Dragon's Dogma
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    I've not been able to get on in ages. I'm still trying to find a legal way into bhattal or whatever it's called. I thought I had sussed it only to be given a scavenger quest by a book ponce wizard. Presumably it's locked behind story missions but I've still not progressed that. I've got a port crystal in my sky rocket so I'm going to go the long way around again and then it won't be an issue.

    Saw the sphinx, dropped my arse and left without starting the quest as I'd only just changed vocation and had base gear so if it went pear shaped I didn't fancy my chances.

    Another pawn has got the plague. I'm not sure how they get it or even what the drawback is, she's still acting normally except for the odd power trip voice line. Weird. I'll hopefully get on tonight and continue the adventure
  • Your inventory is sorted into sections but it's not really clear. Crafting items seem to be scattered throughout, but it goes in order of healing items, consumables like spell books, weapons and armour, upgrade materials. I'm going off memory so this is probably a bit wonky and I'll have missed stuff, but if you have a scroll through you'll see what I mean and start to get a feel for it. To keep weight limits under control, craft everything you can and sell the excess. If you have a mage with you healing potions aren't really worth carrying around, so I sell those too. Dump the rest into the stash at the inn, their inventories link up and are accessable from shops when enhancing gear so you don't need to carry upgrade materials around. Target lock is for the weak, it's not needed in Monster Hunter and it's not needed here. What are you playing as by the way? I found the fighter to be gash and switched from it as soon as I'd unlocked the decent passive abilities. It's a great pick for your pawn though as they can attract all the aggro and let you fight one on one most of the time
    Thank you kindly. I'm rocking the thief at the moment as I like the flame buffs I'm getting from the mage. Magic users seem to be a must have in the party, so i'm running with a fighter, archer and mage which seems to be working out well. I'm willing to give this one some time, as it looks decent enough and the chat from the pawns is novel and fun.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • b0r1s
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    I've not been able to get on in ages. I'm still trying to find a legal way into bhattal or whatever it's called. I thought I had sussed it only to be given a scavenger quest by a book ponce wizard. Presumably it's locked behind story missions but I've still not progressed that. I've got a port crystal in my sky rocket so I'm going to go the long way around again and then it won't be an issue. Saw the sphinx, dropped my arse and left without starting the quest as I'd only just changed vocation and had base gear so if it went pear shaped I didn't fancy my chances. Another pawn has got the plague. I'm not sure how they get it or even what the drawback is, she's still acting normally except for the odd power trip voice line. Weird. I'll hopefully get on tonight and continue the adventure

    You get the legal way in by progressing the main quest.

    Good move on the Sphinx, the first task I chose nearly killed me and all the team, just about scraped through. Second one required some ridiculous memory/luck, the only way I'm doing that task is if I NG+ it.
  • Kow
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    I went for an archer and maybe it's because of that but I really don't like the combat. It just seems to be hitting the shoot button and occasionally holding a shoulder button at the same time and seeing what gets hit. Maybe it's coming from the Souls games but I expected more precision but it just seems a scrum and hoping you hit something.

    To me, it also seems very ugly and jerky and generally aesthetically unpleasant. I'll keep at it though.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Farkinell, my main pawn has the lurgi now. What do I do?
  • Kow wrote:
    I went for an archer and maybe it's because of that but I really don't like the combat. It just seems to be hitting the shoot button and occasionally holding a shoulder button at the same time and seeing what gets hit. Maybe it's coming from the Souls games but I expected more precision but it just seems a scrum and hoping you hit something. To me, it also seems very ugly and jerky and generally aesthetically unpleasant. I'll keep at it though.
    I felt the same about archer. Not fun at all.
    Farkinell, my main pawn has the lurgi now. What do I do?

    You have to yeet them into the brine, then get them back at a rift stone, where they will be cured
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Well that didn't happen but it looks like they're all better now so shrugs. No red eyes, no power tripping. Will getting KO'd in battle stop it? I fought a drake and they got bashed about a bit and I had to pick a couple up
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Went back to Mystic Spearhand, having tried out Fighter and Warrior to get a feel for them and nab some passive skills. Don't like either to be honest.

    Fighter is a bit slow and doesn't hit as hard as I'd like. It's also not as safe as you think despite the shield because the animations take a while and leave you open. It lacks movement options too. The daft spinny block is fun though.

    Warrior brings the power but it's harder to use than the Greatsword in MH. I whiff more here and just can't get into a flow with it. Especially against smaller mobs. You're protected while winding up, but the fights move so quickly and the enemies are so fast that I'm often swinging at sweet fuck all.

