General VR and AR chinwag
  • Is the $300 dev kit the new HD version or the crumby one?
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Old one
  • i'd imagine the HD kit wont be much more, or any more possibly, and they'll just stop making the older one. something new to waste taxpayers money on \o/
  • Oh, yeah, got SotC working, is was a complete pain in the butt but an education, apparently the ps2 didn't have a 'z' in the generally understood sense so making stereo images for it was very hard, but i found a suitable plugin for psxe2 and with a lot of faff it worked! And very nice it looked too, obv no headtracking but all those big things looked very big
  • LazyGunn wrote:
    i'd imagine the HD kit wont be much more, or any more possibly, and they'll just stop making the older one. something new to waste taxpayers money on \o/

    Could even be less, going off what they've said in the past.
  • LazyGunn wrote:
    Oh, yeah, got SotC working, is was a complete pain in the butt but an education, apparently the ps2 didn't have a 'z' in the generally understood sense so making stereo images for it was very hard, but i found a suitable plugin for psxe2 and with a lot of faff it worked! And very nice it looked too, obv no headtracking but all those big things looked very big

    Colour me surprised it worked, I was half convinced all the bloom and stuff they did would have screwed it up. Nice to know it does, though; that's definitely a reason I'd consider getting one eventually.
  • Hopefully! I saw quite a while ago them having some cool ideas about how they get these things into as many hands as possible so the consumer model should be significantly more affordable than $300, so yeah it would make sense and be going in the right direction to have the HD out for less. I'd imagine they've figured out suppliers and assembly more confidently too by now
  • AJ wrote:
    LazyGunn wrote:
    Oh, yeah, got SotC working, is was a complete pain in the butt but an education, apparently the ps2 didn't have a 'z' in the generally understood sense so making stereo images for it was very hard, but i found a suitable plugin for psxe2 and with a lot of faff it worked! And very nice it looked too, obv no headtracking but all those big things looked very big
    Colour me surprised it worked, I was half convinced all the bloom and stuff they did would have screwed it up. Nice to know it does, though; that's definitely a reason I'd consider getting one eventually.

    It is currently a pain in the butt i must say although now i've got it figured it wouldn't be too hard to explain the how to, but you do probs need a decent machine and you wont get any headtracking so you'd just have to enjoy the bigness of everything, although it was impressive. When the camera swoops down with the bird by those mountains it was pretty cool.
  • Well, it's going to be a while before I can afford a decent machine (current one's got integrated Intel graphics and can barely run anything) and a Rift on top of that. But I'd be holding out for a better model, anyway.

    Excited about the bigness, though; that's what it's all about.
  • More big means more depth and that's Occulus Sense
  • isanbard
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    3DS 0361-6861-4525

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    The rumours of Sony doing their own version and demoing it behind closed doors at the minute is intriguing too to me. 
    Is it just going to be a tick box in a devkit eventually? Is there a hush hush type of whisper that folks are making perhaps gen 2 games with some of the stereoscopic and full 3D gaming issues in mind? 
    Trying to reverse engineer the lowl res dev Rift into all manner of current gen (an earlier??! crikey!) seems to very much need some decent level of nerding but it would seem that we are on the cusp of it getting to consumer level release. A lot of devs would have these (and Sony? MS? brand versions??) kits now so if you're currently designing proper next gen (not all platform, fudge over early gen titles like AC4, Watchdogs and all that) is it going to be easy to make sure you design interfaces to not present the Skyrim type problems you mentioned Gunn?
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt
  • Well, i'd say we're probs a year or so from a consumer release, not sure, would love to see their current hd model and if it has head translation tracking as well as rotation, but its something theyve both said they want to get right and not much else at all. Regarding games made for it, it's going to be quite a journey as motion sickness is definitely an issue for the first week or two and thats going to need adressing in traditional games design terms if we're going to see traditional games on it, and it has a particular effect on visuals that it can complement wonderfully (Dear Esther) or completely undermine (Dark Souls). And that's just one of plenty of issues the device can pose, also solving those issues makes the device more useful. It is going to be a big deal though and i can see there being flavours by all makers on all platforms, much like monitors aren't only being made by one company. Of course each one will have to either develop or license the technology but yes I can see it being widely adopted after its creases are rubbed out

    Funny you should say but my preoccupation with making skyrim play ball has ended up with me spending the day getting visual studio and downloading the latest source for the main free answer to retrofitting existing games with the rift and compiling it myself. It just got done 30 mins ago but not tested it yet, hopefully though it should let me play skyrim with the pad and then i can actually settled down and enjoy the game. M&K just isnt too fun with it, pad is miles better, so it's interesting convergence with valve's latest controller efforts, everything's coming together.

    I'll keep you informed!
  • I'm very tempted to get hold of the prototype after reading all this. My better half will fucking kill me if I buy this and the consumer model. Mmmmmm...
  • I got the bad working with a lil program called xpadder by the way, my skyrim looks lovely and i think i'm going to get stuck into it all today, god willing

    I've also had a go on Dirt 3, which although i couldnt get to work in directx 11, still looks brilliant in 9 and cockpit cam with headtracking is genuinely thrilling (And zero motion sickness strangely). I think i'll be playing that a bunch too
  • That thing looks sweet, its been brought up before, but it doesnt project a retail price or how it will compete with whatever hd unit the oculus guys have going atm, acemuzzy got confirmation that such a thing exists. In the end however it beams into your eyes the main problems are those related to extended use - game compatibility, adaptation to non-analogous game-irl motion and suchlike. I'd love to spunk money on such a thing but oculus' mission was to put this stuff in everyones hands affordably, there have been other 3d hmds that do the same thing for a bit but cost a grand+
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    Aye cost is the fear of beaming into the brain.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • I dunno if that's getting goofy or not
  • This future-matrix shit is coming along rather splendidly. I was getting concerned my retirement plans would stay a mere pipe dream.
  • The look of that new one is pretty neat. Its certainly less apparently immersive than OR but has some better real world applications (for example not walking into a door).
  • For sure, i just thought the 'wand' looked a bit dorky
  • dynamiteReady
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    "I didn't get it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, you fucking do your thing." - Roujin
    Ninty Code: SW-7904-0771-0996

    You da man, Carmack. Although I just predicted a consumer price bump
  • Damn, Euro Truck Simulator on here now. Shit just got real.
  • I've never understood how those things work. Do you go super fast, or does it actually take hours and hours to finish a route?
  • dynamiteReady
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    LazyGunn wrote: You da man, Carmack. Although I just predicted a consumer price bump

    That's a nerd's nerd right there. Real talk.

    For the record though, I'm still not sure about the Oculus, but definitely want to try one out.
    "I didn't get it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, you fucking do your thing." - Roujin
    Ninty Code: SW-7904-0771-0996
  • AJ wrote:
    I've never understood how those things work. Do you go super fast, or does it actually take hours and hours to finish a route?
    It's an accelerated time of day, you might be ably to make it real time though, not sure. But no, you don't go super fast. It's actually pretty great.
  • So you do travel faster, then, just not super fast?
  • I guess it's like a game of FIFA, where you do a whole match in 20 minutes. You're not running round speeded up like little men in some black & white film from the thirties.

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