The Write Stuff - NKOTB tribute thread
  • Ok, current running order. 2 weeks per duo of stories/excerpts. 

    Tiger/Tempy (if you have something - If not, anyone else got anything done?)

    Have I missed anyone? I've asked Chief is he fancies it too.

    No pressure on length or level of polish. It's a good way to motivate us all to write a little bit more and get some reader feedback is all. A fun exercise.

    Cheers, Stoph. I'm compiling a reading list for my holiday so I'll check it out. 

    Tempy - Don't feel obligated. I have new things you could read instead. If you have anything you want talking over/reading - even if it's a return to a more considered look at Pyre - you can be first up with me.

    Finally mustered the energy to send a few more things off today. is a great resource for finding markets. No excuses now - Just need to keep firing stuff out now. Have two stories out at the moment, and I wrote a new one. This can be taken as my bit of work to rip up, chew over, etc.

    Will post it here and as a linked document for specific comments. One thing I'd ask is not to quote the story here as published here as I'll take it down when/if I start subbing it.

    There's one particular thing I have an issue with in this story that I'm not sure how to change at the moment, but let's see what people think.

    The Magician's Whisper. - Link to document. Feel free to add comments/suggestions/edits here.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Jon, I hope you like reading horror!
  • To clarify - Two people post work at the same time - for sake of pace and variety - and everyone reads both. Comments on what they feel they can. DS and Jon with be a nice varied few stories, haha!

    As long as everyone is getting some comments, I think that's a nice way to keep things moving?
  • Well I read the other one you did, about the hunter - I liked it apart from the name Spirals, everything else was good and I would read more of that.

    Hopefully can get round to some reading/writing tonight unless my flat mate drags me out for Jazz.

    I'm thinking about one or two different stories because the stuff around Pyre is requiring me to get a bit Dark Souls in its construction. I don't really want to write about it until I have a decent world built, and really I'm just a bit lazy with that right now - so it's being shelved until drunken inspiration hits me.

    Gonna try and work one of the two dreams I had last year that I wrote down.
  • Ah, thanks. I've worked a bit more on that Spirals story. Trying to figure out where to take it.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Sounds like a good set-up tiger, I'll get to reading some peeps work shortly as I'm inherently lazy.
  • Jon, I hope you like reading horror!
    Sure, why not.

    I have no idea what sort of thing I'll write.
  • @Tigero

    So is the plan to finish something, or can we do it in bits and bobs? I've got like 4 pages here but it's not finished, and I think it'll be at least 3x or 4x that long in the end, can I post 2 bits a week for the 2 weeks?
  • Sounds lovely.

    I already had something done and somewhat put you on the spot. I don't see a problem with posting it bit by bit.
  • Great. I am enjoying reading your bit. I've done my typical "not very detailed glance over it whilst I drink a cup of cold tea" but I'll read it again because it's a neat idea. The thing that threw me was the fact it felt like an olde worlde type story, but it obviously isn't... which is neat but it sits a tiny bit off. That aside, the ending is great especially as it all comes together, it just feels like it'd work a little better without attempting to appear contemporary? I'll read it again when i'm less tired and mull that over.

    I had to stop writing because i've done nothing but write today (reviews, emails, job apps, then this thing) and now my left thumb is aching cos it sticks out useless when I write.

    So, anyway, the thing I've done - warts and all because I've not even gone back to check spelling yet:

    Here's the link for those who fancy the google docs view more. 

    There's no name yet, and weirdly I've had my dream notes next to me for the whole two hours I spent with this, but I've not even got past the first two sentences of them, and it's already going wildly different to what I imagined.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Your last sentence has me intrigued Temps, how many of us take notes? I find myself incapable of writing that way.
  • Basically I had two really vivid dreams that I made a not of writing down afterwards. It's super rare that this happens, so I took advantage of it. I keep coming back to the notes every so often, so i'm familiar with them.

