Evil satan tory bastards
  • Yossarian wrote:
    Learning by rote is clearly fucking balls. The Tories are shit. But Then so are Labour. And the Lib Dems burned their principles for the coalition. So who exactly do we vote for?
      I'm not a huge fan of Labour, but they're clearly the lesser of two evils. Having said that, if the Greens could get to even 3rd party status (not impossible considering the state of the Lib Dems) that'd be a positive.
    I_R wrote:
    I was going to say, we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for the whole New Labour project. Thanks Tony.
    This is such Tory propaganda bullshit and I can't believe that Labour haven't been more effective in shutting it down. Here's a chart showing the deficit back to 1946. You'll notice that up until 2008 when the banks were bailed out in a rescue package supported by the Tories, the deficit under Labour was roughly equivalent to, and if anything slightly lower than, what it was under the last five years of the Tories. I don't remember the Conservatives worrying about the size of the deficit back then.
    I was really thinking about the two wars. Regardless of the tories supporting the bank bail out, it happened under Labour.
  • I'm not up to date on whatever their manifesto is, but it's hard to deny that the chasing of endless growth on a planet of finite resources is destined to all go to shit, given enough time.
  • Zero growth means zero population change means population management. It also means stagnation in a global sense.

    They would also:
    Ban zoos.
    Promote bullshit alternative medicines in the NHS.
    Renationalise everything going.
    Ban night flights at all airports.
  • beano
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    WorKid wrote:
    Promote bullshit alternative medicines in the NHS.

    If they are pushing actual herbal medicine, for example growing cannabis to treat the side effects of chemotherapy and not synthesising it then cool. Homoeopathy not fine. Sources?
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  • Whilst it's only a cursory Google, a number of noted economists seemed to be under the impression that eventually, we'd end up with zero growth.
  • Yossarian
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    Sasukekun wrote:
    Let us not forget though that it was the relaxing of regulations for banks and financial institutions that led to the banking crisis, and that was done by Labour.

    It was started under the Tories and continued under Labour. I have no doubt that the Tories would also have continued it.

    And as for the Greens, I'm not sure that I'd want them in power tomorrow, but I'd like to see them gain some influence. Essentially, I think there's something pretty fundamentally wrong with the way our capitalist, market-based economy works and at least the greens are considering alternatives.

    Although the homeopathy stuff is mental.
  • I have no problem with homeopathy so long as they're not paying 'experts' a fuck-tonne of money to treat people. You'd have thought heavily diluted nettle-scrotes or whatever would come cheaply, and if the placebo works, then fine.
  • Yossarian
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    To be honest, I'm more worried at the anti-(or at least a)scientific, evidence-based mindset that appears to reveal rather than the homeopathy itself.
  • The greens are essentially eco-marxists. As long as that's understood, fine. High taxes, high minimum wages, close down factory farms, restrict meat production, put the unemployed to work tending local organic farms, manage the population downwards.
  • beano
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    WorKid wrote:

    Jesus wept. I didn't think when she spoke like that she was actually toting it as a party manifesto pledge. There are intelligent fucks in the green party so that just shocks the shit outta me.

    Would be interesting to see what the overall consensus of Green Party members is.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • Sasukekun wrote:
    Let us not forget though that it was the relaxing of regulations for banks and financial institutions that led to the banking crisis, and that was done by Labour.

    Thatcher and Regan tagteam. Labour did nothing to reverse it - the false air of change after Thatcher was a con. Wages have been flagging for years, so the next credit scam after credit cards to get people spending is part of what caused the bubble that got us here here now. Free up the value of your home! You must buy this shiny want we have created for you.
    Ross Kemp Investigative Journalist
    Skullfuck yourself into a fine mist
  • Aye, on balance the entire innovation of consumer credit seems like a band-aid over a chronic lack of imagination in the halls of powa re: how to make people's lives not suck.
  • I'll sound studenty to some, but Marxism's great. Sometimes it's good to evaluate the dynamics of a situation away from the assumed societal priorities and purpose we take for granted today.
  • Marx was pretty great. Marxism got dat baggage though.
  • It astonishes me that having been made fully aware that the species is really susceptible to optimism and short-term-thinking biases, policies continue to make no tangible effort to work with that info.
  • Marxism's fine until people are involved, disappointingly.
    Ross Kemp Investigative Journalist
    Skullfuck yourself into a fine mist
  • Thing is Marx was never proposing any kind of post-capital system, merely the conditions that explain the rise of the status quo and some outline of its likely/inevitable dismantling. Is where the trouble started, like the Russians getting ahead of the game by a fairly dramatic margin.
  • Marxism's fine until people are involved, disappointingly.


    beautiful idea, utopian almost, marx may have not met enough of the human race however
  • Should greed carry a prison sentence?
    Ross Kemp Investigative Journalist
    Skullfuck yourself into a fine mist
  • Marxism's fine until people are involved, disappointingly.

    Depends what aspect of Marxism we're talking. I prefer the dynamics based stuff over the prescriptions. Much of that side- such as the 'Manifesto- is more a historical relic than contemporary poa. After all, there's no need to accept or apply his life's work in its entirety, but we should at least consider much of his critical observations, which are still very much relevant today.
  • I think you overcooked it the eq

    False consciousness, overarching hegemony, sharing of resources, good of the many (im still simplifying it)

    It the basic core of what he was saying, that humans should somehow become altruistic beings, be assigned by consensus to what post they should be at, meritocratically, everyone chip in, social awareness, self awareness, an ability to express ones value as it is recognised, those with high ability still try and support systems at lover level, a melange of people crossing abilities to make the whole work

    A community

    Fat fucking chance when 99% of people are complete insecure self serving fucking morons
  • Marx said very little about the end-goal or what it would look like; more so about how we'd get there.

    edit: but I agree with you about 99% of people being self serving morons. Let's just hope they're part of the journey. Shame it's the bit I'm living through
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    How long do you think you'd be able to survive for in a community?
  • Mod74 wrote:
    @Cuckoo How long do you think you'd be able to survive for in a community?

    An extremely long time, the basis is around working for community interests, a common misconception is a community just looks after the community when the point of a community is looking after everyone else. A community would be extremely efficient at taking care of stricken and problematic people because of an inherent lack of segregation.

    'Greatest good for the greatest many' does not make the greatest many a singular block, it makes the greatest many an autonomously functioning community that care for individual interests for the good of the community - People with problems are cared for because a community thrives on all sorts of levels from supporting that

    I hope you're not confusing communism with facism
  • Depends on the community, I'd have thought.

    Edit- @mod
  • I think the idea of marxist communism is an ideological paradigm shift towards a more altruistic nature while finding the almost evolutional pragmatism in that

    Completely unworkable, but in those circumstances i'd be in very favourable circumstances, id certainly be supported and also contributing to the world more as part of that
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    Yeah, we've been through this before. People are rarely altruistic in the true sense.
  • It's why it's unworkable, however if it was, i'd be in a very good position

    Thats not why its an ideal ideology for me however, its simply fair and based on individual ability within a community decided aspect
  • Speak for yourself. Belief in altruism's self-fulfilling .

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