The Grizzly Badger Tail. CH40 The DJR
  • I'd like to be the lady who does not fall prey to Noxy's charms.
    Made out of the steak that GMan can't bring himself to eat. 
    Whilst being the embodiment of logic that even Mod can't disagree with.
    Purveyor of dubious delicacies that even DS won't eat. 
    With a more slightly more mysterious air than Brooks. 
    And a kinder disposition than Rev. 

    Not asking much.
  • Well, that's my best page turn yet.
  • That.
    Thats easy.
    The prologue is written.
    Grammar is being checked.
    Will be posted soon.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • I'd like to be the bad guy's chief goon... You know the comically stupid one that also comes up with ideas that the boss immediately dismisses only to claim as his own moments later... the smee to someone's captain hook, as it were.
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • You're half way there already!!
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • I read your book jon. Ill email you the clean version if you like.
    I read a page or so ocassionally. Just time, you know.
  • JonB wrote:
    I read your book jon. Ill email you the clean version if you like.
    I read a page or so ocassionally. Just time, you know.

    Jon, I'm more than certain you have more important things to do that read my assault on the English language. :D
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • I'd like to be in it as me I the most purist form
  • Hello, I'm DrProddem, I come from a galaxy not too far, far away. 
    This sounds like a most excellent undertaking and I would like to be considered for inclusion. My favourite things are meeting people, abducting people, probing people, and mutilating cows. It would be nice if you could fit me in somehow, thanks.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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  • I read your book jon. Ill email you the clean version if you like.
    I read a page or so ocassionally. Just time, you know.
    Jon, I'm more than certain you have more important things to do that read my assault on the English language. :D
    Not always, no. And I wouldn't call it an assault, either. More like a sudden, unexpected jab in the ribs.
  • acemuzzy wrote:

    Oh, would you like a probing?
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    Get back in your thread doc.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • DrProddem wrote:
    Hello, I'm DrProddem, I come from a galaxy not too far, far away. 
    This sounds like a most excellent undertaking and I would like to be considered for inclusion. My favourite things are meeting people, abducting people, probing people, and mutilating cows. It would be nice if you could fit me in somehow, thanks.

    I'm not sure is such a good idea to put yourself bang into the middle of a crowd of people who grew up playing games that involved killing different types of alien invaders.
    I think you would probably last about two sentences. You would probably be killed by Kow. Because poetic justice.

    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..


    'How the hell did we manage to get off topic?' shouted

    There was sudden noise from the dark corners at the back of the room.

    'What was that?’ said Brooks

    'I might know' said Petey. 'Well, I didn't just turn off the block. I also turned off the spam protection as well'

    'It could be everything that has been automatically approved to post in the last ten minutes. I activated it just in case things got out of hand. With the thread redirect on, everything is going to be landing here with their first post.'


    Something was thrown in the direction of the wall of screens; it exploded and wrecked the console in front of them.

    'There goes the option to turn it off....’ said Petey.

    'Sounds serious' said

    'Sounds like an invasion of robot spambots from Russia' said Tempy.

    'That sounds like a good title for the next story' said RegMcFly, smiling

    'What do we do?' asked Kow

    'We go kick some Spambots Butt!’ shouted Darksoldier.


    We start on the beach, looking at the shell of a burnt out plane. The flames have died down but the heat is still very intense.

    The sand around the plane has superheated to form a circle of rough glass around the still smouldering wreckage.

    There is a trail of bodies of varying degrees of species lying on a path that leads to the remains of a castle.

    Out to sea on the right hand side, there appears to be several large parts of the remains of a much larger creature.

    There are the remains of a Christmas tree as well. One of the branches still has an attached bauble. This is meant to be the first joke. Pray they get better as we go on.

    The path to the left leads on past a church, several of the windows have been smashed and there are bullet holes within the stone.

    As we move on and into the camp, the main building is a set of metal frames with a sprinkling of shattered glass like sugar.

    The campfire in the middle continues to burn though, like a beacon. 

    There are bodies everywhere. None of them seem to be human, though many of them are trying. None of them seem to be alive.

    If we look up we can see the top of a mountain. If we look closely we can see four arcs of light start from the top of the mountain and down where we are. They section the island into four.

    The light was more powerful than it appears now.

    There is a choice, either to travel up the side of the mountain by the various paths or fly.

    There really is no choice then.

    The mountainside is clear, except for one part which again contains the scars of battle and again a menagerie of bodies.

    The sky above the mountain is completely clear.  It is apparent from the melting snow on the ground that up until recently, this was not the case.

    There are smashed remains of Journey Dragon Guardians as we fly further up.

    On the summit there is what appears to be a house. 

    A hundred yards from the house there is a bright flash and a figure appears in the snow. He stands up from his crouching position and reaches into the long jacket he is wearing, pulling out a gun that would have no chance of fitting if it was a normal jacket. He starts to sprint towards the house.

    He flicks a switch on the side and the gun vibrates gently in his hand, a sharp green light appears along the sides of the barrel and he smiles as he heads into the building through a door. 

    The sign on the door says ‘Forum Upgrades – The On-going Saga’.

    He runs into the kitchen where he stops suddenly, and leans against the kitchen counter, spilling some fresh orange juice and putting his hand into a plate of sizzling gypsies and a cold fried egg.  He wheezes and swears under his breath, waits for a minute and then notices the other person in the room.