    Both of them are piss poor against anything airborne too, and considering how many sirens, Griffins and drakes there are it's a bit of a bummer.

    I'll try out the thief once Cass has maxed it out as I don't want to have to share gear with the lad. I think I'll make him a permanent warrior with a huge hammer for the knock downs.

    Got the trickster vocation but still no clue how to get the one I really want, magic archer. People in here knocking the regular archer must not be playing with the movement options enough, I fucking love jump kicking things in the face then shooting an arrow into their mush
  • b0r1s
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    Yep Archer was great and nice combination of blight, explosive arrows then the one that battered back the enemy sets off the explosion on the big beasties setting em alight you can then switch to manual aiming to hit weak spots. All worked really well.
  • Dark Soldier
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    I'm playing as a Warrior and having a great old time. Its just timing your swings and, with the smaller mobs, my pawns generally clear em for me. In the big fights I'm pure tanking and its a blast
  • Dark Soldier
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    Lads, with the five classes, do I have to do all of them or is it not a prerequisite? Cos I don't wanna switch from warrior.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    You don't have to do any, but there are some passive skills that would be handy for a warrior which are unlocked by other classes. Thief has the strength buff for example. I think mage has a stamina regen buff which I want but I can't be fucked playing healer and waiting for the pawns to do the killing
  • Dark Soldier
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    Cheers dude. I just hate being anything other than tank in games so I'll stick with it as long as I can then do others for a mix up.
  • b0r1s
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    I didn’t change class once. Only thing I want to do is find the bloody magic archer.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Mystic Spearhand is the real tank. Negates all damage with a magic bubble
  • There's a thief skill you can unlock that makes you invulnerable with a very mild stamina drain. Once I had that, combined with the very vertical spinny slashing jump move which is essential for taking down flying foes, and attacking dragon weakspots, it became pointless playing the other classes. I also had the dual blades that flashed/beeped when treasure was nearby, which you get as a reward for collecting seekers tokens, so that reinforced not changing from thief because I didn't want to miss out on any treasure.
  • I'm enjoying playing thief and I encounter my first dragon type that ran away once it's health got to a certain level. But four health bars? lmao. 
    This is fun, but it's a strong 7/10 fun. I'll play it a bit more and probably send it back to the rental place,
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Ploughed many a hour into it as a Thief, but I'm finding it to be too button-mashy now. Was tempted to go Archer (not rogue!) but although I've got plenty of Discipline in the bank to spend on skills, I'm level 25+ now, so I' assume switching classes and having to level up to unlock the ability to purchase Archer skills would be a bit of a ball-ache.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Blocks100 wrote:
    Ploughed many a hour into it as a Thief, but I'm finding it to be too button-mashy now. Was tempted to go Archer (not rogue!) but although I've got plenty of Discipline in the bank to spend on skills, I'm level 25+ now, so I' assume switching classes and having to level up to unlock the ability to purchase Archer skills would be a bit of a ball-ache.

    If you stay at the hardest content it can be a bit rough, but levelling up other classes isn't too bad, especially if you have decent pawns. I've switched a few times and after a few levels it's no issue, and gear helps a lot.
  • Sent this back to Boomerang today. Played a lot last night and it's just not getting it's hooks into me. I'll probably revisit again in the future. But not today..
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Kow
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    Might sell it too while I can get a bit of cash for it. Game have some guarantee if it's sold back before a certain date. It just isn't doing anything for me.
  • b0r1s
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    Latest patch: Reducing the infection frequency of dragonsplague and adjusting the signs of Pawns infected with dragonsplague to be more noticeable.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Still no idea what it does. Had it run through my pawns and not a lot happened. Weird
  • b0r1s
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    I read up on it. It’s potentially a huge pain in the arse if it happens.

    Spoiler explains it.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Clicked on it because I'm tired of waiting to find out. Glad I did. WTF?!

    Very strange mechanic that though. Fits in with most of the quests/story etc being absolutely all over the shop again. By far the weakest parts of these games, literally nothing makes any sense at all. If it's supposed to be a secret that I'm the true arisen, why does everyone recognize me by sight? I don't know why they cause these problems for themselves, it's like they've deliberately come up with a premise which totally goes against the way the game works
  • b0r1s
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    Ha ha. That’s a good point about everyone calling you Arisen even from towns you’d not been in before.

    Don’t know about your spoiler question. I’d killed three dragons at the point I’d got a suspected plague infected pawn (red eyes) but ditched her quickly and nothing happened to my posse.

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