Elmlea's Thread of Not Drinking
  • No I got your meal and I'm porking it something proper with this side of beef.
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
  • After I'm through supplementing your meat.
    I'm a Sasquatch man and I'm watching you.
  • Good thread.

    I drank way too much for many years, 7 days a week. On an average week night I would drink 6 to 8 cans of strong cider or lager and I'd go really mad on a Friday/Saturday night with a bottle of vodka plus beers. And this was every week.

    It started off as a boredom thing then became the norm. So much so that I couldn't sleep without a drink.

    In the end I gave it up as I was planning for a kid with my wife and we wasn't getting anywhere because I was drinking so much. Now she's pregnant, I don't want my child coming into the world watching his dad on the piss every night.

    Booze is a depressant and will catch up with you eventually. I regret the amount of money I spent on the crap and find it sad that none of my friends can socialise without getting pissed.

    I still drink the odd can of Tyskie - I even have 8 in the fridge. But I haven't had a drink for 2 weeks now, haven't felt like it.

    So yeah - give up whilst you can. It will make your quality of life far better.
  • Tropicana do a very nice range of mixed juices. Their Ruby Breakfast is delicious, as is the red grape juice. Grapes are underrated in their non-alcoholic form.

    I think fruit juice maybe used as a substitute for now, I can even go for the mad expensicve stuff and its still cheaper than beer
  • Plan M wrote:
    So yeah - give up whilst you can. It will make your quality of life far better.

    If you think not having a nice glass of wine/beer with a meal will improve the quality of your life then you are not living on the same planet as me, and my planet is seriously cool. As are the beers.
  • One or two beers with dinner/chilling after work is fine.

    I was referring to the quantity of booze I was consuming on a daily basis - should have made that clearer though :)
  • It depends on why you drink. I actually love the taste of every mouthful. 

    My old boss was a fairly heavy drinker until she got pregnant. Much to her horror, her pregnancy craving was for gin. The mere smell of it would make her actually drool. She was telling me that she could not stop thinking about the stuff and secretly tanked about half a bottle a day. Much to her relief the baby was fine, and as soon as she became a mother the cravings went away. She hasn't touched it since.
  • Skerret
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    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Space wrote:
    It depends on why you drink. I actually love the taste of every mouthful.  My old boss was a fairly heavy drinker until she got pregnant. Much to her horror, her pregnancy craving was for gin. The mere smell of it would make her actually drool. She was telling me that she could not stop thinking about the stuff and secretly tanked about half a bottle a day. Much to her relief the baby was fine, and as soon as she became a mother the cravings went away. She hasn't touched it since.
    Orly? How old is the kid now? Any cognitive or behavioural problems?

    PS - Space, if you did develop any kind of health issue (liver, gastric or whatnot), how would you then feel about the guidelines and pseudo-science behind them? 

    I ask because I don't see how government guidelines on things like drugs, alcohol, obesity, diet etc. can "do more harm then good"? 
    I mean, really, how does a government guideline of "be moderate and sensible with alcohol intake, here's a guideline limit per week" do more HARM than good?
  • Jesus. She might think the baby is fine, but fucking hell – half a bottle of gin a day? I'm far from an expert, but that sounds like a prime candidate for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome. 

    Stupid, idiotic woman. And blaming it on the 'cravings' sounds to me like a ridiculous fucking excuse for borderline alcoholism.
  • Thats absolutely mental. Half a bottle of Gin A DAY!
    That is heavy by my standards and I consider myself to have a bit of a problem and Im not pregnant, dont even have the right junk for that.

    Surely that craving could have been fullfilled with tonic water.
  • Skerret
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    I am thinking similar things Coop.  I'm Hangin' With Mr Cooper....s Green.
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    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • @ chump

    It does harm because it's untrue. There's plenty of octogenarian wine makers in France and Italy who'd laugh at the idea of a set amount units. I know because I've met some. They tend to drink a couple of bottles a day but they eat well and are frightening fit for their age. A general rule that specific about units is misinformation and should be treated with the contempt it deserves. 

    It would be far better to tell people that if they suspect alcohol is having a negative impact on their lives it probably is, and should therefore cut down. 

    Tell people they shouldn't be drinking more than 21 units a week and they'll say "Why? Where did go get that figure from? Are you actually talking bollocks? Maybe I'll ignore the other stuff you're telling me. Does concentrated apple juice really make up one of my five a day? Why five? In Poland and France it's nine." etc etc.
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    I suppose it's like having a 70MPH limit on the motorway. They know people safely drink more than 21 units but if they set it at the unsafe limit people wouldn't stop and think till they were way over it.
  • Space wrote:
    It would be far better to tell people that if they suspect alcohol is having a negative impact on their lives it probably is, and should therefore cut down. 

    Between the ages of 18 and 25 I didnt think my drinking was a problem, its only recently that I have awoken to the idea that I might be just better off without it.

