Star Trek
  • God that tilly decision is utterly stupid and moronic. It just goes to show, that so little time has been spent developing the other bridge crew characters, that you cant name anyone who should be the
    . Stanits, tilly, saru, burnham and georgiou are the only characters i can name and we are in season 3.

    Oh dont get me started on
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    Stanits, tilly, saru, burnham and georgiou are the only characters i can name and we are in season 3.].

    Good god, you're right. That's pretty damning for an ensemble show.
    PSN : time_on_my_hands
  • mannaboy
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    It could be argued we had five other series that stuck to the familiar bridge crew formula and Discovery with its initial non-captain focus is trying to be something different.

    I didn’t hate the latest episode, despite so much Burnham focus yet again.
    Things can only get better.
  • I'm all for focusing on someone other than the captain. It must be the quality of the writing or the actress because its all so over emotional and huggy huggy. If its not the writing then the role was miscast and they needed someone with the screen presence to hold your attention ala eva green in Penny Dreadful.

    GoT managed to flesh out characters in 10 espiodes per season but Discovery cant, apart from a few characters the rest are cardboard. So when they are written out of the show, it means nothing. Robot girl died and what? What did she do? Who replaced her? The security chief left the previous episode and no discussion on who replaces her or is the new security chief. Tilly get a promotion but where are the career driven characters who are pissed that an ensign got promoted over them. What does the admiral think of a captain who makes such a stupid decision?

    Also where is the brainy super smoking hot character ala Seven of Nine, Jadzia Dax, T'Pol.
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    Also where is the brainy super smoking hot character ala Seven of Nine, Jadzia Dax, T'Pol.

    Without sounding like I'm getting all political, there's an obvious move towards 'normal' looking female characters (similar to the move to plus size models in fashion), even to the point of actively adding physical imperfections (two female bridge crew members with cybernetic repairs to injury?). I'm going to avoid the word 'woke', because I think it's an unhelpful term that oversimplifies a complex discussion, but there's a lot of what's associated with it in this show.

    The guys are still largely eye candy, though.

    I genuinely don't have a problem with any of this, by the way. It's a nice change from how traditionally female stars had to largely be classically beautiful, but male character actors could be more unconventional looking. I do have an issue with how there's a noted rise in male mental illness resulting from unreasonable physical expectations. Seriously - allow both men and women to look 'normal', don't just reverse the status quo.

    Anyhow, back to Trek...

    PSN : time_on_my_hands
  • but male character actors could be more unconventional looking.


    SFV - reddave360
  • Nerd girl Trekkies fancying Saru is a ‘thing’ apparently.
  • Okay - Saru is a bit of an exception...
    PSN : time_on_my_hands
  • poprock wrote:
    Nerd girl Trekkies fancying Saru is a ‘thing’ apparently.

    An he played quite a charming Abe Sapien. Hellboy was a great 'ugly guys have hearts, too' movie.

    Ditto shagging Sally Hawkins in The Shape of Water. Weird hot chicks dig monsters.

    PSN : time_on_my_hands
  • EvilRedEye
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    They really played up the sexualisation of those ingénue-type characters towards the end of the TNG era - Seven with her catsuits and T'Pol with the decontamination sequences and stuff. We do live in a different era but I also think the fact that that kind of character has the legacy of the franchise bearing down on it was also probably off-putting for the producers. If you have a female character that is obviously there for their sex appeal three times in a row, you can't write that off as co-incidence, it's just a blantantly sexist trope.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • Definitely a trope that was pushed too far with that scene in Into Darkness where (forgotten character name) strips down to her bra for no good reason.
    PSN : time_on_my_hands
  • All valid points. From my perspective its sci-fi and an hour to switch off from normal life, so i would like some eye candy on my scifi show please.
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    All valid points. From my perspective its sci-fi and an hour to switch off from normal life, so i would like some eye candy on my scifi show please.

    Acceptable request - especially as it's likely that cosmetic surgery and augmetics would probably be pretty advanced by that point in the future.
    PSN : time_on_my_hands
  • Go epsiode 8 was shite. This is very far off from ST at its peak.
  • EvilRedEye
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    I don't really like how most episodes this season have been generic action episodes with a little bit of serialised plot ticking away in the background.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • "Daddy, i love star trek discovery"

    Daddy to himself, ok little johnny i will buy you a star trek toy.

    Fade to xmas day, little johnny is unwrapping his xmas presents.

    "Daddy, why does Captain Saru look like freddie kruger?"

