The Write Stuff - NKOTB tribute thread
  • Cheers. I found it really weird reading the synopsis they wrote for Rabbit. Like... I don't know. It's just weird having it summed up by someone else, I guess.
    When Rabbit visits, life changes. A friendship grows and this mysterious girl seems to be
    changing a young boy’s life for the better. But things begin to turn ugly as Rabbit’s 
    obsession with understanding how everything works results in dire consequences.
    THE NOVEL isn't going all that great. I've had another change of plans with how I want it to move. I can still keep much of what I've written up to this point, but I'm finding it difficult to really crack on with it at the moment. THE NOVEL is my failed NaNoWriMo piece. Love the big concept but I'm finding the actual, y'know, plot, pretty hard to nail down.

    Glad you've been making progress, DS. I wonder how much more I could have done in my life if I didn't post on forums... worrying stuff. Probably shouldn't dwell on it, haha!
  • Dark Soldier
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    It'll come, Tiger, it always does. Getting a publish credit will be a help, I'm trying to get this out to agents (that's the goal) with no credits, gonna be tough. Been reading a lot about the process of writing recently. This is a good little site: (the previous iterations are linked within the link)

    Not preachy, not telling you exactly what to do, just advice. Well, well worth a look.
  • Should be helpful, for sure. Could do with a a few more credits and then I might start pitching THE NOVEL at agents. Next story I'm going to send to Interzone and/or Tor and see what happens. You never know... better to aim at the higher end of the market and work your way down than vice versa.

    Trying to polish off the first draft of the sci-fi story in the next few days. If anyone fancies a beta read once it's finished I'll ping them a copy.

    I might read something by Chuck Wendig. I like his blog.
  • Dark Soldier
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    What is the higher end (for darker fiction, anyway)? I need to send summat off while writing THE NOVEL. I've had a look at a few but nothing has taken my fancy.

    Mainly following King's advice of get it down no matter how it looks/reads, wait a few weeks (pref while writing something else) then edit like a mofo.
  • I'm no expert, to be honest. Interzone and it's sister mags (Black Static for horror) seem like good places to aim for. Interzone has had stories from some big names (Moorcock, Banks, and plenty more) and seems to be a regular contender for Hugo Awards.

    Black Static deals with horror and dark fantasy up to 10,000 words. Might be useful? Not sure.

    You coud also look at They deal with all sorts of speculative fiction and pay well.

    King's advice sounds solid. A lot harder to do in practice, sadly.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Cheers man, I'll check out a few. May edit and try out the one I posted in here, worth a crack.

    KUTGW, tiger. And keep here updated, I'm interested.
  • A guy asked about this on another forum, and a publisher got back to him with advise, I'll find it for you both.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Ya ledge.
  • I wouldn't send off something unsolicited. It just ends up on a huge slush pile where people read it with low expectations.

    A much better plan is to find out the name and interests of a person in a publishing house (or, much better, an agency) and email them pitching the idea and attempting to interest them.

    At least then
    a) you don't waste time and paper sending off something they're not interested in.
    b) you've got a name of someone receiving something they've actually asked for.

    With a novel it's much better to finish the whole thing before sending it out - even if a publisher liked it they'd want to see the whole thing before making a decision (again this is a reason why you should get an agent involved possible - they can read it and edit it and know exactly which publisher you send it to).

    Don't be discouraged to do it - it's by no means impossible to get an agent and a publishing deal if you convince them you're serious and you can write but I definitely don't recommend just sending it in for the slush pile.


    To be entirely honest, your chances are very, very limited.

    Yes, some small publishers will read unsolicited work, but bear in mind that publishers that small are very limited organisations - so even if they loved it and wanted to take it on, don't expect to see it on the shelf in Waterstones (there are exceptions - a very small Scottish press has just got a book on the Booker longlist, which is cool).

    The standard way of putting out a novel is to get an agent - they are the people to send your book to. Think which novelists you like and who you think your work fits alongside, find who represents them (should be pretty straightforward on Google), look up their submissions procedures and go for it. Lots are very forthcoming about how the process works. But again, the chances are still very, very slim, it's not a boom time in publishing and debut literary novels are becoming increasingly rare.

    The other thing I'd say is, there may not be a whole lot of point submitting an unfinished novel. These people don't want to see your potential, they want to see a marketable product. They don't want you to give them a cliff hanger, they want you to tell them how it ends (a full synopsis will be standard with any submission). I have heard of agents picking up unfinished novels, but the chances are if they inquire about it and find it's not written yet, yet they have better things to do than wait for it.

    Sorry if this sounds like a downer, obviously agents are still in the business of finding talent and getting it out to publishers, and it's all out there for you, but it ain't easy. Best of luck!
  • Dark Soldier
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    Yeah, agent would be goal re: a novel. For £12 there's a huge database here:

    Where you can sort by genre etc. Heard its near impossible to get a deal for a book unsolicited these days.
  • Popped up on Reddit - Palahniuk advice on short-cuts and "thought verbs":
    (apologies if it's already been posted - I haven't been reading this thread.)
  • Palahniuk's advice is good. Makes me squirm about my own writing, heh.

    Anyhow, I need some beta readers for a short story. 7000-8000 words or so. Hit me up if you're interested.
  • Me
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • I got one of my short stories published this month. Really chuffed!
  • Great stuff, Scout! What kind of story is it?

    Rev - Will ping you a PM tomorrow.
  • Cheers dude. It's a somewhat dark, autobiographical tale about a time I spent in a small Aussie outback town.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Scout any chance of a read? Kudos man.

    Tiger, I'd love to read whatever it is you've written but I ain't the best come grammar and stuff. Happy to give feedback about flow/style and such.
  • Sure DS. I only have it on pdf at the moment. Shall I send you that? If you fire me a pm with an email I'll send it over.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Awesome, I'll convert it to mobi :)
  • Wonderful piece of writing scout.
    I hate you.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Dark Soldier
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    Currently working on something I'm excited about, quite different to my usual stuff :D

    Tiger, I'll read yours tomorrow when I head home and chuck you a PM. Apologies on the delay.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Here it be, if ya care to read:
  • I'm pretty sure I don't have anywhere near enough time to do this, but might give it a go.  In any case - it's National Novel Writing Month starting tomorrow.  Write a novel in a month!  Watch your fingers bleed!
  • More please DS. That was excellent.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Dark Soldier
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    Thanks man :)

    However, I gave up on it at that point, its not the thing I want to write (the thing that keeps buzzing in my head is a haunted type story). Will go back to it at some point. though, gonna make it a novella.

    Also, a shout to Tiger for me being the utterly hopeless help that I am. My bad, man.
  • Don't be silly, DS. I heart you.

    Anyway... BiMonSciFiCon.... Anyone in this year? I've got way too much on, sadly.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Aye I've barely written anything in about three months. I know what my New Year resolution is gonna be!
  • New Years Resolution - To write more, to finish more, and to submit more.

    Yesterday I wrote. Today I submitted my first thing since Rabbit. Nervous, excited, pleased to have just got the damn thing out there. Would never have been happy with it. Now I can move onwards and upwards and outwards and etc.

    Almost finished the first draft to a new horror short yesterday too. ALL STATIONS GO GRRR.
  • I finished writing my first novel last year, will start editing it from tomorrow with a view to getting it published later in the year. I know it'll be a long process and there's a mountain of work ahead of me, but I'm realistic about my chances and well and truly ready to work for this.

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