Just completed
  • Also completed Rage and would give it a 7 as well. What did frustrate was the fact that so long after release the game still didn't work as intended on my system (corrupt textures alll over the place).
    No wonder you read a lot about Epic's new engine and not this one.
  • Binary Domain complete

    Has its flaws, but essentially a great fun game.  Constantly changing environments and smashing robots to shrapnel didn't becoming dull. Worth its usual budget price.
    XBOX: Kurt Russel
    PS3: Air_Hair_Lair
  • Oh I finished this too. I thought it was ok. Cutscenes are mad stilted and the end is utterly nuts with regards to plot exposition but it was an all round ok experience. The game is a little lacking but it has lots of character which gives it a hefty free pass.
  • regmcfly
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    DAT ending.
  • regmcfly
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    Here's a question-

    If not, you have to play it again.
  • Gravity Rush completed last night. Outstayed it's welcome to be fair. Controls not good enough for the combat or time trials

    Nice game and very different but overall [7]
  • Bollockoff
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    Binary Domain was fun. As most have said, the built to be dismantled nature of the robots is very satisfying and the cheesy charm of the characters make for a not half bad game.

    Sadly wasen't loved enough to get the ending where Cain comes pops out from nowhere to save the day. Bo was a Bro though.
  • Resident Evil 5 with da Move. Very enjoyable but ridiculous game, so far removed from the original Resident Evil it's unreal

    The one thing I do like about 4 & 5 is the ability to upgrade weapons to a stupendously powerful level so you can go back and kick the ass of all the monsters that kicked your ass previously
  • Nice use of the word stupendous, must try and work that one in more.
  • Dead Island - Not sure if we'd left this too long before going back, but the final section felt really weak. Dullest area by far, the NPC's have zero character and the plot falls apart badly. Pity really, because it was working pretty well as a daft romp before that stage.
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    Ali wrote:
    I'd be amazed if anyone bothers platinuming (sp?) it. In fact, there are parts I can't imagine being possible. There's a bronze trophy for shooting two blokes before a building falls on them. Problem is, they don't appear until you get off a bus. And the building immediately falls on them. And they're 100 virtual metres away. Just stupid. The ending is bloody rubbish as well, after all the build up. And the plot is so shot full of inconsistencies and seems to be in no particular order either. "The nukes are in Paris and New York", he tells me on the second last level. I know, I did the Paris level 4 months ago when I last wanted to torture myself playing this crap. What makes it more frustrating is that Medal Of Honor had such a great campaign. Could they not at least have asked Danger Close to have a look at this, laugh hysterically at it's awfulness and then change it completely? Or just go back to Haggard, Sarge, Preston and Sweetwater? Bad Company, for all its faults, was hilarious. And the sequel, despite them trying to be serious, was still laugh out loud in places.

    iv done all them, i just need all co ops on hard and drop em like liquid to plat.

    raziel once wrote..."davie's to nice for this forum"!
  • Constant and as yet unresolved phone line issues have kept me off the forum and Live for a few weeks now. This and a rekindled love for MTB means I've spent less time on gaming than normal. I have found time to finish a couple of games though.

    Uncharted 3

    Enjoyable romp from start to finish. Spectactular settings/set pieces and a genocidal head count that would make an 80's Schwarzenegger flick blush. Enjoyed the story line and the fleshing out of Nathan's back story. What I enjoyed less was the finicky cover system and NPC comrades getting in your way resulting in frustrating deaths. As a newcomer to the series I've completed all 4 games this year and had a blast. Not bothered with the multiplayer aspect (boardband barely works atm anyway)

    Uncharted: Golden Abyss

    Lacked the variety and spectacle of the PS3 games. Locations are particularly repetative (media constraints?) Also missing some of the charm and characterisation of the Naughty Dog installments. Looked lovely on the OLED screen and preserves a lot of the detail of the home versions. Touch screen implementation was mixed, swiping to grap ledges adds to the drama as both you and Nathan both grab for a handhold, but charcoal rubbing and excessively long QTE's are not so welcome. Was a trudge towards the end to finish it.

    Advance Wars: Dual Strike

    Picked up Chrono Trigger and Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story to take on hol with me and saw this the day before in HMV for £4. The other games never got a look in. I've been through the campaign 3 times so far and still have the compulsion to play it. The bright visuals and ridiculous dialogue ooze charm and the excellently balanced units make striving for S ranks a delight. I get a fair amount of time to play hand held games at work, but this time is often broken into 10-15 min segments. The turn based nature means I can snap this closed at a monments notice and return to it with ease. This will continue to get hammered for months to come.
    Xbox/PS3/Wii U: Enragedwhale
  • I_R wrote:
    Dead Island - Not sure if we'd left this too long before going back, but the final section felt really weak. Dullest area by far, the NPC's have zero character and the plot falls apart badly. Pity really, because it was working pretty well as a daft romp before that stage.

