Game of Thrones TV show with massive spoilers everywhere.
  • Skerret
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    I barely held back from garrotting myself during the opening of Wall-E
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Skerret
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    FUCK that's like 4 in a row
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Blocks100 wrote:
    Needs a gender words per minute scatter diagram too.
  • Skerret wrote:
    FUCK that's like 4 in a row

    Oh Jesus man that's a goocher.
  • Im still curious as to how things should have ended from the viewpoint a dissatisfied viewer and fan?

    Your not allowed to say more seasons but can have a full season 8.
  • GooberTheHat
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    I didn't mind it, but they could have had Arya kill grey worm, because of his murderous rampage, take his face and kill Danny. She then exiles herself to the west. John is pushed to be king, but turns it down because he's had enough of the game of thrones and takes himself north, and that triggers the need for an elective council.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Also bran should have been declared emperor of the seven kingdoms, then you could still have had the seperate monarchs of the other kingdoms, with bran ruling over them all. And he should have done something (anything) in the final season to justify his presence. He had almost zero impact on the story (apart from acting as bait) until the last 30 minutes of the last ep, and even then, he didn't actually do much.
  • Bran was obviously the mastermind behind all of the major events in GoT.
    It's why he was not surprised to be crowned King Bran the Broken.
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  • He's a dirty peeping Tom that ended up on top in the end. Just like George McFly.

  • Bran should have done something at any point in the whole show to justify his existence as a character at all. Nothing to do with him ever mattered.

    I would have liked for Jon to have a better ending. I’m not necessarily saying make him king, if people feel that’s too obvious, but if you’re not going to make him king, maybe kill him off, or something.

    If you’re not going to have the big feelgood ending where everything is glorious and Essos is clearly a land of milk, honey, and democracy / benign dictatorship, at least have the balls to give it a fuck you ending. Dany sees Jon’s sneaky-stab coming, and scuppers it, and we’re back to square one with a psycho incest queen at the top, because the game of thrones never ends.

    Instead we had a suck-ass bland ending where the good bits aren’t that great and the bad bits aren’t that awful, and it’s all just... nothing.

    And I don’t understand anyone saying that it’s perfect, or that everything felt inevitable, because I don’t think I’ve ever seen a less inevitable ending.

    I can’t remember if I’ve said this already, but Tyrion said that if nobody is happy, it’s probably a good compromise. I can’t help but wonder if that was a metatextual comment. An apology for how nondefuckingscript it was.
  • Kow
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    I was happy with Jon Snow's ending. The true king wins the battle but loses the war and gets what he continually said he wanted - to not be king. But he did what a true king would do, sacrificed his kingship for the good of the kingdom.
  • Sansa becoming queen made no sense either. Rob becoming King in the North was a democratic decision, so there’s no reason it should pass to Sansa. There’s no way Yara Greyjoy would have sat there and not said, “Well, hang on a second, the Iron Islands are a separate kingdom, too, and I’ve got more of a reason to be Queen of there than this needy ginger pyabs has to be the Queen in the North.”

    Arya had fuck all to do after killing the Night King. She just spent the last while going around places not achieving anything.
  • Arya had the realisation that revenge isnt everything.
    She saw it consume her friend The Hound and lay waste to a city.

    You sound like a lot of the internet.
    "It wasnt what I thought would happen so it is shit".
    I dont think you really understand the characters and the journey they have gone through.
  • LivDiv wrote:
    You sound like a lot of the internet. "It wasnt what I thought would happen so it is shit". I dont think you really understand the characters and the journey they have gone through.

    No, I disagree with that, because I didn’t go into the final episode with any expectation of how it would end, but as it unfolded it just didn’t work. “Who’s had a more interesting story than Bran?” Everyone. Everyone has had a more interesting story.

    If we’re going to take Arya’s example, learning that revenge isn’t everything, that’s a perfect example of the show glibly resolving an entire arc spanning multiple seasons with one line.

    Jon ‘sacrificing’ his place on the throne isn’t a sacrifice if he a) didn’t want it, and b) never had it.

    I understand the characters and their journeys just fine, thank you.
  • Kow
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    The only reason he didn't want to be king was because of Danaerys.
  • Arya.
    One line, but lots of witnessing of acts. A picture tells a thousand words.

    Never one for titles and thrones but also possesses a threat to the kingdoms from his seed as any child he has could end up with the mad gene.
    Jon pretty much exiles himself to a place where noone would give two shits about the name Targaryan. It is a bitter sweet ending for Jon, he is free of the politics and pressures but has lost his love.
    This exile is similar to Maester Aemon, who would have been king but became a Maester instead, then took the black to further escape it. He disappeared and everyone forgot he even was a Targaryan.

    Sansa and the North.
    Sansa is the oldest remaining Stark and therefore heir to Winterfell. Lineage no longer decides the King/Queen but does decide the heads of houses. She doesnt need electing but would likely end up elected anyway.
    The North was for a long time it's own kingdom, made the biggest sacrifice and would refuse to kneel so would go to war if needs be (this is explained literally in that scene).
    The Greyjoys have no similar claim on any front or army to start a war.
  • All of the kingdoms were, for a long time, their own kingdom. The Greyjoys maybe don’t have much of an army left (do the Starks?) but I don’t accept that Yara would just sit there and say nothing. She’s got at very least as good a claim to Queen of the Iron Islands as Sansa has to Queen in the North.

    Kow, that’s simply not true.
  • Kow
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    From when he discovered he was the "true" king, he was already with Danaerys. I think his attitude would have been distinctly different if he hadn't been. But ultimately it doesn't really matter to me, I was happy enough how it ended.
  • If you take the Unsullied and Dothraki out of it noone has a particularly large army left but the Greyjoys have never had an army, they had a navy which was sunk.

    The North in particular is stated as being it's own Kingdom in the past, it was also somewhat of a devolved state under Robert Baratheon, Ned ruled the North fairly separately if still under the rule of the South.
    Many of the houses in the North were loyal to Winterfell rather than Kings Landing and actually begrudged being joined to the South.

    The Iron Isles have a history of being untrustworthy having a rebellion prior to the show and books, Theon taking Winterfell and Euron being Euron.
    I think Yara would recognise that they ain't so good at that independent stuff.
  • Happy with Bran as the new King, srsly?
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Kow
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    Doesn't bother me in the slightest. I just enjoyed the show for what it was, I didn't really have much idea of how I thought it should play out. Still don't.
  • Andy knaaaaws nuthin
  • Blocks100 wrote:
    Happy with Bran as the new King, srsly?
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • A character that had previously rejected the title of 'Lord of Winterfell' on the basis that he no longer considered himself to be 'Brandon Stark' suddenly does a perfect 180 and takes the top job of Ruler of the Six Kingdoms as Bran the Broken? It doesn't make any sense!
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • I actually thought the ending had the characters in the right places and was fine. The journey it took to get them there was utter hot garbage but it's probably the one redeeming thing I can say about this since the last two seasons were dreadful. It just turned into some shit superhero film for two years.
  • Heh. Some people have way too much time on their hands.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Superb
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • That link is quality. Just finished watching. I thought the whole lot was fine. The ending was decent and as mad bonkers as the rest of it. All the characters pretty much played to form. A solid ending for me, like a night on the Guiness.
    That was awkward and unsettling, never post anything like it again.

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