    That doesnt mean the alcohol didnt damage my body for 7 years. Many people would go a lot lot longer than seven years.
    George Best obviously never considered it an issue, guess what, hes dead.
  • Jesus. She might think the baby is fine, but fucking hell – half a bottle of gin a day? I'm far from an expert, but that sounds like a prime candidate for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Stupid, idiotic woman. And blaming it on the 'cravings' sounds to me like a ridiculous fucking excuse for borderline alcoholism.

    Possibly, though she wasn't a gin drinker beforehand. Anyway, I'm not condoning or judging her, I'm just telling you what happened.
  • You should prob be judging her.
  • Kow
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    She's an idiot. Her kid probably is too.
  • cockbeard
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    FAS is dead bad, so not condoning, but my old dot was on H up until around 28-32 weeks
    I turned out moderately ok, I do worry about an addictive personality but think most of my personality fuckups are down to nurture not nature
    "I spent years thinking Yorke was legit Downs-ish disabled and could only achieve lucidity through song" - Mr B
  • Drinking copious amounts of booze every day is bad for you, simple as that. Just like eating junk food for lunch and dinner every day of the week is bad for you.

    It's all about moderation. I drank like a fish for years. It caused me long term depression, weight gain, effected my fertility, dented our bank account and turned me into a selfish, unreasonable arsehole.

    There's nothing good about drinking a lot every day, put it that way. Anyone who says otherwise is in denial.
  • What's a lot?
  • Skerret
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    We're probably responsible for most of your better qualities Cocky.
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  • Skerret
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    Plan M wrote:
    Drinking copious amounts of booze every day is bad for you, simple as that. Just like eating junk food for lunch and dinner every day of the week is bad for you. It's all about moderation. I drank like a fish for years. It caused me long term depression, weight gain, effected my fertility, dented our bank account and turned me into a selfish, unreasonable arsehole. There's nothing good about drinking a lot every day, put it that way. Anyone who says otherwise is in denial.
    How do you explain everything that came after that then?
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Space wrote:
    @ chump It does harm because it's untrue. There's plenty of octogenarian wine makers in France and Italy who'd laugh at the idea of a set amount units. I know because I've met some. They tend to drink a couple of bottles a day but they eat well and are frightening fit for their age. A general rule that specific about units is misinformation and should be treated with the contempt it deserves.  It would be far better to tell people that if they suspect alcohol is having a negative impact on their lives it probably is, and should therefore cut down.  Tell people they shouldn't be drinking more than 21 units a week and they'll say "Why? Where did go get that figure from? Are you actually talking bollocks? Maybe I'll ignore the other stuff you're telling me. Does concentrated apple juice really make up one of my five a day? Why five? In Poland and France it's nine." etc etc.
    So, guidelines do harm because people are told the guidelines and become suspicious about it, then untrustful of other guidelines ... and then what? At what point does the harm occur?

    Is it when they start ignoring the guidelines or deliberately doing the opposite of the guideline suggestions due to this suggestion, and then harm occurs to them? If harm occurs then though, surely this would mean the guideline was a useful one that was preventing harm?

    Bear in mind, I'm not saying there should be guidelines for everything and full-on nanny-state; just that if there's binge-drinking and other health problems in this country (e.g. obesity, alcohol, teenage pregnancies, STDs etc.), then saying guidelines for those important things do "more harm than good" is really quite a leap of logic.

    They're not even rules like the smoking ban - just guidelines and suggestions. It seems bizarre to me to argue that, if there were absolutely no government guidelines on topics like alcohol, fitness, diet, smoking, safe sex etc. that OVERALL LESS harm would occur.  :-/
  • Space wrote:
    What's a lot?

    You are fishing for someone to say "It depends on the person" so you can say "So Im right, government advice on units is psuedo science".

    It does depend on the person, what they are drinking and in what manner. Yet the government can't issue us all with individual quotas so they set out guidelines based on averages and information gathered from medical advisors.
  • Skerret wrote:
    Plan M wrote:
    Drinking copious amounts of booze every day is bad for you, simple as that. Just like eating junk food for lunch and dinner every day of the week is bad for you. It's all about moderation. I drank like a fish for years. It caused me long term depression, weight gain, effected my fertility, dented our bank account and turned me into a selfish, unreasonable arsehole. There's nothing good about drinking a lot every day, put it that way. Anyone who says otherwise is in denial.
    How do you explain everything that came after that then?

    What do you mean?
  • Skerret
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    I was making a joke and it backfired :(
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • I drink more because the government has lied to me with their baseless 'guidelines'
  • Space wrote:
    What's a lot?

    You tell me. It's more complicated than just counting units though.

    I would say a lot was;
    Enough to do your body permanent physical harm
    Enough to affect your relationships with people in a negative manner
    Enough to negatively affect your ability to reach a comfortable position for you personally in your hierarchy of needs

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