The Write Stuff - NKOTB tribute thread
  • I haven't even got so far as to get a rejection, though I did submit a story to the Manchester Literature Festival but that didn't even get a rejection notice. Can't decide if that's better or worse.

    I read over an unfinished story of mine earlier. I've been meaning to finish it for ages and I think it's about time I got it done. I enjoyed reading it too, which can only be a good thing.
  • Enjoying what you've written can only be a good thing, absolutely. The thing with rejections, I guess, is that they're going to happen. Nigh on certain. The main frustration I have atm is having submitted two things to Interzone, who can take an eternity to respond. High end market too, so I'm not expecting much.

    Forgive the indulgence, I've been writing a bit of a stream of consciousness story in a particular style. I know where it's going, fairly hopeful of making it interesting in the end. I've been trying to write in very different styles with the last few things I've done (no purple prose at all to victorian-esque horror to classic swords 'n' sorcery D'n'D stylio) and it's been great fun. Not sure how I'd describe this. Vague?

    Here it is so far.
  • Nice. Plenty of intrigue re: their destination, the captain, the masks, etc. The writing itself is good too, with only one or two issues that a quick edit would sort easily (that's not a criticism, mind, just an observation).
  • Cheers - Definitely some editing needed. Trying to break the habits of infinite edit at the moment and get stuff finished.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Try and work the way I do. Ignore all errors and type until its finished, then have a look back :)

    Insect is coming along, I've restarted it as its heading in a different direction now. Its good to be back letting the words pour out.
  • Ack, can't do that. I fight off the urge to edit as best I can but there's no way I can write through to an end point without going back and reworking at least some of it.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Different strokes for different folks. If I edit as I go, I lose my focus.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Although the process I have sometimes makes me re-read it and just give up. See that bit of a story I posted a page or two back. It reads horribly to me.

    Its weird how the brain works.
  • Yeah, it's a balance for me. I tend to finish a few paragraphs, give them a quick polish, then move on. Come back later. Or sometimes I'll just re-read and edit when I'm not sure what to write next.

    Like you say, different strokes.

    Looking forward to Insect. Found this is quite a nice resource - - gives a good idea of response times, as well as what markets are out there.
  • I got my first royalty statement today, for the first 7 months or so of sales. Not exactly earning a living off it just yet...
  • Monies is monies, and many people don't even get to the point of earning anything from their work. Good stuff! :)

    I got back in the saddle today, continuing the short story I mentioned earlier. About 300 words in total, but felt really good to be writing again after such a long break.
  • I just got my first royalties through last week. Only enough for a few beers, but it's something, I guess.

    Currently gnawing at my fist as my SPACE STORY sits with Interzone. It's been "in-progress" for a few days, which is mildly frustrating, but I suppose the longer it sits there the better. I don't think it's particularly suited to their magazine so I doubt they'll want it anyway, even if the quality is there. Which I'm not convinced it is (particularly the end).

  • Still in-progress. Lighthouse has now joined it at that stage.

    Black Static are now accepting online submissions. Possibly of great interest to you, DS, as they're a fairly premier horror mag and online submissions save sooo much time & effort.
  • Good luck, Tiger.

    I've been thinking about adapting the short story that I'm writing into a novel, as part of a series of short stories. I know that I should finish editing the first novel and get it out there, but can't help thinking that writing its sequel could actually help with the publishing process.
  • Dark Soldier
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    I've slipped on writing of late, keep letting real world shiz geť in the way. Will have to start setting an hour a day aside.

    Cheers for the heads up tiger, and good luck to you both in the writing.

    Finally got back into some writing lately and I included an excerpt of a recent piece through the link above! It's all part of increasing productivity and attempting to get some stuff out there for people to read, so I hope to post regular shorts and excerpts from now on.

    Feedback is always appreciated.
  • SFX are doing a short zombie story competition (to be eventually judged by Darren Shan).  I haven't written anything in ages but thought I would give it a go.  The wife enjoyed my story, I will send it in and see if it gets anywhere.

    I think this link should take you to it.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • Be careful with submitting entire stories on your blog, many submission competitions will consider this "published" and you won't be able to enter it.

    Good luck though! :)
  • Ooo thats interesting. I will prob take it down before I submit then.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • Hmm, I might try and write something for that.


    I heard the screams. They were ripping through the doors like paper and gurgling and moaning and then wait it's a tiger and he's killed all the zombies! Hooray.
  • Was having a read through the ol' Child's Play tome. Really wish I'd given my story a proper edit. Horrible reading it back now.

    @aaroncupboard Didn't you used to have more stories on your blog or was that someone else? Some fantasy stuff?

    @chief Would offer a critique but obviously it's quite short. Might be more worthwhile to post something a touch longer if you want feedback?
  • That's a good point. Guess I'm a bit rusty at this, being away from it for so long.
    I'm gonna be posting up an excerpt from another story either tonight or tomorrow, I'll make sure to include a longer piece this time!
  • Dark Soldier
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    I've not written a thing in months. Shameful really.
  • Chief wrote:
    That's a good point. Guess I'm a bit rusty at this, being away from it for so long. I'm gonna be posting up an excerpt from another story either tonight or tomorrow, I'll make sure to include a longer piece this time!
    Ok, cool. Don't take that as a POST MORE YOU SHIT - It's easier to see where something is going and to get an interest for the story with something a bit longer. :)

    DS - Write more you shit.
  • Dark Soldier
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    But...but...all the games :(
  • I know, I know. I haven't been doing anything of late. All I've done lately is edit the story I sent you a while ago. Would post it but reformatting it would be a right bugger.
  • Actually, would like some more trial readers for it if anyone fancies a look. 4500 words or so. Horror/Fantasy. 

    Here's an excerpt...

  • @Tiger: Yep but that was a different website.  I have not written anything  in so long that I could not remember what the password for the site was.

    I have been intending to go back to some fantasy.  The world I was creating  has always stuck with me.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • Ah, ok.

    Have gone back to the NOVEL. It's at 11k at the moment which isn't, um, much. But I enjoy the writing so maybe it'll get there eventually. A couple of excerpts below. The first is a kinda prologue sorta thing, the second is a few chapters in. It's actually part of the story I started for NaNo a couple of years ago, which I've gutted and restarted.

    Enjoy (I hope).

  • Formatting woes...

    EDIT: Actually, have sacked off the above for now and am melting the above parts together in a short story, which is what they started off as being a part of but then I thought I should probably write a novel but actually short stories don't take quite so long so I may go down that route.

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