    I decided to write based on these notes, and I knew what kind of feeling I wanted anyway, so I just needed to expand that into context. It's meant to be have a kind of McCarthy style feeling, but nowhere that accomplished or detailed obvs, but hopefully it leads into the next part. The main bulk of my notes are the narrative beats the dream hit, and they make no sense because of dream logic, but I want to wring them into something vaguely coherent, whilst also letting the story go where it wants to.

    Originally it was one guy, but I wanted him to have a friend, so now its two. The dream had money as a reward/prize type thing, but I got carried away with this Extreme Frontier idea, but still it gives me a goal.

    I'll keep waffling here because I'm waiting for the kettle.

    The 'Pyre' short that I did was heavily influenced by Bloodborne. The thing he's burning is a book. I want to expand on that so in my notebook and on my phone every time I have an idea I jot it down. I want to expand on it, but the reason Bloodborne and Souls work is because Miyazaki gives his world a metaphysical system to work on. I want to try writing with that in mind, to hopefully give this story the same kind of weird logic that his worlds work on. If i just go 'mind to page' it won't work, and I know this because when I carried on with the idea, it ended up having a feel I just did not want, and that's why I stalled because I wrote 4k words about this guy at an Academy, when in actual fact I know I want him on his own, and the Academy to exist but not be occupied in the story, because I want the answers he finds in the story to be spurious because there isn't enough to make him (or maybe her) confident that they are 100% true, and I can't create that feeling on the fly I have come to realise.
  • I have to say I'm useless with notes though. Even with essays, I feel like I am better at just splashing information down, but you can only go so far on raw talent. I love books that are clearly wild streams of consciousness, but some of the books I love are clearly born of notes upon notes upon notes. I don't think I'll ever write a novel because I can't plan, and it's a requirement, but I'll give it a go.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Cheers for the replies, I like hearing about the process of others. Like how Vonnegut would just re-do page after page until to him it was perfect (I think it was Vonnegut I heard that about).

    I tried a novel a few years back, but I can't work with notes, and as you state letting something of that length just flow gets to be very difficult. Looking forward to jotting my latest idea down though, its a romance of sorts.
  • I like forward to it. I envy Vonnegut, I can't read my own shit back at all. It's proving to be a learning curve.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Yeah I hate reading my own too, I never end up proofreading.
  • Ok.

    I've left some comments on your Google docs, Tempy. Some editing suggestions too - But take them with a pinch of salt. Some of it is stylistic and ultimately another reader might disagree entirely, as you might.  I really liked it. Think the world-building & dialogue are strong - Indeed, that's a fucking killer of a first draft. Much clearer narrative than Pyre, which most people would find a good thing, as much as I liked Pyre. Your description is ornate and works well. Hard to talk too much about narrative arc as it's ongoing, so I'll leave that - But I'm interested and want to see what happens next.

    Regarding reading stuff back - It's hard, but you gotta do it if you want to make stuff better. I need read my stuff back relentlessly to get anything together and it's painful, but it eventually works. I have to tinker. The story I've posted is draft 2.5, I guess. 

    Man, if I showed you the line edit of Mothgate... every 2-3 lines there was something to tweak, I swear. It was quite scary.

    I can't plan either, which is why most of the things I write tend to be short and run into dead ends. Something to work on, I think.
  • Might start a new thread unless @pabloamigo appears. Would probably be nice to have an OP with some of this stuff and links to some markets and that. Hmm.

    Anyway - This might be of interest to any of you with half-written things lying around. Orbit (publishers of Paulo Bacigalupi, Joe Abercrombie, Iain M. Banks) are looking for 2000 word samples showing characters making moral choices. Only a 3 day submission period. LINK
  • I'm in - currently on holidays for about two weeks, so probably won't get a chance to comment on the first batch, but will try and pen something on my return for a stab at "Phase 2"...
  • I would advocate a new thread, just for more exposure, and clarity.

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