    I'd agree the last part is the weakest, could've done more with that scenario but it didn't really go anywhere.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    The last section of Dead Island was borked to fuck. It seemed to have a load of cutscenes missing, making an already ropey story even harder to follow.

    The story and cutscenes were easily the worst thing about it, ranging from laughably bad to just plain awful. The fact we've pumped 23 hours into it speaks volumes for the combat and settings though. I had fun with it.
  • Speaking of the tiresome expansion of zombie games - Deadlight. This wasn't a complete disaster, and the audiovisual presentation was a success but did feature:

    - Distractingly hammy narration/exposition
    - Bullshit trial-n-error grind at the end
    - Linearity where I'da preferred Metroidism

    Liked the stamina management though.
  • Spec-Ops The Line

    Everything you read about the story being the best part of this game is spot on. It was a very mature, interesting story told reasonably well and the game really deserves merit for attempting the story it did. The game played very well, with tight controls, lovely settings and some decent set pieces. It did have some frustrating moments towards the end but these didn't distract too much. It's not overly long so I would definately recommend a rental, borrow, cheap buy.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • regmcfly
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    This. Still tearing between whether the story elevated it to greatness or not.
  • Not greatness, but certainly above most other shooters.  I am closing in on the conclusion.
    GT: WEBBIN5 - A life in formats: Sinclair ZX81>Amstrad CPC 6128>Amiga 500>Sega Megadrive>PC>PlayStation 2>Xbox>DS Lite>Xbox 360>Xbox One>Xbox One X>Xbox Series X>Oculus Quest 2
  • That's Binary Domain in the bag.

    Very enjoyable throughout, the shooting is so damn visceral it never gets boring despite the game not really throwing much variation at you at all.
    Storyline was a blast too, by the end I was properly into it and shouting at the TV (a good thing)
    PSN: Shinji-_-Ikari
    Twitter: @YouDidItAll4Me
  • regmcfly
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  • That's what I said after the credits
    PSN: Shinji-_-Ikari
    Twitter: @YouDidItAll4Me
  • Bollockoff
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    A bit disappointed I didn't get to pilot one of the mechs.
  • Bollockoff
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    A mech on mech tit for tat with the end boss could have been well good.
  • Would have been, the last boss was only the real dud note the game hit. Went on way too long and got tedious fairly quickly
    PSN: Shinji-_-Ikari
    Twitter: @YouDidItAll4Me
  • Also a bit Deus Ex Machina

    ohoho i slay me
  • regmcfly
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    I actually loved the last boss. Was a proper fuck off boss.
  • I don't usually get to use this GIANT MEGA THING RAR
  • regmcfly
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    SO I FUCKING WILL that's a great ending
  • Azuras Wrath
    I'll post something in the 'Case For..' thread when I have time to do it justice, but it's certainly enjoyable. The fighting mechanics are pretty competent (although not as deep as Bayonetta or DMC), but boss fights do descend into a find the pattern, rinse and repeat grind (especially on 'Hard'). Very, very nicely presented though, how can you not love a game where you get your arms burned off so headbutt your opponent to death.

    Rent or buy for £10 for maximum funage.
  • Spec Ops: The Line

    Now finished. As I said in Currently Playing, at first glance a straight forward, linear shooter, solid if unspectacular gunplay, the usual take cover and thin out the enemy numbers. However, as Reg has also preached, elevated above many of its peers by the story, tone and setting.

    The term 'story driven shooter' should usually have you running for the hills, but this is such a well crafted narrative that it compels you through the game. Mature in tone, it explores some dark avenues and in some cases, provokes a genuine reaction to the events you push your character, Captain Walker (Nolan North), through. You can really feel the tone darken the further into the game you delve, the final third providing an interesting twist.

    It's an interesting game and one that should definitely be played, it's too easy to dismiss it as just another shooter. Yager deserve credit for taking the risky route of investing in the story, with an eye for detail and a fantastic soundtrack that adds so much to the atmosphere.

    GT: WEBBIN5 - A life in formats: Sinclair ZX81>Amstrad CPC 6128>Amiga 500>Sega Megadrive>PC>PlayStation 2>Xbox>DS Lite>Xbox 360>Xbox One>Xbox One X>Xbox Series X>Oculus Quest 2

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