  • Christ this episode was bad. I stand by my assertion that the writers know nothing about sci-fi and possibly dislike the genre.
    Non of it made a lick of sense. Just take the attack on the Veridian by Book's ship. FFS did they not say that this was a fully armed battle cruiser? So Book's smaller ship was able to take down ALL its weapon systems? See Id buy that if it was a one-time deal. We got one shot to do this and then our shields are fucked. But no, they did repeated flybys. And the solution? To disable flight assist. What the fuck? Use the force Luke....

    And the thing with Ryn. So you have ONE guy that knows the terrible, dark secret that you are running out of dilithium (in a universe that is running on dillithium fumes anyway..). You dont kill him. You put him in a salvage yard where he has ample scope to tell others or maybe even get rescued. really? And in the episode before on Vulcan, them asking was Spock so awesome because Burnham was his sister?????? Christ.....

    I have no problem with the introduction of more "regular" looking women characters. But make them competent. Say what you like about 7 of 9 or Dax etc. They were highly intelligent, capable characters. Yeah they were hawt but it was a side show to their abilities. Look at the bunch of clowns on this show ffs. The guys on the show remain all dreambois though. Mostly.
    The black woman up front with with cyborg face pilot. All she seems to do is constantly tell everyone about how great cyborg face is. When clearly cyborg face is having some sort of periodic malfunctions. The show seems to want to tell us how great characters are than showing why they are great.
    Totally agree, when full cyborg woman or the security woman left, who gives a fuck? What were their names? What impact did they have? Fuck all. Yet there is Burnham gnashing her teeth as per usual. 

    What I will say though, is the doctor has taken acting lessons, he is MUCH better than he was. Stamits too, Im kinda liking his relationship with Adira. 
    Its series three, I barely know the characters and for the most part, those I do know are less characters and more plot devices than anything else. My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • This season has been awful. Season 1&2 were ok. Its just boring. The cause of the burn is interesting but the rest of the fluff around it isn't. Emerald Chain isnt really threatening as an enemy.

    Georgeou is criminally underused. Show needs a shake up. Kill off burnham, saru and the grey cardboard crew. Leave georgeou as captain with a new crew or something.

  • I hate they way Michael says "The Burrrrrrrrrn".

    I really liked Georgiou but she is becoming a bit of a parody of her former self.  Instead of chaotic and villainous she often comes off as childish and petulant.
  • This season has been absolute horseshit, coming from someone that really enjoyed the previous two. IMO Georgeou is the best character, and agree she's underused.

    I know this isn't about star-trek but here she is jumping onto a train on a motorbike.

    Her outtakes from that movie are insane.
  • It's a shame because I liked the first two episodes. I'm going to give the rest a miss.
    PSN : time_on_my_hands
  • On the reddit thread for this, they are saying rating are in the toilet and cbs would like to cancel discovery as a show but cant due to an iron clad contract. Might be bullshit.
  • EvilRedEye
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    That sounds quite conspiracy theory-ish. Weren't there rumours about this not planning to run as long as the TNG-era shows? I wouldn't be surprised if this ends with Season 4.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • Im conflicted. I want Trek on telly. But I want good Trek. Id settle for barely passable Trek though tbh. Which I think this just about is. 
    Must check out the sub reddit for this... My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • EvilRedEye
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    I'm holding out hope for Strange New Worlds.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • It’s daft big budget episodic sci-fi. Picard was the same. I’m fine with it. Switch off brain and enjoy the big dumb ride.
  • Raiziel
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    I decided to call it a day after the first ep of season three.  Fingers crossed for Strange New Worlds, but hopes aren’t high.
    Get schwifty.
  • I do wonder if they had listened to bryan fuller and followed his ideas whether the show would have been much better. He wanted Discovery as an anthology with each season discovery visiting the timeline of TNG, DS9, VOYAGER and the mirror universe. It would have been very expensive but oh so very very cool.

    Battle of binary stars was his vision, and he left before that aired due to the creative differences with the beancounters. This show is currently so far away in quality from Battle of the Binary Stars that it might as well be a different show entirely.
  • That was maybe never going to be on the cards when Discovery was greenlit, because of the insane rights issues back then.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Dinostar77 wrote:
    I do wonder if they had listened to bryan fuller and followed his ideas whether the show would have been much better. He wanted Discovery as an anthology with each season discovery visiting the timeline of TNG, DS9, VOYAGER and the mirror universe.
    Done right, that would have been pretty cool.

    When is Strange New Worlds due out?

    As as aside, Im watching The Walking Dead and Burnham is in it. And she can act just fine. No crazy over emotes. My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja

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