I’m open minded about which will be my main console next gen.  A real shocker, I know.

    The soup will win out though.
    I am and I aren't.
    I really do like game pass and it seems MS will likely make bc seamless which appeals, especially in the first year.

    If Sony offer the same/similar then I'm all ears.

  • Edit: why am I engaging in this shit.

  • I just wish we could put all the who's going to win chat to bed for good. I can't believe it's still going on, no matter how many times we've been through this. There's not even anything to compare at the moment, just some technical bits about Sony's console, and yet this same shit goes round and round again every time.

    I'm starting to think that the quicker we get to separate threads and ditch this one the better. It won't cut out all the crap, but it'll help.
  • bad_hair_day
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    The Wii sold more than the 360 or PS3 that gen so well done Nintendo.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • It's not like anyone here is a child who can only have one and needs to justify their console at all costs. We pick which one we want and we buy it. Or more than one. Whatever. 

    I'm Microsoft Box Day 1, probably.
  • Shall I start the ps5 thread now?

    The most interesting thing is what are m$ going to call their next box? Surely they’ve painted themselves into a bit of a corner? Xboxtwo ? Ditch numbers and go with a subtitle ? Xbox:boneharder? Back to 360 onward with 720? Match ps5 by just calling it XboxFive which makes about as
    Much sense as xboxOne did ?
    The Forum Herald™
  • The Wii sold more than the 360 or PS3 that gen so there’s that.
    But was effectively a previous gen machine with waffle so doesn’t really count and no one cares

    Although I do remember loads of people claiming wiiu was gonna build on the success despite it being obvious it was a fad success.
    The Forum Herald™
  • I like the stats talk but if you inject fanboy into it, it does become tedious. I really don’t understand why anyone has any sides in these debates. Both consoles could be doggo and we’ll al be playing Stadia. Who gives a fuck? The second you inject bias into these discussions, the whole thread goes down hill.

    I’d just prefer people to keep that stuff out of it, than get into these fights and piss everyone off.

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