    Over by the kitchen table a man is standing with a clipboard and prodding several selections of well-presented tray bakes. He picks up a slice of Rocky Road, takes a bit, chews it for some time, makes a distinct “hmmm” noise and makes some notes on his clipboard, shaking his head as he does so.  He is wearing a T-shirt that says ‘I’m a Masterbaker but I’m married’


    There is some shouting from the corridor that leads off from the kitchen. Our protagonist’s gaze is broken from what he is witnessing and he makes his way into the corridor. The Baking Judge watches him leave, shakes his head again and makes a note on his clipboard.


    Several of the eight doors in the corridor are hanging off from the hinges.  One of the rooms has a small amount of smoke gently flowing from it. As he passes it looks like the electric socket in the room is smouldering, threatening to burst into flames.

    The shouting has increased from end of the corridor. Someone appears from the end room pointing a gun from where they came from. They fire several rapid shots and their aim lowers as whoever they are shooting at has hit the floor.

    They look down the corridor and spot our protagonist, smile with recognition and jog towards them while keeping an eye on the door they have come from.

    ‘Gav?’ he says.

    ‘Reg? What’s going on?’ said Afgavinstan

    ‘Where have you been?’ ’You’re late.’ ‘Everyone else has been back for ages and I need a weapon. I take it the shopkeeper is open for business?’  said Reg

    ‘I was hoping to go more down the lines of being that dude from the Last of Us but yeah, I can help’ replied Gav

    ‘I seem to be able to call you Gav and not have to call you Afgavinstan.’ said Reg.

    ‘Oh yeah?’ ‘That’s kind of better isn’t it!’ said Gav. 

    He reaches into his jacket and pulls out two handguns and gives them to Reg.

    Reg checks them over and smiles, and turns and starts to head back to where he came from.

    ‘What’s going on Reg?’

    ‘Robot Spambots Gav, Robot Spambots!’

    The two friends run into the room at the end of the corridor, guns blazing.

    Like Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid.

    The screen fades to grey.

    Piano kicks in.

    That was then.



    This is now.

    Outside the house and amongst the sound of gunfire, Tin Robot rips up another bed sheet and presses it against the wound, there is already a small pile of bloodied rags lying to the left of him.  He tries to work round the metal as best as he can. But it’s clear that the steel grating has punctured a major vein and at least one lung. He shouts at one of the onlookers to go grab anything they can use.

    Anything! I don’t care what! He’s bleeding out on me!

    He stares into Reg’s eyes. They are rolling upwards and there is a stream of blood trickling out of his mouth. His breathing sounds more like bubbling.

    Someone reaches over for Reg’s hand.

    ‘He needs space Godammit!’  

    He is about to slap the hand away.

    He looks up and stops.

    Tempy kneels down next to Reg and squeezes his hand tightly.

    ‘What happened?’ he asked to no one in particular.

    It was Gav that answered.

    ‘We were shooting some of the spambots down that were crawling under the ceiling of the Main room.’ ‘One of them must have been holding on tight to some of the grating above and took it down with him, slamming straight into both of us’ 

    He looked down at the melted snow on the ground.

    ‘It should have been me’ he said.

    ‘Why haven’t you given him a Medkit?’ shouted Tempy

    ‘He’s had five so far Tempy’ said Tin Robot. ‘It doesn’t seem to work!’

    ‘Make it work!’

    That was said with anger and desperation.

    Reg was staring up at Tempy and trying to say something.

    Tempy leaned in close to his friend.

    ‘Now you listen to me Reg McFly. Don’t you think about dying! Do you hear me?’ he hissed.

    Reg breathed in hard and winced with the pain and tried to smile.

    ‘I…must…go…now. My…planet…needs…me…’ As he said this he squeezed Tempy’s hand very lightly.

    ‘Take off his badge! He’ll log out!’

    ‘We already did Tempy. I think things have changed since control was taken back. The badges are just badges. I’m sorry’

    ‘No. This isn’t real. None of this is real. I don’t believe it. I won’t.’ and it was clear that Tempy had something in his eye.


    He looked back down at his friend and realised that Reg had left the forum for good. 
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  • I, I have something in my eye. Oh, 'twas only Reg. My bad.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • Aww yeah, we're back and... WTF!
  • Awesome start, Rev.
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    great start bro.

    raziel once wrote..."davie's to nice for this forum"!
  • Awesome, yet tragic stuff.  Liking it a lot.  (But feeling kind of bad about my inability to save poor Reg...)
  • GooberTheHat
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    I hope reg hasn't really left the forum for good. Please say it isn't so.
  • Where is he anyway?
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • GooberTheHat
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    I don't know but reg,

  • Reg made a comment about taking a break because he felt he was grating on some people.
    I asked him about this part before it was posted. He is aware of what has happened and gave his blessing. My macabre sense of humour gave me the idea that his wound was caused by grating.
    I dont know if he will be back here. Hence the last line can be read two ways.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Stunned. Reg has taken a big chunk of this place's personality with him, hope he finds his way back.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Excellent start. Now, who's making popcorn?
  • Right, I'm up to speed now. Bring on the Vimto.
  • This is too hidden away in Forum Talk. Off Topic it.

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